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4 for Erin and 5 for fionn. Not cheap to have that amount of after school activities. But yeah she’s a poor single mammy
she has more disposable income than most dual income homes
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A €400 treat to an almost 5 year old for giving up the dummy 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 And I know before anyone starts lots of kids stay on a dummy at bed time for a long time but ER had hers day and night
Id say the dad was told to cough up in exchange for his “friendly” visit
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It seems that it's all about her feelings
Mejoolie is not over him thats for sure and because of that she's putting herself before her children. She really messed up yesterday telling them the Daddy was her friend when they are older and they find out they will see that as a betrayal, poor kids. Mejoolie has alot of growing up to do.

Lets remember she decided to come home from Oz, her decision. He wasn't committed enough to her to come back and stay.

Epic fail yesterday Mejoolie, a right royal f**k up. Invest more time in your children and less in yourself. You are always, whinging, bitching and moaning about how hard it is a single mother (you are not the only single more and you are doing alright for yourself in every way), you had a chance yesterday to do the RIGHT thing for YOUR KIDS and you made it all about yourself. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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She makes it seem like she got pregnant here & the dad randomly moved abroad! Doesn’t state that they both actually lived abroad & kids weren’t in the plan so therefore it was tough. The dad full stop shouldn’t have completely disappeared don’t get me wrong, so wrong for that BUT at the same time she got pregnant and saw that as a way to move home & take him with her which is unfair. Can’t assume because you’re pregnant the chap will up & move his life from where he was living either. Two sides to a story BOTH are in the wrong, I’m not defending the dad but imagine her coming & saying oh I’m pregnant let’s go to Ireland and visit family & then saying actually I’m not going back!
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Can you imagine the hack of her at the school gates on Tuesday? Still hungover from the wedding she’s attending, with the remnants of the make up/tan she got for that weekend wedding, still on her face! 🤢
The fake crocodile tears then about seeing the ‘twinnies’ off 🙈
You could write it
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U dont fool me

Well-known member
But didn't the twins go to bereavement councillor in msrymount so surely they understand grandads not coming back ???? Something don't add up here 🤔 all the times she posted videos of Robbins an them saying grandad bla bla bla 🤨🤔🤔🤔
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I hope the ma feels better soon and is alright but I've no sympathy for her with the way she's been carrying on and not looking after herself since she got out of hospital. Inevitable something was gonna go wrong.
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Chatty Member
There are thousands of children in Ireland not living in a stereotypical mum & dad set up.Thousands of children whose dads mostly live abroad.Many of these parents are handling this in the best way posdible.
Of course you cannot rare a child over the Internet but you can make a child feel wanted and loved.You can positively effect their self esteem and self confidence by showing them you are important to them.God knows they spend enough time on their ipads,a few short video calls a week,sending him videos of them at x y z,him sending clips from Oz,photos etc It's a foundation to build on.Of course if he started letting them down,not ringing at a promised time etc then that would be a different story.There was a real balls made of it all from day one.The whole thing was moulded to suit her narrative.
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Felt so sorry for the kids when she was saying she was meant to go to Ibiza and would love to take off somewhere. I’ve never heard anyone with kids making so many references of wanting to get away from them.
You can't begrudge her a holiday, she's a single mother to twins who never gets a break from them and doesn't get outside the door 🤥🤥 she hasn't been on a holiday already this year or any hotel stays or numerous hen nights and weddings god love her 🤣😅
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Here’s a thought Julie, instead of paying ‘all you can eat and drink’ in Lanzarote, invest in VHI for your mother so she can have a private consultant in the Bons to bring her in when she needs (I know it doesn’t always work like this but this shit sickens me)
She’d never do it. She’s the type of person who thinks her money is her own to spend as she wishes and it’s the state’s responsibility to ensure she has adequate access to housing, healthcare and that her children’s needs are being met (eg Fionn’s speech) Everything is everyone else’s responsibility and fault and it would never occur to her to maybe get a job or put her hand in her own pocket
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Now stop the fighting everyone! We are forgetting that her and burp have 2 big swollen mouths on them at the mo, Julie is trying to dump 2 kids and burp is sobbing into the camera over her hambryo! Back on track now ffs! Ye are worse than them with all the arguing! Let’s all agree they are 2 ignorant people and sip our wine watching the car crash!! 😂❤
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That’s no reason for him to forgo any kind of contact with them whatsoever
But we only have Julie’s word about this… for all we know he could be in contact on a weekly basis via FaceTime for example.
We need to remember that there are 3 sides to every story… his, hers and the truth and we all know Julie’s version will never be truthful.
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So great to hear Fionn speak so clearly just now. Pity his mother is taunting him for the camera and laughing at him.

They don't know how to use their little imaginations Julie because you give them the ipads to shut them up constantly.

God he's adorable.
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It's wherever you're lucky to get a bed these days and she should be grateful she got one and is getting the care she needed. I'd take a bed anywhere if it meant I got the treatment and care I needed anything to drum up a bit of attention. Did she mention how after major surgery her mam was acting the clown 🤡 drinking smoking dancing around the place like she never had anything wrong with her. Entitled idiots
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TBH she’s created this mess herself by not been truthful with the twins in the first place. If she’d just put aside her own feelings towards the twins dad she wouldn’t be in this situation. She decided to cut the dad out of their lives, she decided to not tell them who he was, she decided to let her dad take over the ‘father’ role, which should never have happened. The twins dad isn’t all innocent in this don’t get me wrong, but today’s stories just show that it’s all on her terms, she decided to not tell the twins the truth, she decided to tell them he was her friend, she decided that he can’t FaceTime them as ‘you can’t rare children through FaceTime’ although I do agree with her on that but all she wants is someone else to be able to palm the twins off on when she decides, it’s all on Julie’s terms, she’s actually quite selfish I think when it comes to the twins and contact with their dad and like I said it’s her way or no way so probably explains a lot about the relationship the twins have with their dad/he’s family. Not saying the dad is totally blameless either but she can’t get over the fact he wants a relationship with the twins and not her so the twins will suffer in the long run because she isn’t getting what she wants.
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Shes is beond words rileing the child before he even gets to the Barbers talking in front of him about how scared he is going to be.. what kind of mother then proceeds to video the hair cuts knowing the child is upset
More in her line to put that phone away and be a mother comforting the child
Shes an absolute disgrace
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