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Chatty Member
Do they think this is a new situation... I was in hospital having my baby last winter.. and old man definitely in his 80s didn't even have the luxury of a chair , he was sitting on his bag on the ground. Yes, absolutely disgraceful but only give a shit when it's effecting them.
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She's allowing a fucking 4 year old to uv light bleach their teeth. What a fucking fool.
Great brand ambassador comparing the product to a muzzel to put on children, not an inch of class around here.

Also, Julie babes, beige is NOT your colour put that hoodie in the bin x
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I got up at 5am

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Just to balance the argument why didn't Julie relocate to oz. Why should he have to give up whatever he's worked for to come home to no job/ career and be allowed see his kids for an hr or 2 on a Sunday.
From what I can see he's not far away enough from her.
Why should she? Her family is here, they give her support. There is no justification for him living in Oz and never seeing those kids. I don’t care how annoying she is, he is in the wrong
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Here’s a thought Julie, instead of paying ‘all you can eat and drink’ in Lanzarote, invest in VHI for your mother so she can have a private consultant in the Bons to bring her in when she needs (I know it doesn’t always work like this but this shit sickens me)
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Lads her stories are complete bullshit. I passed her several times on the way in and out to the toilet and bar last night. There was no queue of people anywhere near her. And not a drink in her hand. So coming on saying I’m dying is an act. We all know if she drinks a shot it has to go on Instagram. She’s a dangerous bitch honestly every word out of her mouth is lies
Same here. She was on her phone on her own most of the night and only took a photo when eoghan dineen arrived along with his teeth 😂😂 between her hun bun, fake tan and then him they looked a right state 🤭🤭🤭
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Julie if you're reading I really thought you were great Craic and a good laugh one time. Now you've gone down this road of lies and exaggerated stories with a disgusting amount of foul language. Reign it in for your own sake. No one will want to work with you
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Frilly Milly

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So much disrespect for hospital property. Common as much with the carry on with the leg on the radiator.🙄
No sympathy for whatever is going on with the mam. Half arsed details of 'whatever she had' is always a sign that Julie is lying.
Needless bed usage when it all could have been prevented by staying out of the pub on the day of release, stopping smoking and drinking like a fish.
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Chatty Member
School in the first few weeks will be exhausting for them, and they won't know what's hit them because they were never in preschool enough to even get that sense of a routine. Lots of activities are grand when they're a bit older but it seems like a lot for smaller kids. Anyway, to quote another treasured cork instaparenting expert, what works for wan, might not work for another wan.
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I don’t mean to brag but my 3 all are in bed sleeping early each night. Home from working full time, dinner and bathed and into bed. Older one stays up to 9. Up now getting ready for work, get their breakfasts made and they’re still sleeping. This is a Single Mum who’s children sleep a good 10-12 hours a night because they’ve routine! What does she expect when they’ve never had that!
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Tbh I believe her when she says there’s no contact at all and I’d say the twins haven’t an iota of who he is. Why is it so hard for some people to believe that some men just get up and leave and don’t bother to have any contact and then feel they can walk back into their kids lives on their own terms whenever suits. It actually annoys me that this topic goes around in circles so often but I’ve no doubt in my mind he is in Australia without a care in the world and his kids are an afterthought and a stop off among many during his visit home. I’m sure he’ll take loads of photos and plaster them all over his Facebook for the next few years to make him look like dad of the year. Sure the baby ones he is currently using aren’t going to last forever.
It happens.
I agree with this 100%. It’s happened to me with my own father. Up and left without a care in the world and now years later expects me to drop everything when contacts, but it’s all on his terms. At the time left us all with nothing and honestly did not give a shit either. Sorry to derail the thread but my point is that there is deadbeat men out there that have nothing to do with their kids.
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Julie if you weren't such a drain on the social welfare system well that money could be used for more important things like hospital beds for example. And your mother brought this on herself (I hope she is OK) but out drinking every weekend and I thought you were going to be minding her the whole summer you dumped your kids on her most weekends not one but surprised she is back in hospital
Well bloody said!! Exactly spot on. She was out herself drinking within weeks of surgery and this isn’t advised medically. Sitting in the sun. Kids on top of her etc etc. then they have the nerve to blame a Health system. Ignorance knows no bounds.

The mother has had the two twin toddlers jumping all over her, jaysis I think she even went to a concert? Numerous vids of her in the horrors, singing and dancing! No sympathy whatsoever!
The two of them walking home drunk from a function just after discharge. Deserve everything

The mother has had the two twin toddlers jumping all over her, jaysis I think she even went to a concert? Numerous vids of her in the horrors, singing and dancing! No sympathy whatsoever!
The two of them walking home drunk from a function just after discharge. Deserve everything
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Chatty Member
Who really believes a 5 year old will understand the difference between going away and dying? We as parents do everything we can to protect our kids minds they imagine all sorts we teach them to use there imagination so of course in these situations you have to do as much as you an to protect them from any harm, I'm no fan but I am a single parent and know this decision did not come easy and honestly she was good enough to let him see them remember those kids have been through alot in their young lives and he hasn't been around for any of it.. I don't agree with her telling the whole story especially if someone was to hear it and tell them but that's something she will have to take full responsibility for if that does happen.
Children will only ever be able to process what they understand- her kids should absolutely be told that he is their dad. If they don’t get it, it will have been introduced to them and they will adapt in time. The difference in how they are able to handle information is in the delivery. If Julie had told them in a gentle way and had educated herself in how to present their dad to them, they would have taken their cue from the parents. BTW- even Julie has said that he was in their lives for the first two years so it is untrue that he “hasn’t been around for any of it”. Makes her decision all the more confusing when they have already met him, even that young. Julie is known to be a “right there” type of liar so who really knows what has gone on but this decision was completely self-serving. As others have pointed out the fact that she sees fit to post this on sm when there are others who know things about these poor over-exposed kids and they do not know that they have just met their dad for the first time in years is just wrong. Julie is the one who has put these kids through the mill unnecessarily with her pathetic need to be on insta all the time and thinks it is necessary to drag her kids into it. Disappointing to see anyone defending any part of it.

TBH she’s created this mess herself by not been truthful with the twins in the first place. If she’d just put aside her own feelings towards the twins dad she wouldn’t be in this situation. She decided to cut the dad out of their lives, she decided to not tell them who he was, she decided to let her dad take over the ‘father’ role, which should never have happened. The twins dad isn’t all innocent in this don’t get me wrong, but today’s stories just show that it’s all on her terms, she decided to not tell the twins the truth, she decided to tell them he was her friend, she decided that he can’t FaceTime them as ‘you can’t rare children through FaceTime’ although I do agree with her on that but all she wants is someone else to be able to palm the twins off on when she decides, it’s all on Julie’s terms, she’s actually quite selfish I think when it comes to the twins and contact with their dad and like I said it’s her way or no way so probably explains a lot about the relationship the twins have with their dad/he’s family. Not saying the dad is totally blameless either but she can’t get over the fact he wants a relationship with the twins and not her so the twins will suffer in the long run because she isn’t getting what she wants.

It’s ok for her to rear them with an IPAD though.
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But don’t the kids go to Monaghan every weekend sure? Can’t they see him then 🤣
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Chatty Member
Surely she has photos of him with them. She said before that they know he’s in Australia. Why can’t she explain the difference between him being overseas and her own dad in heaven.
1+1 = bullsh1t. The fact that she finished thanking her followers for support and her boy manager texting about engagement just makes it all the sadder for those children.
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I don’t for one minute believe she’s not getting money for those kids from him, Julie isn’t the kind to let that slide, she’d fight ya for any cent she could and she’d never stop slating him on her socials if he wasn’t paying up, she’s just not saying in case it’s affect her Hap etc…We’re talking about the one who went to the Red Cross during Covid ffs, she doesn’t miss a trick!
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Julie!!!! See this is your problem! It wasn’t your day! Stop making it about you. It was the twins day to see their father.,stop with oh the headaches, oh I’m worn out etc just shut up and hope the kids had a good time.,
She’s a real narcissist, the exact same when the mother first got the news she had a lump- “I don’t know how I’m going to cope with the stress of this, I’ve been through so much already these past 2 years..”
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Putting small children in loads of activities is a waste of money. By the time they are teenagers they might have kept on 1 or 2 things. Parents think their children are going to be in the Olympics or play for their county or be the next Beyonce. If the kid shows promise is something, then they end up focusing on that and drop the rest. They have the same chance starting a new hobby at 11 or 12 (even older) as starting it at 4. All those activities wear the children out. They get burnt out just like adults do. All the psychologist are on about the importance of unstructed play which is the opposite of organised activities. So anyone who can't afford activities, do not feel bad
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I thought dettol was only for cuts until I got older 🤣🤣 but this whole thing about her mam with surgery is really really infuriating. I lost my cousin last month to breast cancer and it broke my whole family 43 with 2 kids and a fabulous husband. This one’s mother is taking the absolute fucking piss out of it, saying “she almost died” is honestly really really sick! Why lie about things like that
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