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Here for news

Chatty Member
Jesus mine would have been asking to be in the trolley till they physically couldn’t fit.
Mine were the same
My mother is 86 and goes to the shop all the time, not everyone is a hermit because of covid. She has no choice in fairness except to bring the twins. My now 9 year old was a nightmare at their age and would no way walk beside me in a supermarket, pandemic or no pandemic.
In fairness they are at her parents do often she could go to the shop and leave them there, if she was truely on her own with no help then yes she has to bring them but not when she has others on a regular basis, she could also get it delivered or click and collect
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I’ll give you an example of a ‘hard’ situation Julie you spoiled yoke.

We’re living up North for work, both our families are from the republic. We’ve 0 friends or family here. We both worked in the same company, both got laid off last summer due to Covid. Our eldest is coming up on 2, and I had a baby just before Christmas. Here comes the hard bit, and thank fuck this site is anonymous but I need to vent after listening to her shit the last few days about how hard she has it.

Himself has never treated me the greatest, but I had the blinders on I suppose until after the first child was born. But since Covid hit and the stress of both losing our jobs, his mental health is completely in tatters and I’m bearing the brunt of it with daily physical and emotional abuse. From the minute we get up in the morning it doesn’t stop, the worst insults imaginable and maybe a punch or a kick or a slap on the worst days. Maybe a black eye or bruised ribs, for as simple as the dinner being 5 minutes late. And I’m stuck here locked up with him for the foreseeable until this shit storm Covid blows over. In a shithole rental house, falling down around us, 2 small kids, no garden to even sit outside and breathe for a few minutes. He controls all the finances, I have no access to bank account, I haven’t a bob quite literally. Much less a nice handy little packet every week or month to do as I please like our Julie! Currently suffering badly with low iron since giving birth; he won’t give me the money to go to the doc to get sorted. I am absolutely tormented from being locked up with the prick. After having the baby a few weeks ago, I was supposed to stay in hospital for a couple of nights as I had a rough birth, he rang and gave me the most unimaginable abuse, I had to check myself out the same day I gave birth due to his threats on the phone, as he couldn’t handle looking after the 1 year old. I would have probably had a nervous breakdown with the worry of if he lost his temper with the child anyway, had I stayed in. I’m sleeping about an hour a night I’d say, between the 2 kids waking and myself just tossing and turning trying to figure out how to get us out of this situation during a global pandemic. If the baby wakes him in the night he’ll scream and roar at me. My family know nothing of all of this for the time being as I know they would be terribly worried, my parents are elderly and 2 of my family members are currently unwell 1 with cancer and another dementia.

I have hope for the future as I know I will be able to make a lovely little life where me and my beautiful kids won’t have to worry about things like we do know. When things get really bad I daydream of what life will be like once I get us out of here, it keeps me going. I daydream about being near my family, and having a nice little home for us where we are safe, my family can take my kids from time to time to give me a break. I’ll have an income and be able to buy stuff for myself from time to time. Your life that you complain about is my dream Julie, and you’re still fucking complaining about it
I hope you get some help soon. Xx
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Almost there

VIP Member
She’s over 15km from their house. She’s NO concept of what Level 5 entails. Life has not changed for this fucking muppet. She’s NOT his carer, she’s just a lonely daughter who needs someone else to pawn the kids off too whilst she scrounges around hands out everywhere she goes.
Her dad is in bed is he!! A bloody fry!! I actually detest her.
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She’d be better off to put the porridge in the slow cooker overnight than those raw looking oats she’s giving the kids 🤮
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Active member
It is allowed if one party is single I think or a single parent isn't that right? I don't think two families can just join up as a social bubble, but plenty are.
Two families can I believe if it’s 6 or less and no doubt Julie is using her dad as special circumstances ( Sean works and so does mummy dearest) but sure see can read or write so prob can’t follow the rules and play the sympathy card
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People need to learn how to have a mature discussion coming from the person who has admitted they work in health care and doesn’t follow government guidelines on restrictions 🤣🤣🤣
Does your boss know you don't follow guidelines and therefore putting the people you work with and anyone else you are in contact with through work at risk?
Everyone in health care has families theres people living in their parents box rooms for god sake theres nurses carers doctors doing at home care in hosp care ect and they also see people they also have partners who see them e
How anyone could justify going to visit elderly parents with no masks etc is beyond me. You could literally kill them and you don't care in the slightest because it's your "personal choice". My brother in law's father died of covid with no family able to see him for two weeks before he passed. He died scared and alone in the ICU. Perfectly healthy man before he got covid but it wiped him out. These people don't care about anyone else but themselves. If it's a personal choice then why not choose not to put your loved ones at risk. If something happened to my parents because of my irresponsibility I would never forgive myself. I haven't seen my family since October, didn't even visit them at Christmas as I didn't want to stay over with them and put them at risk. My kids miss their grandparents and so do I but I would rather go without seeing them now and have them around longer than potentially infect them with something that could kill them. It's total ignorance to think otherwise, these people should be ashamed of themselves.
Of course I care and as I said above I wear a mask this is not going anywhere for a lonnngggg time so if I had of stopped seeing them and say one of them had a heart attack or a stroke I'd regret that end of!
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VIP Member
She'd be delighted with that, she can off load her parenting elsewhere.

Why oh why haven't their fathers family stepped in. Why can they stand by and not fight for their lives.
Exactly and all they'd need is screenshots of her antics to have a great chance of custody . Strange.
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She's doing everything possible to deflect from the shit show she created with that coffin video the other night. Get in the sympathies and hope everyone will forget how much of a selfish bitch she actually is.
I was not her page for a while what did she do with a coffin please dont say she put the dad in a coffin
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Everyone over 70 should be isolating or at least limiting their trips to the shops. There seems to be this mentality amongst the elderly that they can do what they want because they are elders, when in fact it's their generation that are taking up most of the beds in hospitals and putting pressure on the health services. It's a harsh reality but a reality at that. If they stayed home they'd be safer. There's no excuses! I live no where near my elderly parents but I arrange an online tesco weekly shop for that very reason. It's hard to stay in but I'm doing it myself. It's annoying to see people flaunting the rules, and in the same breath giving out that we are in lockdown. Just stay the F home 🤷🏻‍♀️
It is limited trips, her mental health would not stand up to over a year locked in. Its unfair to blame the elderly, no one is to blame not even Julie 🤣 its a pandemic.
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