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VIP Member
Give me a break 🙄 I hope they are not projecting this nonsense on their impressionable little kids 🙈 maybe I’m just cynical but there is clearly a logical explanation for these little “signs” 🙄
They probably are, Gorry anyway, I don’t think the “twinies” would have a clue nor give a shite what Spock does say to them! Even if they do believe it why the hell show it on your stories 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Don’t worry a new member will appear shortly and change the narrative 🤣 happens everytime you ask for proof the kids have been in Monaghan every weekend since Jan🤣🤣
If I’m saying an assumption I’ll start with I think or I assume not just state lies as facts🙄
A few comments here are worse than Julie’s donkey stories
You can sing it 🤣🤣🤣
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I stand corrected, they did do rugby at 2. I’ll change my attitude so and say it’s ridiculous to try to teach rugby to 2 years old. What they were going was throwing /kicking/catching a ball, it was not rugby. What Fionn was doing was general sport and athletics. For a start rugby is a team sport. Where were the other 2 year olds?
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I was going to comment about this as I saw her story where it mentioned the comment avout the bags. I have to say wanting to speak to Michael Martin after her daughter fell and being frustrated when she couldnt talk to him that very day was ott. I feel for her and it is awful that their daughter fell but he is the Taoiseach. His diary is planned well in advance. Can you imagine if the parent of every child in similar circumstances wanted to speak to the Taoiseach after a fall same with relatives of elderly people in nursing homes if they fell.

Also the chair was privately bought so not sure what she was going to say? Maybe that if they had more funding from HSE the chair would be better?
Just to add aswell I'm not sure i believe someone sent her this - thats what all the bloggers say and usually seems to be code for "i searched my name and found a thread on me"
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Julie couldn't tell the truth if her life depended out it.

I have a theory though as to why she is coming on today to share that she had no money. Its fairly obvious Julie reads her cos everytime she does she pops on her stories telling some random thing, or what seems like a random thing , out of no where.

On the previous thread people were commenting on how she always seems to have money, isn't stuck for a few quid even though she doesn't work etc and everyone had their own theories on it .

Suprise suprise Julie is on the week talking about being broke before Christmas . Last week it was how she has saved up all her money to do work on the garden 🤦🏻‍♀️

Julie , next time you read here yiu might address some of the more important issues like exploiting your children, breaking lock down restrictions , the hypocrisy of you going to the guards etc 🤔

Also why are the kids off creche again this week when you couldn't wait to dump them there when they reopened 🤷🏻‍♀️
I don’t think they’re off this week.. technically they should be after she broke the restrictions but they’re no sign of them today, I don’t know who she’s out walking with but it’s not the twins
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Does Social welfare review benefit’s as people circumstances change. There is no way someone buying so much and living such a luxury lifestyle could be entitled to rent allowance . I’m a tax payer professional and wouldn’t have that amount of disposable income despite my salary. No way can someone declare themselves homeless then spend like that. If it’s above board fine but it should be transparent.
Gets reviewed at least once a year, she’s obviously making more than enough from IG and I do believe she gets maintenance
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Hashtag collab

Active member
Is there a thread for her yet??
Dont think so

The actual Cut of her rug 🤢🤢 seriously surely that's a health hazard 🤒😂 Julie go get the Dr Bleckmans carpet cleaner thing it's only bout a fiver🙄
Wait for it now she'll be gifted or on the beg to the furniture centre 🙈🤣

Haven’t seen one I actually like her but I really hope she doesn’t start taking a leaf out of spocks book when it comes to raising her twins
Me too shes lovely

Imagine her sounding out phonics and blending words 😂
She'll be learning it for the first time too 😋
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Well-known member
I have to admit both my girls were 5 before they gave up their soothers 🙈 my oldest has autism but we had to bite the bullet and take it away, she was also biting through them and I was having to buy nearly 10 new ones a week!! Even though she didn’t understand fully why it was gone she was fine after the 1st night. We would have taken my other girls away sooner but with lockdown we felt there was enough going on so we left it until a few months ago!!
Ohhh i feel you about the soother. But with my wee boy its his bop bop as he calls it (bottle) he is 4 and he gets it going to bed thank goodness its been cut out a few hours a day with preschool he is autistic also. If I try to say **** we will have a bop bop later he responds with **** wants a bopbop now lol he uses his name when asking lol and I agree 100% with @Teenytot my wee boy is still in nappies will also pee in a toilet but I can't for the life of me get him to poo anywhere else but his nappies.
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Jesus they really aren’t Joanne marie Cronin got a following because people think she’s slow, Liz Reaney drunken rants, SuperShit mom of the drunk driving and leering into the camera like a sexual predator, Julie who sold off her dead dad’s memory before the man was even buried. The only saving Grace could be Lisa Jordan.
Also can you tell me where to find these threads on Twitter is it a call out page?
I know we have a terrible bunch.

I wanted start a blog myself but I be petrified. 😂
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VIP Member
That tracksuit was foul on her she’s clearly not giving them the right size because that didn’t fit her at all.... size up Jùlìè gírl
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VIP Member
I have stopped watching her I feel sorry for her losing her father but that bloody egg board and the free bird fly then the hunger strikers post in the middle of it
Her children are both gorgeous kids but so out of control she needs to wise up put the phone down we don't want to or need to see boiled eggs every day infact I am surprised she hasn't a hen house in the garden .
Don't give her ideas 🤪
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Hopefully the uncle will step in when it comes to helping the twins with their homework. If it's left to Julie... The kids don't stand a chance
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VIP Member
I don’t think they’re off this week.. technically they should be after she broke the restrictions but they’re no sign of them today, I don’t know who she’s out walking with but it’s not the twins
I just assumed that was one of them in the buggy although I was wondering why a buggy 🤔
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