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VIP Member
Mummy and daddy to the rescue, theyre flying to London to do what, take him more Airpods and laptops 🤔
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VIP Member
So Teef and Adumb have sent one of the Iris PR fridges to Jenn??!! Shouldn’t they be going to people who might actually need an incentive to publicise this Siri rip-off? You would imagine the matriarch of their own family could do it for free, rather than having to be bribed with hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise? My biggest question though is why is there flower, sugar, and other stuff like pepper and salt in this fridge?!
Because they dumb as dogshit.
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VIP Member
I’m finding McKenna Kate to be looking more and more like a mannequin. What’s with the weird head tilt and perma smile in every picture? Have they done something to her?
She's how you'd expect an all classic American girl to look!
Anyone seen steven jnr speech? Felt like it was forced out and the bicycle story didn't really make sense
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VIP Member
Looks like she's either having a csection next Monday or if the ecv works, she'll be induced next week. I've had a successful ecv but it was bloody painful and I'm not sure I'd ever do it again as baby went into stress so was monitored for a while... ended up with a emergency csection anyways a week later so was a complete waste of time 🤣
And we will get to see it all on stories 😂😂

I hope both she and the baby are healthy. And quiet, I’d really like them to be quiet
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VIP Member
Those factor meals! They are just an excuse for them all to eat barely enough to maintain existence whilst convincing everyone they don’t all have eating disorders. Kimmy shares that minute meal with Stevie Kate! Whenever SKs asked what she wants to do she always says eat chicken; she loves chicken. That’s because her diet is so boring!!
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VIP Member
Stevie kate has been wearing the same pyjamas since they left dallas. She's been on an overnight flight, spent the whole day in London an then gone to sleep in them last night. Sorry but there's no need to be that scruffy. Clearly shows that she hasn't been bathed either after that long flight.
Considering the amount of luggage they took too.
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VIP Member
Kimmy makes $$$$ on social media. Which SJ ‘invests’. They wouldn’t have the lifestyle they have without social media and the selling of their children’s lives.
And getting engaged after one date is little more than an arranged marriage!!
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VIP Member
I wonder how much of these holiday dramas are staged. Not too late for setting up a camera to record Adam running down the gang plank. Is it called that on an cruise? Anyone remember the engagement ring saga. It was very forced!
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VIP Member
I've said it before why does Kimmy always run late for stuff! This trip to see her parents has been planned for ages so why doesn't she pack beforehand rather than 10 mins before she goes!
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VIP Member
Those silver child’s boots are horrible and completely inappropriate for a three year old. Not to mention them being too tight so they squashed her feet into them. And I hate those pregnancy shoots. I tell myself a pregnant woman is a beautiful thing but I just can’t get with the program. I find it all egotistical and 🤢
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Chatty Member
Jesus that’s a lot of money
Insane amount of money. They're not even selling the house they have now, they're renting it out aren't they. I don't see how she can claim that her mum an dad haven't given her a penny towards it though. Surely she doesn't have the income to buy two million dollar homes?
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That house is falling apart you'd think with the amount of cash they have that they would do a huge overhaul on it!
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VIP Member
Why on earth are they trying to rehome a dog themselves rather than letting an animal rescue centre do it and do the proper checks etc?
I thought exactly the same!

I'm also baffled by why someone would dump a (possibly pedigree) pup of that age who looks in good condition, I'm sure that dog is someone's pet and hasn't been abandoned. What will the Turtles do if they re-home it and a few days later someone else turns up claiming it was their dog who escaped the car and ran off when they stopped for a comfort break?!
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