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Chatty Member
thank you so much @Elisha97 you’ve really put my mind at ease. This is such a confusing time! I want to be blissfully happy but all I feel is “when is it going to go wrong”. Don’t know when that will fade. Thank you again xx
No problem 🩵 I had friends that did the same for me and I’m glad to able to pass it forward! It’s a tough time but it’ll pass before you know it. I don’t think it’ll pass completely, pregnancy after loss is so hard but you can do it xx
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Has anyone had experience with a positive test result and a negative the following day? I tested twice yesterday (2 different brand tests) around lunch time and both were positive, I had one test left and couldn’t help myself today before I left the house and it was negative
when would your period have been due? It could be that your urine was a bit less concentrated today or you were using a less sensitive test - some tests pick up 10ml HCG and others 25ml so is the second test less sensitive?

the other option - which I hope it isn’t - is a chemical pregnancy but I would think you might still show a faint positive for a bit longer.

my advice is get a sensitive test (10ml) and test tomorrow morning with first morning urine x
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Me again guys- don't think I have ever posted on Tattle as much- I am usually more of a lurker.

I am attaching my pregnancy tests (hopefully behind a spoiler) - From Sunday Morning (11dpo), Sunday Afternoon, Monday Morning + Monday Afternoon, Tuesday Morning and Wednesday Afternoon to this morning (15 dpo). I did my first digital today which would be correct in terms of dates. Hubby has persuaded me to step away from the tests as I think they aren't helping anxiety at all.

I have had a tiny bit more brown spotting, more when I wipe than on my pants and barely enough to notice but I am hyper-alert at the moment. I have an appointment with the doctors this evening to hopefully get a referral to my EPU (which doesn't allow self-referral).

I am cramping a little, much lower down than my period cramps but and not debilitating, I feel like more of a discomfort if I am standing up for too long and definitely not as painful as when my period is about to arrive. I do keep feeling like I have come on my period and every time I run to the toilet I am dreading seeing blood but there's thankfully not been yet.

Can anyone provide reassurance based on the tests and my symptoms? I have never felt anxiety like this, even during my MC last year I didn't feel like this.

Thanks in advance xxx
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anything at all

VIP Member
Omg my anxiety is through the roof today. All the excitement from yesterday has worn off and now I am just filled with fear that this will have the same outcome as my last pregnancy.

I am so heartbroken for all of us who have to experience this journey following a loss. Feel like the shine is completely taken from it.

Debating whether to call my EPU as they said they would be monitoring me through the early stages following my MC last year. I'm nervous that they're going to tell me to wait though...
if they’ve said before they’d monitor you in the early stages I’d say it’s worth calling?
Too early for a scan but they might be able to offer bloods this early maybe?

I think having a loss before helped me mentally prepare better for a second one, I’m not doing great but I think I could feel worse.

All last week I was up and down about whether or not things would work out instead of just being excited that I was pregnant.
It sucks that some people get a positive pregnancy test and never have to think anything other than they’re having a baby in 8 months !
I’d not tested since Friday as I’ve felt like there’s been no point, and yesterdays bleeding felt like that was most of the end of whatever was.. I tested today hoping to see barely any line but instead it’s darker. Feels like such a headfuck as there’s no way I could bleed this much and everything be okay.

I’m really hoping to avoid any medical interventions, just want it to all be over already. 😞
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anything at all

VIP Member
I’m sorry you had to go through that :(

Thank you xx
I’m thinking maybe I’ll test again in the next 2 or 3 days and see if hopefully they start getting lighter, I guess I only really started bleeding red late Saturday with yesterday being the worst of it, I was really hoping to avoid any need to see or speak to a gp mine is really not great and I don’t fancy the faff of it all unless it’s really needed, especially not after my last experience of being sent to an epau. :(
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I am the queen of pregnancy bleeding so far (12 and a bit weeks) and I know exactly what you’re feeling. The exact same happened to me and the baby is fine. Brown blood is fine and it’s a tiny amount. At this stage they explained to me the bleeding is old blood from implantation because when the embryo implants into your lining it causes a ‘bruise’ and that’s where the blood comes from. You’re too early for a scan yet and one would only be suggested if you have the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy which you don’t appear to! I would wait until 7 weeks and book a scan then if you think that would reassure you but I honestly wouldn’t worry at all. Easier said than done I know! I had really heavy brown bleeding at 5 weeks which continued for weeks (had other different bleeds later) and they investigated and it was found to be a cyst which is also common. If yours has stopped already I wouldn’t think it concerning at all
thank you so much @Elisha97 you’ve really put my mind at ease. This is such a confusing time! I want to be blissfully happy but all I feel is “when is it going to go wrong”. Don’t know when that will fade. Thank you again xx
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Chatty Member
I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow and my MC happened at 6 weeks so I'm feeling really anxious today. I know there's zero chance to happen twice on the same exact day but I will still feel better once the mark is behind me. Good thing is I got a first dye stealer today and that eased my mind a little.

It's also a little sad looking back because the previous time my test lines were not getting darker and if it wasn't my first pregnancy maybe I would've known something was not right and it would prepare me for the outcome a little. Left was first pregnancy day 12dpo-26dpo and right is this one, day 10dpo-25dpo.

Only a week to go to the first ultrasound and I really really hope I will be able to see the heart. 💛

View attachment 2977428View attachment 2977430
These tests look really good! Fingers crossed for you 🩷
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Could you try another brand of test maybe? A digital? Then step away from the lines for a couple of days if you can. I totally get how difficult it is but I had to for my sanity!
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if they’ve said before they’d monitor you in the early stages I’d say it’s worth calling?
Too early for a scan but they might be able to offer bloods this early maybe?

I think having a loss before helped me mentally prepare better for a second one, I’m not doing great but I think I could feel worse.

All last week I was up and down about whether or not things would work out instead of just being excited that I was pregnant.
It sucks that some people get a positive pregnancy test and never have to think anything other than they’re having a baby in 8 months !
I’d not tested since Friday as I’ve felt like there’s been no point, and yesterdays bleeding felt like that was most of the end of whatever was.. I tested today hoping to see barely any line but instead it’s darker. Feels like such a headfuck as there’s no way I could bleed this much and everything be okay.

I’m really hoping to avoid any medical interventions, just want it to all be over already. 😞
Thank you @anything at all I’m really praying for you.

if your lines are getting darker despite the bleeding do you think maybe you should check with your doctor? My miscarriage last year my pregnancy was classed as “incomplete” because it carried on for over 2 months and I ended up in A&E with the pain. My lines didn’t get darker once I’d started bleeding they stayed around the same and eventually got fainter xx
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im so sorry for your family 😩❤

I think she may have to take tests afterwards (which will be at a predetermined time by her medical team) to make sure there are no pregnancy tissues left after the procedure. I’m not sure how long it will take before a negative test due to her stage of pregnancy. They should explain all of this to her and give her paperwork explaining this also tomorrow 😕.

sending so much love ❤❤❤
Thank you so much Keera ❤❤❤ They're in the USA so not sure what they'll advise her, if they don't I just want to tell her what to do. I really appreciate your reply, bless you. Thank you lovely xx
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anything at all

VIP Member
I thought it might be helpful to share my experience of the strip tests to try and maybe put your mind at rest a bit. I did a test at 13 dpo as I was going out for a meal and fancied a glass of wine - got no line at all. Period hadn’t started by 17 dpo (although I’d been having irregular cycles so this wasn’t necessarily unusual) and I tested again and got the first line in tests below which you can see is still pretty faint. Progression of the line in the tests below is 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25 dpo. I really did find testing with the same wee (for me first one in the morning was best as I drink a lot of water) and trying if possible to test every other day was helpful to see the doubling effect.

Really hope this works out for you. I totally understand your nervousness, once you’ve had a loss you’re automatically more worried about something going wrong. You just have to remember that the majority of pregnancies lead to a healthy baby.
thank you so much x
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anything at all

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I feel like my lines were quite samey and pale in 11, 12, 13 dpo, possibly more prominent at 14 but not by any means dark. I was doing multiple a day and it wasn’t helpful. HCG should double every 48 hours so you’re unlikely to see a stark difference testing so frequently. I stopped testing on the day of my period for a few days because it was driving me mad and causing me worry, told myself I wouldn’t test again until the weekend. I woke up the Sunday early hours, heart racing, panicking. Did a test and the line was so much darker. It’s so hard but maybe try having a little break from testing?
yes I think I need to try stay away from them for a few days :( I know whatever will happen, will happen, I just can’t help but lean towards it being a negative outcome right now and I’m just looking for some magical dark line to shock me and prove me otherwise 😞
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With fmu the line of today (the day I’d be due my period) is just so faint. I don’t think it’s any fainter than yesterdays but I think I’d expect to see better lines on the day of my period? I don’t know, I don’t feel very hopeful about it right now 😞
I feel like my lines were quite samey and pale in 11, 12, 13 dpo, possibly more prominent at 14 but not by any means dark. I was doing multiple a day and it wasn’t helpful. HCG should double every 48 hours so you’re unlikely to see a stark difference testing so frequently. I stopped testing on the day of my period for a few days because it was driving me mad and causing me worry, told myself I wouldn’t test again until the weekend. I woke up the Sunday early hours, heart racing, panicking. Did a test and the line was so much darker. It’s so hard but maybe try having a little break from testing?
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I’m 9 and a half weeks pregnant and yesterday I seemed to have the tiniest spec of blood in my discharge. It hasn’t happened since and my EPU won’t see me for a scan because they’re not concerned at all. However, the exact same thing happened at the same time with my first pregnancy and I’d had a missed miscarriage. I can’t even find anywhere that will take me for a private scan for a week and I’m just beside myself with worry. I know most people would tell me not to panic, that it’s normal, and will be fine, but I don’t have that luxury of being able to assume that any more 💔
. I understand how worried you must be. Can you call the EPU again and explain how worried you are and how it’s making you feel? Do you have a name of someone from the hospital or midwives from your last pregnancy you could contact? It’s so frustrating in the first few weeks that you kind of feel a bit abandoned by health professionals. See if you can really advocate for yourself and push for a scan and make sure the people you are talking to know about your past MC
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anything at all

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I found out I was pregnant yesterday at 11dpo, taken another test this morning at 12dpo, the test from yesterday evening and this morning don’t seem any different but I know that’s completely fine at this stage

In a way I feel stupid for testing so early - I just wanted to possibly surprise my partner for Father’s Day. And now we’ve been talking about all the ifs and the future and I want to talk about it but can’t help but feel like I don’t want to get excited yet because I know what could happen 😭

It’s horrible to have experienced it before and just wonder constantly if things are normal, with my son I had no symptoms apart from heartburn at 5 or 6 weeks. I’m barely even 4 weeks yet and I’ve spent the last 2 days feeling really sick and have a killer of a headache. I know all pregnancy’s are different but it’s so hard to not worry isn’t it 😭
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Okay I have red blood this morning and I don’t think things look good. Do I need to let my GP know or would they likely not care?
I had this a few weeks ago. I was around 6 weeks. I rang the GP who called me in and he refereed me to EPU. They didn’t seem bothered but the GP stuck for me and got me in but tbh they scanned me and sent me home, said there was nothing they could do for me
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I spent hours looking at positive stories of people who bleed just to try and give myself some hope. I would ring just to let them know and see what they advise xx
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@Pixie123 @anything at all how are you doing? Been thinking about you both 💛
Ahh thank you @sushimama this is such a lovely community. I’ve been seen by EPU thankfully and they think I have a UTI. Im getting some relief when I have my antibiotics but when they wear off a bit it’s soooo uncomfortable.

They took my bloods yesterday and said that HCG and progesterone were all in the normal range for this stage but they’re going to repeat on Tuesday to make sure.

Im still slightly spotting but it’s remained barely visible and still brown so I’m hoping it’s nothing serious. Trying to stay positive and praying this baby sticks! Thank you so much for asking. I’m thinking of you too @anything at all i hope you’re okay xxx
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anything at all

VIP Member
Okay I have red blood this morning and I don’t think things look good. Do I need to let my GP know or would they likely not care?
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Chatty Member
View attachment 3003397

top one was yesterday 4hour hold in the evening 14dpo and bottom is 15dpo today on smu, this is the darkest line I’ve had so far but I still think it’s too light for 15dpo :(
I had so much cramping last night too :(
There is some development there! I would personally ask your doctors or EPU to do repeat bloods for peace of mind. You can even get them at Superdrug’s in some places etc and privately but they’re not very cheap. I tried to look at my tests to give you insight but I can’t find the tests from my chemical pregnancy. I think it depends when you implanted/ when you got a positive/ how hydrated you are too and tests can vary