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Chatty Member
Will be calling them first thing tomorrow

I feel sick with worry, why couldn’t this be more simple 😭
Don’t worry! I think most likely scenario is there might be tissue left behind (which is shit to go through but fixable with no long term issues at all, I had this and it resolved itself in about 3 weeks) or you may not have actually miscarried 🩷


Chatty Member
Had an early reassurance scan yesterday at 6weeks 5days. They confirmed the sac, yolk sac and fetal pole but still couldn’t see much. They’re putting me at around 6 weeks instead of closer to 7 weeks. Going in for another scan in two weeks time but so anxious this is going to turn out to be a missed miscarriage.
Maybe your ovulation was a couple of days later? I had a checkup 10 days ago when I was 7w3d and the baby measured 6w6d. My ovulation was on CD16 so to me this still makes sense. I know it’s scary but I think a lot of pregnancies are measuring up to a week behind and it’s fine. And at this stage they are still so tiny!

I’ve just found the tiniest speck of brown blood in my pants/ when I wiped. I wouldn’t even have noticed it if I wasn’t wearing white pants. I feel like I’m gonna throw up with anxiety now and no idea what to do. I think I’m around 5w3d’s.
I’m sorry that you have to go through fears like this. :( I also started spotting at 4w2d right after my MC and I gave up completely, I deleted my pregnancy from the app because I was convinced it was only chemical and it’s gonna end before it even began. But I spotted for 4 days, only brown dots on my panties and a hint of colour when I wiped. Then it went away suddenly, same way it came. 2 weeks later at the checkup doctor prescribed me Utragestan (progesteron) to help support the pregnancy, I need to take it till week 9. But that was just in case I think. I really hope it stops soon and you can breathe again normally. When’s your first checkup? 🤍


Active member
Tonight’s test. 28dpo 😬 I don’t think I was wrong about my dates and I saw my first very very faint line on 10dpo/11dpo.
the big bleed was 19dpo and my tests got darker after.. 21dpo the hospitals test was negative.
so confused and these tests are just giving me a tiny bit of false hope 🥲🥲😭

looked at private scans earlier but doesn’t look like I could get booked in much sooner than the hospital might see me anyway? So I might as well wait
So you’d be what 6 weeks now?
I’d say that test looks good for your dates…

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VIP Member
Could you try another brand of test maybe? A digital? Then step away from the lines for a couple of days if you can. I totally get how difficult it is but I had to for my sanity!
I do have one clear blue digital and another 6 days sooner, I don’t think I want to keep wasting tests if it’s not going to work out :(

im Going to try and leave it a few days and see what a strip test says, if it’s no different I think I have my answer

I was scrolling Tiktok this afternoon and seeing other’s progression pictures just made me feel like this isn’t it. I only came across one that had similar lines to mine but they’re at the same stage as me right now.

I know I don’t know for sure but it’s so hard to believe it could go any other way, this was my fear all along about ttcing again :( I hope if it’s not it that it can just be over soon and not long and drawn out


Chatty Member
Oh this is so weird! Could you try convincing your doctor to test your hcg? Or if not, maybe if you could get it tested private twice, so you can see if it's rising or falling? I know you want it to be over asap, but maybe you need some answers because this really does sound strange. You've had positive tests for almost two weeks now right?

@Pixie123 ahh I'm glad you found the reason and can now treat it! Hopefully antibiotics start working soon 🤞🏼


Active member
Can’t the GP just send you for bloods? Mine did when I was having weird pregnancy tests that didn’t fit with where I was in my cycle. This was February. I thought I’d had a period - then started ovulation testing and I don’t usually ovulate til day 17-20 ish, but on day 11 I had a peak so was highly confused and ended up doing a pregnancy test which was positive. The GP then sent me for 3 lots of bloods, first two looked good but the 3rd had started to decline. I was then taken on by the EPU.

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I just thought it would really be as simple as them being able to do bloods over 48 hours to check what the levels were doing 🥲

I will have to just wait and see. I accepted I was no longer pregnant when I started cramping and bleeding, even before that when the tests seemed so light I just had a feeling this wasn’t going anywhere. It just feels so long and drawn out 😩


Well-known member
I did so much research on this because I developed OCD from the loss and trauma and my compulsion was googling.

it’s not quite the case, it’s because after a loss people are usually really keen to try again so they’ll time better, have better habits, be armed with more information etc. there is evidence however that the outcome of falling pregnant after a loss is often improved 🩷
Yeah I think there's definitely truth to that, it makes sense doesn't it. I really hope so x

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Me again guys- don't think I have ever posted on Tattle as much- I am usually more of a lurker.

I am attaching my pregnancy tests (hopefully behind a spoiler) - From Sunday Morning (11dpo), Sunday Afternoon, Monday Morning + Monday Afternoon, Tuesday Morning and Wednesday Afternoon to this morning (15 dpo). I did my first digital today which would be correct in terms of dates. Hubby has persuaded me to step away from the tests as I think they aren't helping anxiety at all.

I have had a tiny bit more brown spotting, more when I wipe than on my pants and barely enough to notice but I am hyper-alert at the moment. I have an appointment with the doctors this evening to hopefully get a referral to my EPU (which doesn't allow self-referral).

I am cramping a little, much lower down than my period cramps but and not debilitating, I feel like more of a discomfort if I am standing up for too long and definitely not as painful as when my period is about to arrive. I do keep feeling like I have come on my period and every time I run to the toilet I am dreading seeing blood but there's thankfully not been yet.

Can anyone provide reassurance based on the tests and my symptoms? I have never felt anxiety like this, even during my MC last year I didn't feel like this.

Thanks in advance xxx
Once you’ve had one loss before I’d say it’s no surprise that you feel anxious, it really sucks :(

Neither of my losses were the same in terms of symptoms and cramping and I’ve had one successfully pregnancy between them that I had some cramping with early on as well. It’s really hard to say what will happen sadly.

I’ve made some similar posts recently here and on the ttc threads and the responses I got were lovely, something I was told was to not pay attention to the lines. Have your husband hide the tests if need be.

Hope your drs appointment goes alright and they’re able to refer you xx


Chatty Member
I’m 9 and a half weeks pregnant and yesterday I seemed to have the tiniest spec of blood in my discharge. It hasn’t happened since and my EPU won’t see me for a scan because they’re not concerned at all. However, the exact same thing happened at the same time with my first pregnancy and I’d had a missed miscarriage. I can’t even find anywhere that will take me for a private scan for a week and I’m just beside myself with worry. I know most people would tell me not to panic, that it’s normal, and will be fine, but I don’t have that luxury of being able to assume that any more 💔
Ah I'm sorry that you have to experience all the worries, like @MsCunk said - either try finding somewhere private that can take you in a day or two or lie and say it was more blood. Just so you can see the baby and hear the heart and be a little more at ease. :/ When is your next scan supposed to be?

@RoseyThorney can you get a blood test for hcg? My doctor tested it for me after MC, you could ask? But if they don't want to then maybe going private 2 or 3 times?

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VIP Member
I don’t have any atm, I don’t think the dates really line up for it to still be a pregnancy :(

I’m starting to feel concerned about ectopic more than retained but I don’t know 😩 I’ve had pains but I’m not sure if they’re really that bad
I wonder if I called the epu again tomorrow with pains if they’d see me or still make me wait a week 😳

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VIP Member
I told you about my bleeding experience in pregnancy and honestly if you’d have seen the scale of it you couldn’t have thought everything would be ok and it was. You know when you knock over a glass of water and it goes everywhere when there didn’t seem to be that much in it? I think bleeding can seem at a much greater scale than reality. Equally passing clots can be normal too.

I get this is a total headfuck but if you had experienced a chemical loss, I’m thinking it’s highly unlikely after the bleeding and time passed you’d be getting strong positives on the tests. So there is still a good chance you are pregnant.

I’m guessing the NHS have to have a guide of when to intervene re: blood tests, scans etc. as I’m sure many women who are feeling nervous in early pregnancy would be leaning on them to provide these services.

In your case I’m not sure them testing over 48h would have given you a clear idea of what’s happening. Blood tests are even more sensitive than urine tests so if they’re saying you have high HCG then the bloods would too?
thank you xx
Think it just feels to accept the worst, I can’t help but feel it’s just something still retained 😩

I will just see what happens, hopefully the week goes by quickly

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VIP Member

top one was yesterday 4hour hold in the evening 14dpo and bottom is 15dpo today on smu, this is the darkest line I’ve had so far but I still think it’s too light for 15dpo :(
I had so much cramping last night too :(

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VIP Member
Tonight’s test. 28dpo 😬 I don’t think I was wrong about my dates and I saw my first very very faint line on 10dpo/11dpo.
the big bleed was 19dpo and my tests got darker after.. 21dpo the hospitals test was negative.
so confused and these tests are just giving me a tiny bit of false hope 🥲🥲😭

looked at private scans earlier but doesn’t look like I could get booked in much sooner than the hospital might see me anyway? So I might as well wait



Chatty Member
The GP wouldn’t do them when I asked if I could get it done there and that was why they wanted me to go to A+E to get them done - who also wouldn’t
Sounds like it’s up to EPU who won’t do anything right now 😞

I just had a call back from a nurse at the EPU who again I couldn’t convince to do anything more right now 😩 they have to wait to see me, protocols and such. Apparently they would do a scan before even doing bloods. They hope that I pass whatever could be left naturally in this time 😐

I hope that’s the case and my lines get lighter soon then. They didn’t seem a bit concerned that my tests were getting darker because it’s not a real test of how things are going. No shit, an actual blood test could show that 😭😭😭

So frustrated. Can’t tell if I’m just being impatient or if they’re being incredibly unhelpful right now 🥲

I never personally saw the test at A+E but I’m assuming maybe it was 25miu? I only have easyathomes and wondfos that are 10 and have got much darker since Tuesday, this mornings it’s darker than the control line. I only bled heavy for one day with clots, and had the odd small bleed on and off in the week but never much. I’d have most of the pregnancy was gone on the big bleed day but my tests haven’t got lighter 😩
If you can afford it and justify it, because you’re technically 6 weeks it could be worth getting a private scan if they’re not too expensive in your area. It just depends whether you can deal with that wait and if knowing would bring you comfort or closure

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VIP Member
There is some development there! I would personally ask your doctors or EPU to do repeat bloods for peace of mind. You can even get them at Superdrug’s in some places etc and privately but they’re not very cheap. I tried to look at my tests to give you insight but I can’t find the tests from my chemical pregnancy. I think it depends when you implanted/ when you got a positive/ how hydrated you are too and tests can vary
thank you x

I don’t think my doctors would be very helpful at this stage, it’s a struggle to just get appointments for other things recently! They’d probably just tell me to be patient I imagine, which really isn’t easy is it.

my partner keeps saying there hasn’t been any reason like bleeding to think it won’t progress but the lines just don’t seem that dark, I had my first absolute squinter on Friday (11dpo) and it was more obvious but still faint Saturday. Id wonder if i implanted late but it just doesn’t seem much progression from Friday?

I had bad cramping last night and fully expected to wake up bleeding 😞


Maybe your ovulation was a couple of days later? I had a checkup 10 days ago when I was 7w3d and the baby measured 6w6d. My ovulation was on CD16 so to me this still makes sense. I know it’s scary but I think a lot of pregnancies are measuring up to a week behind and it’s fine. And at this stage they are still so tiny!

I’m sorry that you have to go through fears like this. :( I also started spotting at 4w2d right after my MC and I gave up completely, I deleted my pregnancy from the app because I was convinced it was only chemical and it’s gonna end before it even began. But I spotted for 4 days, only brown dots on my panties and a hint of colour when I wiped. Then it went away suddenly, same way it came. 2 weeks later at the checkup doctor prescribed me Utragestan (progesteron) to help support the pregnancy, I need to take it till week 9. But that was just in case I think. I really hope it stops soon and you can breathe again normally. When’s your first checkup? 🤍
thank you @sushimama 🤍 congratulations. I hadn’t rang EPU yet as I have an appointment on Tuesday with my GP. But I think after today I’m going to ring tomorrow morning and see if they will see me. They did say after my last MC that they would be monitoring my next pregnancy. I just wasn’t sure if I could face going back in there after the last time but if I could get progesterone or something that would ease my fears that would be amazing. Anything to make it stick!!!

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VIP Member
Thank you xx

I feel like I’m doing a bit better today, I’ve felt like I’ve been able to be a bit more productive and present in life but maybe I’m just keeping myself distracted.

I want to see a negative test and be able to start trying again asap but I know any line will just make me angry so I’m gonna try leave it til next weekend now, I really hope it’s all out of my system by then. The 10miu test I did yesterday still had a line.. I thought chemicals were meant to fade so much faster so I feel really confused at this point.

I wasn’t going to tell anyone about the loss because it was so early so felt like it didn’t matter but I felt like I had to tell my mum because I was really off with her yesterday 😭

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I feel like my lines on a 4 hour hold were really crap, on 2 different tests. But maybe that’s okay for 13dpo? I don’t know 😭

my husband hasn’t been helpful with it either, he has poor eyes and said both my clear blue 6days early and Tesco tests had no line - they do but they’re faint.

maybe I should just be preparing myself for the worst already