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VIP Member
Feel like I could make a really good go of it in October after months of not being able to try… and I’ve just received my vaccine booster for a week before I ovulate 😖😭 I’m sure it’ll have an affect
I too had my second jab the week before I ovulated and fell pregnant 🤍🤍 wishing for the best for you xxx


VIP Member
CD10......Just did 2 purple CB opks, 2 testers, same urine sample, 1st test low fertility (empty circle) and 2nd test with same urine peak fertility (static face) I GIVEUP!!!!!!
Oh and yesterday i had flashy face on one test.


VIP Member
Anyone know anything about bbt? I haven’t done it before so bought a OvuSense for this month which I’m still waiting to arrive. To confirm ovulation is it a dip and then 3 consecutive higher temps after?
i really liked using OvuSense, out of the 12 months that I used it, it confirmed ovulation 11 times, and it was really clear to see on the graph, so it takes out the guesswork. It also works well if you either wakeup at different times each day, or if you wake up during the night for a wee, because that can really skew results if you just use a regular thermometer.


VIP Member
I had a query for anyone who has been using OPKs and Clearblue. I have been using the Pre-Mom OPKs for 2 months now and got my peak today (on CD15 as per last month). I decided to use one of the Clearblue test sticks earlier today just to see if it would match up and it gave the static circle for low fertility so now I’m really confused.

I’ve attached a photograph of the OPK, I’ve been recording these in the Pre-Mom app too.

Has anyone else ever had a mismatch between the two? Should I have started using the Clearblue test earlier so it had something to build up to (like the app reading and then setting low, high and peak) or should I be worried?
If you saw my posts a couple of wks ago here i was tearing my hair out with the opks....i have the purple clear blue opks and the pink clear blue opks and from the VERY SAME urine sample one opk was empty circle the other was peak!!!! Then my premom were peak and the clear blue were empty circle!!! I don't trust any of them!
Got a BFN today so heading into another cycle with the opks and dunno what to believe.

The premom opks...

When you upload the strips you get a numerical figure down the side of the screen i.e 0.5, 0.8, etc what do they indicate?? Should your strip be above a certain level? My highest last month was 0.91?
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VIP Member
Wouldn't you be withered from the opks!! They aren't cheap either!
I've had a couple cycles off tracking, about 3 I think? As Oct/Nov/Dec were manic for me so it was a good distraction but just from previous cycles I've tracked I've always got my peak on CD15, so I started tracking from CD13 so I don't use as many then... Or so I thought 😂


I had my colposcopy and they had to do a biopsy which I'm waiting on the results of, but they gave me the go ahead to start TTC and said we could look at options if I was pregnant by then and the results showed that I needed higher grade cells removed.

So I'm on cycle 1 and I'm using the ClearBlue digital ovulation tests. I'm on CD11. I started testing on CD8 and had empty circles until this morning when I got a flashy smiley face. Is it recommended to DTD every day that you get a flashy face? Or every other day during that period and then make sure that you do on the static smiley face day?


Active member
I've started using OPKs, everyone told me not to incase I get too obsessed but I just really needed to know whether I'm ovulating after being on birth control for so long and having vaccines. Nothing to write home about yet but I'm only on CD13 and I'm hoping with my cycle being fairly regular usually that I'll see something in the next few days... but does anyone know if there are certain times of day I should be testing? I work weird shifts and just want to make sure I do it when I should.
i use the easy at home ones in the afternoon and the clearblue first thing with morning urine.


VIP Member
Have you considered you both getting tested to see what's going on? For your age if you're trying more than 12 months it qualifies.


VIP Member
I had a query for anyone who has been using OPKs and Clearblue. I have been using the Pre-Mom OPKs for 2 months now and got my peak today (on CD15 as per last month). I decided to use one of the Clearblue test sticks earlier today just to see if it would match up and it gave the static circle for low fertility so now I’m really confused.

I’ve attached a photograph of the OPK, I’ve been recording these in the Pre-Mom app too.

Has anyone else ever had a mismatch between the two? Should I have started using the Clearblue test earlier so it had something to build up to (like the app reading and then setting low, high and peak) or should I be worried?



Well-known member
I am feeling really torn today. I stopped tracking this month because my ovulation tests were just getting dark then light every couple of days with no actual ovulation and it’s exhausting. I’m guessing as it’s my first cycle after my loss that’s to be expected.

Now I just feel guilty for not trying this month, like well I clearly can’t want it that badly if I can’t be bothered to keep tracking. I’m CD 28 now and I don’t think I’ve ovulated yet but I really have no idea.

Did any of you stop tracking and then feel bad about it? It’s like I know I should just let myself relax but I feel so guilty for doing so.

Sorry for the ramble, just such an emotional rollercoaster.
This is currently me. I've not taken any opks this cycle and it's CD16.

We have been dtd and I've just been trying to listen to my body rather than opks,but I keep thinking 'what if my body is wrong' I've been struggling with trusting and loving my body since June. It really let me down and I've not forgiven it yet. 😒

Going off cm I'm either ovulating or about to, but I don't really know for sure. Just trying to stay calm bcus it's 100% consumed my life now.


VIP Member
I found this article whilst searching about the results of the Pre-Mom OPK strips - - which basically says “It’s important to know that the exact ratio value is not important. Always look for the last, darkest test line. Aim for the standard peak ratio of 1.0, but know that some women do peak lower (between .8 and 1.0), and others may peak higher than 2.0!” So your peak not being high enough doesn’t seem right.
The first month was where you can clearly see a peak but then last month there was no peak and this month is going along the same way.



Chatty Member
Hi all,
This is my first month of trying after my periods taking months to regulate after years of birth control, finally had a normal 28day cycle prior to this period. I'm on CD5 and have never tested for ovulation before but I think I'm going to this month just to be 100% that I'm actually ovulating.
Any tips would be welcome.
Good luck for your first month! I would just say try to relax, enjoy it and keep yourself as busy as possible for the two week wait.

Is anyone else in the TWW? I’m 4dpo and I forgot how much this drags.


Chatty Member
Both these taken today, the purple one is static taken at 6pm, the pink one just taken now just out of interest to see would it be static face and it wasn't🙄 which is right which is wrong!?!?
Both are bloody expensive!!!
The pink one detects your two most fertile days and the purple one detects 4 most fertile days from what I know. I am only guessing that’s the difference ☹


VIP Member
Has anyone tried sainsburys own tests? I was on the hunt for first response yesterday but the little local sainaburys only sold their own brand so I just picked those up on my way home. I've used one this morning and it looks positive but it's blue dye and I dunno whether to trust the brand. I'm 13dpo and AF is due tomorrow so I don't have very long to wait either way, wish I'd just gone to a bigger supermarket!
Did you take a pic?


VIP Member
My next period is due Christmas Eve... PLEASE BE KIND TO ME BODY AND TRY NOT TO BE A COMPLETE KNOB 🙃 I am not tracking OPKs or BBT this month, just going to eat, drink and be merry 💃
Mine is due 23rd, I’m still doing OPKs this month but nothing else, not stressing about what I eat etc 🤞🏻


VIP Member
Congratulations! ❤ Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻

Well I didn't last until Friday before testing again. I tested with a FRER this morning and there was a really faint line but I wasn't even sure that it looked pink so couldn't be sure what the result was. I used another early digital and it said pregnant.

I'm only 11DPO, AF not due for another couple of days and I've had no symptoms at all, so trying not to get too excited yet! 🤞🏻
Have you tested again yet??!! ❤❤


VIP Member
Hey. My husband and I are trying for our next baby this Summer (we have Glastonbury booked and I can’t go there pregnant 🤣) so we hope to conceive at Glastonbury ideally! Anyway! I’ve been tracking my periods for over 12 months but not started with the ovulation sticks yet. When should I start with these and when should we start with folic acid etc? We just got lucky last time so didn’t plan like this. Thank you x