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Chatty Member
Hi guys, sorry if this has been mentioned, I'm new to Tattle and this thread- does anyone take folic acid whilst trying to conceive? I read about it but didn't know if anyone currently takes it or what their opinions are.
Yes absolutely take folic acid. I’ve been taking it for about a year now. I think it’s prob the one thing everyone agrees upon or the vast majority at least.

Anyone care to take a guess when I ovulated? CB static smiley on saturday 2nd october. I am so confused & I don’t think either of us can face DTD again 🙈


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Hi ladies, due af today but not shown which is unusual for me in the sense that it normally starts first thing. I did do FRER on Monday and it was a clear bfn (would have been roughly 12dpo) - I wanted to know if anybody had got bfn with FRER before missed period then later got bfp?? X


I caved again and took a FRER test this morning 11dpo - negative. AF is due Saturday (in 3 days), do you think I’m out?


Chatty Member
Thank you, I can have some hope this cycle then! I haven’t been paying much attention to my TWW as I thought our timing was off which on the plus side has made it go quickly. I’ll make sure to pack a frer then as we go away later today.

Lola UK

VIP Member
Thanks both, I’ll have a Google. I’d prefer to take one tablet with it all in rather than 4/5 if you see what I mean! I hate taking tablets 🙈


VIP Member
After a bit of advice. Does anyones LH levels differ each month? Normally I peak and then 6 hours later my levels drop down to 0.20 and stay there for the rest of the cycle but this month they slowly lowered and they’re staying at 0.60, I’m only 1DPO but they’re usually so low by now


Active member
I tested this morning at either 12 or 13 dpo (I usually get a 2 day peak on ovulation tests then it vanishes to nothing. I ran out of tests on my first day's peak so not sure if this was the case this time.)

I could have sworn I saw a faint something, but when I came back to it after battling with my child to get ready for school, it looks pretty blank 🙄

The only possible symptoms I've had could point to being pregnant or my period coming, so I'm not really sure what's going off.

I'll test again tomorrow 🤞🤞🤞
Good luck 🤞


Active member
I’m 7dpo, my boobs have been achey and very sensitive which normally isn’t a monthly sign for me. I know it’s too early though so not getting my hopes up
He doesn't know I've got them 😂 They came in the post yesterday, and so far I've resisted opening them, but it's like they're calling my name from drawer.


VIP Member
It was negative.. but I also did another cheap one and got a faint line again so I’m not really sure? I tried to ring the doctors but they're only doing emergency appointments and told me to wait a few more days and test again if no period.. 🤷🏽‍♀️
I’m remaining hopeful 🤞🏼🤞🏼
I have all my fingers crossed for you my lovely ❤❤❤❤


Well-known member
*tw - talk of miscarraige*
Hi everyone. I think I might be around 10 dpo. I had a miscarraige end of September and my partner and I wanted to try again ASAP. I was tracking ovulation but it remained high but with a very high spike 2 weeks after the miscarraige. I noticed a few symptoms and we DTD a few times anyway and since then just in case so fingers crossed… then I’ve just got to figure out if it’s old hcg or new 🤦‍♀️
Hi I just wanted to say good luck and I’m sorry about your miscarriage. I went through one at the same time as you and can’t face trying again just yet. We’d been trying for 8 months prior and I just can’t go back to the stress of it all. But I hear it’s best to try straight after and I really hope you’re successful! I hope you have a healthy happy pregnancy soon x


VIP Member
thanks guys! also, does anyone use pinkbird? i use pinkbird and flo, but pinkbirds ovulation days are waaaaay longer than flo? showing that u can still get preggo after ovulation but flo doesn’t.. and then flow date start before pinkbird i’m confused does anyone know why? i don’t use OPK because i went through a stage i was highly obsessed with doing pregnancy tests so i know u be addicted to those too! 😔😔



Well-known member
My period was 2 days late but I’ve just noticed very light pink on tissue but only when I wipe! Nothing in underwear or in the toilet?!


VIP Member
Ah thanks for the insight, pcos is awful isn’t it! It wasn’t such a big thing for me when I didn’t want to conceive as the pill really helped with all the symptoms but now it’s like a minefield.
3 months isn’t too bad of a waiting list, I was expecting 6months + due to covid. I’ll make sure to reach out to my gp to see if they have any further knowledge in our area. Please keep us updated on your journey 🤞
It really is! I don’t know how you are with taking tablets etc but I was recommended by someone on here to try inositol. After a few weeks of taking it I had a period for the first time in 6 months and my skin cleared up dramatically! Obviously hasn’t helped me conceive yet but I’ve definitely seen an improvement with the other symptoms of pcos!
I would definitely recommend speaking to your GP and getting yourself on the waiting list, wishing you all the best and lots of baby dust ✨ x


Active member
Hi, everyone

My husband and I have been TTC since January 2021. I have an appointment with a doctor regarding this booked for the 27th.
My period cycles are irregular, ranging from 22 - 32 days. We've been using the Clearblue Advanced Fertility Monitor consistently since April, and according to it I ovulate every month... However, this cycle has been different. I'm currently on day 22 of my cycle. I've been getting constant 'High' levels of estrogen since day 14 - usually I get around 3 'High' days before my 'Peak' days. Now, I think my period's started... Has this ever happened to anyone before? I'm very confused, as according to my monitor I haven't ovulated yet, let alone had my luteal phase? Any advice/insight is much appreciated! Thank you.


Chatty Member
hi guys has anyone used pre-seed, seven seas trying to conceive tablets?
also, isit always necessary to do the whole legs up, bum pillow to help the swimmers a little? thanks in advanceeeee x
I conceived using preseed with my son first time. You don’t need to use as much as the box says!

It’s not necessary but there’s no harm in trying.


Hey all, hope everyone is doing ok.
My head is a bit melted, hoping to vent/get some advice.. How accurate do you think OPKs are? I’ve been using the easy@home ones and I get a peak every month but hardly any symptoms. Normally ovulate on CD20 and have a short TWW, but I wonder if the timing is wrong now.
Like, today I’ve definitely got EWCM and I’m only on CD12 which would be too early for my normal cycle timing? 🤔 this is like a maths exam!! Anyone have any advice or similar experiences? I will be raging if I’ve been timing wrong for a year!


VIP Member
Literally heartbroken, 12DPO and (what I think?) AF has arrived early, literally no signs of spotting, nothing, just arrived out of the blue tonight really heavy. Really thought this was our month 😢.
But what’s concerning me is that I didn’t have any spotting at all before AF, I always have spotting for 2-3 days before. Has anyone else ever had this? Could this be something worse than what I’m assuming is my period?
sorry to hear that you’re out this month, it’s so disheartening when you feel like you did everything right!

your period starting without spotting could actually be a good sign, I usually spot before too and have had a couple of months where I don’t - I spoke to me GP about it and they suggested that spotting can sometimes be a sign of hormonal imbalances, so when you don’t spot, it’s more likely that your hormone levels are stabilising.