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We're only on our first cycle and I think my husband is already feeling the pressure! I know I need to relax a bit. I wasn't going to update my husband about my cycle either, but it's also obvious to him as we weren't DTD anywhere near this much previously.

My husband has a cold, was really tired after work yesterday and wasn't really interested in DTD last night. I ended up telling him it was my peak (static smiley) day which I think made him feel more pressured so we didn't end up DTD.

Am I right in thinking that yesterday (first day of static smiley) was our best chance? We DTD the night before (I'd had a flashy smiley that morning) and again this morning, but that was over 24 hours after I'd first had the static smiley so not sure if conception is still likely at that point.
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Thanks guys, I went and bought some last night! We've been trying for our first baby since July and it started as just we'll stop being careful and if it happens it happens, but now I'm starting to track ovulation etc. so I'm very new to all this so will probably ask a lot of silly questions!
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Lola UK

VIP Member
No idea how many DPO. 5 weeks according to my last period but I think I may have ovulated later (I gave up testing because I was getting pissed off at the negatives).

Thankyou everyone for your lovely messages I really appreciate it ❤❤❤

I did a digital yesterday. Absolutely terrified and trying not to get too excited. Convinced myself already something bad is going to happen or already has. Not sure how I’m supposed to do these next few weeks.

Congratulations 💕 knew we were due some good news on this thread!
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Happy new year everyone. Hoping 2022 is our year, wishing everyone well 💖

I'm due AF on Thursday but for past 4 days I've had abdominal cramping, dull back ache and one or two sharp pains in my pelvic area. Started on 6DPO. Been absolutely exhausted for the past two days as well. Worried my mind is playing cruel tricks on me and I fully expect my period to arrive in the next few days.

I'm grasping to anything I can at the moment.
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I was SO sure I was pregnant this month. We’d had lots of sex at the right times and I’d started feeling sick in the morning, tender boobs etc.

I’ve been really ill the last few days with what I thought was cystitis but is actually a kidney infection, and when he did the test he also said I wasn’t pregnant and prescribed antibiotics not to be used in pregnancy 😭

I’m only CD24 of what is normally a 29 day cycle, but now I just want my period to arrive if it’s not meant to be.
I don’t know about you but when it feels like a special or significant time to conceive or find out your pregnant, one for me was on my honeymoon or like just now getting a ‘Christmas wish’ it feels even more disappointing. I’m due on tomorrow but I already think I’m out, I don’t feel anything different just the usual AF symptoms.

I hope you feel better soon x
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Chatty Member
Someone please remind me that 5PO is far too early to test or have symptoms? 🤣

not feeling overly hopeful this month, I didn’t track and just DTD as much as we could be bothered but I just don’t feel like this month is the month 😞

how’s everyone doing? x
Just reminding you that 5dpo is in fact too early to test or have symptoms :ROFLMAO: TWW is such a drag isn’t it. Try to stay positive. Egg only needs one sperm x

I’m 12dpo and just waiting for period to arrive which is due any time now. If it doesn’t turn up by tomorrow I might test again but I’m expecting it to.
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I’m 11 DPO now, I caved and tested. BFN. 🙈😭 I’ve never got to 11DPO before so I reckon the vaccine has messed things up.
Don't despair too much, there's still time. And if this month isn't it then at least your vaccine is done and you can keep trying knowing you've got that protection for when it does happen.
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I think this is one of the most frustrating things - symptoms of pregnancy are also very similar to symptoms of AF 🙄 fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻
This is what I'm finding difficult. I've been on birth control for so long I don't remember what are normal symptoms. I was nauseous yesterday and been very burpy and tired today but only 8dpo.
I'm just trying to track every symptom so that at least I can spot patterns and understand my cycle better so it isn't as confusing.


VIP Member
hey, I got mine around the same time last night too lol!
I’ve been looking online and from what I can see, they count cd1 as your first full day of bleeding so last night wouldn’t count (I read this on a fertility centres website)… I know some others may disagree though.
cycle sisters! Yeah I think I’ll count today as day 1, I only really had about an hour of bleeding yesterday so I don’t really feel like I can count that.


New member
A bit of a dip in my BBT this morning and AF is due Tuesday. Thinking we didn’t catch this month… That sinking feeling is setting in!


VIP Member
I thought that I was starting to get some symptoms… woke up during the night on Saturday with really sharp cramps, my boobs have been so sore - painful to touch. And now it’s all eased off 🤦🏼‍♀️.

I’m only on CD23 so I guess it’s too early to say for sure if I’m out or not, but I’m so frustrated!


VIP Member
hi guys has anyone used pre-seed, seven seas trying to conceive tablets?
also, isit always necessary to do the whole legs up, bum pillow to help the swimmers a little? thanks in advanceeeee x


VIP Member
Anyone know anything about bbt? I haven’t done it before so bought a OvuSense for this month which I’m still waiting to arrive. To confirm ovulation is it a dip and then 3 consecutive higher temps after?
I temped for 3 months, that’s pretty much all there is to it but there’s not always a dip before, the rise is more important as it indicates your progesterone has risen which elevated you BBT and means ovulation has occurred.

I would recommend using fertility friend, but the ovusense app might be just as good (I never used ovusense just a regular BBT).

I will say if you establish you have regular ovulation and it’s consistently on the same day (and you don’t conceive quickly) then give up BBT if you can. It’s easy to become obsessed with. Good luck!


VIP Member
I ovulate a different day every month, have to start on cd10, it could be cd19 before i peak and the following month cd13🙄


VIP Member
It’s looking like I’m going to get a peak today on CD15 (I didn’t peak until CD23 last month) but I’ve been spotting quite a bit yesterday and today. Could this just be ovulation spotting? Does anyone have any experience with it?


VIP Member
It's not any help but i think clear blue can be inaccurate when it comes to opks, I get 2 different results from the same urine sample so i don't have much faith in clear blue🙄