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Honestly seeing all the huns ‘ you’re so inspiring trisha’.... Trisha I’m glad if you learnt to love your self. I learnt to love myself in 2018
After years of trying to figure life out. But I’m not writing and selling a book pretending I’m someone and something I’m not. I’m not lying to insta every day & filtering pictures. I’m not set to make more money this year with a new version of the old lie. We all want you to love yourself. But you’re not allowed to be a fraud and con people while you’re doing it.
Yeah. Like I learnt a long time ago in my job- 'the day you think you know it all is the day you need to leave' that applies to Trisha. Poorly advising people by putting up these Q&A boxes is shit cra',same with the 2nd book. Like it's a jokeshop she should be working in. Too big for her boots.
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Like. I'm honestly baffled. I went to town on it with the toblerone and the deliveroo and mince pies. I've reigned it in cos I can see the chunkiness in the mirror and I've to ch

She's not stepping on the scales. I'm not saying the only way is to successfully do this is to weigh your self but she's in denial. Sure the gym clothes will fit her as they as they are stretchy.

I'm on a rant here as I think she is one of the top 2020 con artists. But she thinks she is on the same league as James the dope Smith and his shadow Diren. They will leave her behind when her following dwindles.
Very valid point. The fact she’s even asked for the IFS event in Portugal I mean please - the fucking hilarity of it. She’s so big even when she edits pictures she still looks 20 stone. She’s a holy disgrace to be representing health & fitness. Roaring beat the bulge and laughing out loud won’t con people. She has major work to do if she thinks she can sell a new book in spring 2021!!!!!
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Looks like she’s taking the 26th off too....just don’t say what’s days you are “taking off”’s rubbish and we all know she won’t stick to it!
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OMG the ‘Live’ she did was appalling! Shows absolutely the true width of her moon face
Really??? Was it tonight? I just checked and just saw stories. Oh my god the pic of her after taking off her mask 😂😂 she is trying to smile in a way that doesn't accentuate the weight on her face, it looks so wierd!
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Her January plan she put up makes no sense.
In one sentence she says 1 minute walking = 200 steps but then in the next says 20 minutes walking = 8000 steps. (If 1min=200steps surely 20mins=4000steps 🤔)
I know it’ll vary from person to person how many steps they can do in 20mins but still it doesn’t add up.
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I just love that’s she’s so vague in her latest grid post - “4 weeks in” vs now .... when was “4 weeks in”?! Who even knows! So deliberate to hide the straying off the path into #ad!

Normally people on a weight loss journey will say things like “April 2019 vs today”, so that you know how long it’s been. And include their weight! Maybe not every single post, but we really haven’t seen a date and weight in a really long time. Which is fine and no one’s business except isn’t that the point of the page?
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I'm struggling with my weight for years I lost loads with slumming world but it came back on. Where can I go to get proper help all suggestions welcome. I'm in an awful state of depression over it. I only found tricia recently and taught she was good to follow until reading here
Big hugs to you. Please start with your GP, they will be able to help you with resources that will work for you. Operation Transformation starts tonight on RTE1 and the RTE Player, tune in! It's very easy.
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Lads outside of the poor misfortunate souls who genuinely may be unhappily overweight and obese and for some reason find Trisha someone to admire 🙄 I think people are going to see through her this time. I mean crackers ? We all know oats or whole meal bread are a healthier start to the day. An egg is about 90 cals. What’s she saving with 2 yokes ? Like that’s not even something that makes sense ! She’s obviously binging away again until Monday 🤣
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What’s the point of her coming on and shouting to walk and drink water and eat healthy if she’s not showing us it’s working? If she wants to sweep 2020 under the carpet because of her gains, do you know, grand, that’s grand.

But don’t come on and shout at us without showing us the benefits! She’d be much better coming on and saying, lads, down 3 lbs today, it was all the walks and water and veggies! If she wants to sell her recipes and shout at us, prove that it works already. Not a single proof in her pudding, just pudding and nothing to show.
I actually wouldn’t believe a word she says about her weight anyway. She lies and deceives so often her word is nothingz
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Her latest post.... ANOTHER side by side pic of her face before versus now (the current is heavily filtered to take away weight around her jowls and chin)... she also advises us to "eat the crisps".... I believe that's her indirectly admitting she has absolutely stuffed her face this Christmas ..... :rolleyes:
Some reset you have ahead of you Trisha!
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She is such a bloody eejit "imma doing some gardening" who even talks like that and wtf is she talking about?! Big fat con woman, shut up
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I'm struggling with my weight for years I lost loads with slumming world but it came back on. Where can I go to get proper help all suggestions welcome. I'm in an awful state of depression over it. I only found tricia recently and taught she was good to follow until reading here
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Let’s be honest she’s not the most “photogenic” person around especially with make up on. She’s so awkward in every way. She’s reading every word here. Aren’t you Trisha??!!!

Shes asking for REALISTIC weight loss pages to follow!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 OMG the irony!!! The BIGGEST (literally) FRAUD out there is looking for people to follow who actually SHARE their journey truthfully. Unlike herself who is three years into hers and weighs more than when she lost the original 100 lbs if she even did that. Seriously. The next time she does a wellness seminar and it’s accessible someone please join it and ask her the questions she can’t block or delete. I’d pay to see her reaction. Trisha Lewis you’re a disgrace.
That's weird, I mentioned last week that that's what she should do.
She's reading here without a doubt and stealing ideas that suit but hasn't the insight to see her transformation is failing due to becoming greedy for freebies.

Also her hair and whole appearance looks much better without those extensions.
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