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I'm struggling with my weight for years I lost loads with slumming world but it came back on. Where can I go to get proper help all suggestions welcome. I'm in an awful state of depression over it. I only found tricia recently and taught she was good to follow until reading here
Im finding walking good I’m already down 5lbs helping with my mental health too more then anything.
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I think she def is reading here about proof of exercise and putting up how she did each day as someone mentioned on here yesterday she should do.... her last 2 posts show this..
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she cant as its her only source of income now .... She needs the swipe ups and the validation from the other insta huns. I think by the end of this month she will be down to 150k followers...

#movewithtrisha .... would she get a grip. " ive gotten myself out of the heap i was in " .. its day 2 .. stop praising yourself and just be consistent. You will be " out of the heap" when you keep it up for a month or so and actually loose weight. Doing it for 2 days is nothing to be proud of ... When you have been consistent and lost weight we will all be proud and happy to praise you. Its like dealing with a giant toddler.
Yea that’s what I mean she acts like doing 1 or 2 days on plan is a huge achievement.. i know for me it is but this one has a page dedicated to losing weight and profiting from others. Her reaction to doing 2 days on plan is so telling. Shows she probably didn’t do 2 good days on plan in 2020!!! Just saying
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She begged for that Kevin Murphy collab. Was showing her receipts and all lately when tagging. What a sad unhealthy morbidly obese fraud
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Bought the book a while back. I was one of the people who bought into her so called transformation. There is no longer a transformation. There is no weight being lost. Just flogging crap. Unfollowed & blocked.
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As I said previously couch 2 5k or power walking for her to shift the pounds don’t get the whole gym thing for her at all You don’t have to use the gym to loose weight and certainly don’t need to use the excuse that they’ve been closed. She’s just one big Aldi ad and Charlotte tilbury products, dying for a few freebies from Charlotte or did she get some free previous to that hence all the hints now for more.
Strength training is amazing, she'll build muscle which will in turn burn more calories and give her body more definition along side having a strong fit body. Of course she'll benefit from cardio too. I was shocked when she did the October steps and found them so difficult.

She is going to look big in her videos, she's well over 19 stone, and I suppose still at this weigh she'll probably need to lose a couple of more stone before we see a change, especially as she's been around this weight for quiet some time really.
She does look like she's lost weight recently, her face is much more slimmer, it's very hard to tell without proper progress pictures to compare to.
Having said that now I wonder why she never really seems to have taken any.
Especially as she's strength training, the scales won't reflect the fat loss effectively if she's building muscle but pictures and measurements would.
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So she is basically admitting she isnt starting till Monday now ? Imagine telling everyone you're taking 2/3 days off a diet but instead just binging the life out of the week. Why lie and bullshit constantly

2-3 days in December wasn’t it. She named them. Maybe the 21st, 25th & 30th. Turned out to be the whole month & now into jan.
What an absolute fraud. She must be awake at night freaking out because she has a reset book to flog in may
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Her latest post is a nice introduction to her new book, well written.... by her management team
Don’t be fooled, this is the same person who shouts into the phone every morning to get her first ‘Ad’ of the day ‘I work with Meaghers’
Heavily filtered pics on her grid
Taking cash from Aldi - for poorly devised dishes.
Basically admitted she didn’t do the 300k step challenge in October. She is aiming to get to 13k steps a day now 🤷‍♀️
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Yes for me to get 10,000 steps I need to do about an hour and a half walk! Jeeze Trisha can’t even get that bit right
I don’t how she can get that wrong doesn’t she have a Fitbit or some type of watch? 20 minute walk would do feck all my dog gets a longer walk then that when I’m bringing out to go to the toilet of an evening.
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She must be doing 2 of those walks a day to be getting her steps up over 20k in a day. Given what she said her step count was before this latest reset it sounds like she's really punishing herself to lose a big amount of weight really quickly. That's one way to burn out and cause yourself to give up before you really get going on a "weight loss journey". She's setting herself up for failure again if this is the case and that's sad to see.
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Wheres reality

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I saw this and it really fucking annoyed me. She wants us to follow a weight loss journey with no indication of what weight is lost. Best of both worlds if you ask me! Sorry to say this because I did like Trisha but my blind faith Santa Claus days are long fucking gone! You want me to follow you? Show me the fucking goods!
Exactly ! All the talk but hush hush behind doors but ohh please still tell me im amazing and an inspiration . Sick of the lot of these hunzos
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Almost there

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Has anyone here messaged her directly calling her out? :unsure:... I am so tempted myself...
I think she would block you as I’d say she is a moody sod if told the truth. As for this walk thing she has feck all else to do let’s see if she is up moving at 7am like I am heading to work!! When I see them all commenting that she’s inspirational what bloody planet are they on!!
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Anyone remember the photos she had with all the pounds of butter? She done a couple of them I think.

Thats when I found her. Thought wow, she was so impressive!

My hub calls her butter lady (not in a mean way, he thought it was a brilliant idea and really impressive)

It would have been so cool to see her do a series of them.

No progress pics in... months now. Tempted to even say years.
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Is she thin yet !? Sure she has had 3 days of water , steps and eating peanut butter - surely she is 10 stone lighter by now ? Oh wait .... what’s that .. RESET ! I see another huge one coming .. 🙄 this lady is a joke. Mortified for her
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She’s preaching to her viewers again today to get up, get the water, go out for your walk- what I find really annoying is how she can barely walk herself and eat well, and then thinks be giving orders for people to get their life together!! I just find that really annoying!! I’d be morto if I was her, I know wouldn’t have the right to be marching like that giving I’ve eaten good for what...a week and a half? After binging all throughout 2020. And wasn’t today her weigh in day?? She never said how much she lost??
No mention of weight loss or gain as predicted. She’s pathetic and a FRAUD. 🙄🙄🙄
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Yea I bought her first book with excitement and I read it and enjoyed it, she does not do any recipes or anything from the first book so why would anyone buy a second book from a 20 stone overweight loud mouth? That has proven she doesn’t do sweet f all about achieving her weight loss goals but just shouts BEAT THE BULGE and films the odd walk she goes on

She’s actually really greedy

60-90 cals in each yolk depending on size. Less than 20 in the white. The white is full of protein, keeping you fuller for longer, in theory.
Cool thanks for explaining I wouldn’t have a clue lol! ❤❤

Also anyone think it’s such a waste to get rid of any part of an egg?? Like just eat it yano?lol
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Someone her size would lose a stone in week 1. She’s 20 something stone. 7 pounds would be water weight alone. If she is still giving weight updates by Feb it will tell a lot...
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That’s crazy. How can you have a second book when you’ve not even met your aim of the first book.
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The absolute STRESS she must be under, binge eating, Xmas foods and drinks, it’s January... and she has the Instagram account with everyone watching what she’s doing. I used to dread getting weighed in front of the aul skinny one in WW, but she has to keep up this false front. I couldn’t sleep at night with that sort of pressure.
Yes yea yes!!

I’m the same. A stone or so baby weight to lose (6 month on!!) and I’m here thinking ‘ok give it your all now because you don’t have to see anyone due to lockdown so do your best and use this time’ - but I only have my family here to consider them seeing me on and off the food wagon! She has 160k plus eyes but not only that she’s selling herself as this inspiration weight loss page , she’s selling a second fucking book for gods sake on reseting- something that she can’t even do. She’s a laughing fucking stock and I’m the one laughing the loudest because I was an eejit that bought the story and the first book.
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