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Just watched 10 minutes of the latest vlog and I’m losing the will to live, Dan’s looking rough, it must be lack of sleep from staying awake deleting negative comments.
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God i get angrier and angrier with that babboon
Telling us not everyone there should be able to speak English...its HIM who has been insinuating that since he got there.
Drag queen wanting to go to a bull fight the stupid ignorant bitch!!
And still the handouts roll in...
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I so agree with you both of them scrounging no pride at all .one minute she's in a wheelchair now walking all over Spain let's hope PIP is watching .there's nothing wrong with her she can lift a few pints easily how gross a woman drinking pints she's a serious drinker as well bet that's what attracted them and her house money .
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Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
They must be getting money elsewhere because it says they only get around £313 a week from YT...Bo Selecta is probably on disability remember she was going around with a walking stick a while back
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Don’t know how many of you have been on their patreon site, there are 4 levels starting at a £1 a month up to £94 a month plus vat, surely no one is stupid enough to give them £94 a month.
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Just been catching up with this whole thread, I've just watched their very latest vlog and loadsoin here seem to be talking about Dan more but sorry I'm not bloody fooled by every so innocents nicey Mazzy, she's a Con artistiff you ask me, did you hear her say how 'She's paid £1600k for their Tunisia holiday in May next year, Excuse me how the flipping feck did she afford that when she clearly has NO proper job except this shitein youtube and I'm pretty sure she not earning enough to pay for that off youtube, , and all her other shite she buys like me expensive fake tan she said costs her £80 to buy! Jeeze man, we can't even afford a holiday, and we both work here..I'm seriously thinking she's claiming some kind of benifets in UK, hence why she does a gone missing act every few months down in Bury St eds to keep her claims going? That makes a load sense to me... She makes my piss boil, she's so smug and a bragging cow, thinks she's so posh yet isn't at all, way she changes her voice, trys to talk posh one min then goes all common next, and then a little girls voice comes out of her now and then, also did you hear her next plans, buying a plot of land for Dan as well as a house, really? How much do they two think will earn off youtube?? They seem to be doi g pretty well financially last year or so, I remember their earlier videos always counting pennies and moaning about price of stuff etc.... Who agrees with me?

how can they leave 4 children selfish pair of scroungers.
What 4 children?

Those two are acholics, it's really so obvious in thsis trip, I did suspect this before but it's really clear they are in this Spanish trip, and he's driving a motorhome next morning, must still be in his blood, the alcohol, and people keep giving money for that? People are NUTS
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Diamond Geezer

Well-known member
These two must be earning way more than we think to be splashing the cash around like they do - at about the 21.00 mark did Mazzy shriek the F word - they both sounded drunk watching the football - what happened to their concern about children viewing - disgusting people.

They have really let themselves and their viewers down on this trip in so many ways

I think it would be a badge of honour to have been blocked by nasty old rubber face.
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I see the moderator on their Facebook page has realised people are not happy with the pair of them. She’s put:

Please put comments to help Dan and mazzzy on there youtube videos or email Dan Thank you, you will find his email on more on his youtube videos :)

Apparently Dan & Mazzie don’t do Facebook, but maybe they’ve been told about the number of negative comments appearing on there??
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I reckon they both smoke and quite a bit too. Sometimes there are packs of cigs and lighters strewn about the motorhome (I gave up a couple of months ago so have become very good at spotting them in the wild lol) also Mazzy has that kind of wheezy cough you get when you’ve been on the fags for a while. Not to mention the colour of Dan’s teeth and fingers. On the plus side cigs are a hell of a lot cheaper in Spain so they won’t be spending *as much* of the donations on them as they would in the UK.
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I did used to watch them but switched to other people who do a much better jobs that they do.
They definitely use people. Haven't heard from that guy who used to send them stuff from Germany?
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Hi guys so I wear my DDD badge of honour with pride. My comment got deleted from knob heads page, it was posted at the top of page 47 on here. I don’t know why he deletes my stuff as I’m always polite (which he never is) I don’t understand how Dan is allowed his true honest opinion on things but viewers are only allowed opinions he agrees with or likes. Why do his subscribers allow this and even pay him for it?
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Haha he's just said he enjoyed blocking about 20 people last night who said they were disrespectful....haha spending all his time deleting and blocking...stupid thick twat
Hope you read this Dan there's fuck all you can do wanker
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They are always talking about the cost of everything, funny no mention how much a packet of fags cost, wonder if people knew he was spending their money on fags they wouldn’t be so quick to donate.
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Hi, my first post! I’ve been reading this thread for a while and have joined specifically to say I wholeheartedly agree with everyone’s comments. I’m not sure why I’m so invested in the daily lives of this absolute car-crash. Dan is a loose cannon, he frustrates me beyond belief. I also feel their recent absence on YT was Mazzy losing the plot with him and threatening to call the whole trip off - she’s certainly become more feisty of late. This Spanish trip (well, the trips to half-closed villages anyway, for all we’re seeing of Spain) will end in tears for one of them.
Hello....yes he is a twat for sure

Hi, my first post! I’ve been reading this thread for a while and have joined specifically to say I wholeheartedly agree with everyone’s comments. I’m not sure why I’m so invested in the daily lives of this absolute car-crash. Dan is a loose cannon, he frustrates me beyond belief. I also feel their recent absence on YT was Mazzy losing the plot with him and threatening to call the whole trip off - she’s certainly become more feisty of late. This Spanish trip (well, the trips to half-closed villages anyway, for all we’re seeing of Spain) will end in tears for one of them.
None of us know why we keep watching them but I just want to see them fuck up
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Active member
Talk about lazy, thinking they are special they really do. I have met people like these two specimens who think the world owes them a living but never so blatant as Dan and Mazzy. I have not watched the last few vlogs I just can't!!The problem with arse holes like this pair they seem to get support from ordinary hard working people. It's fascinating that Dan answers people who give him genuine advice with guttersnipe remarks(I wonder is that what his subscribers want, to be treated like dirt) they have turned their back on at least four children to be adored by strangers. Fecken odd balls..
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Diamond Geezer

Well-known member
Welcome to the attractive concrete jungle expertly guided by poor lonely old Gary who will talk to anybody and everyone to fill in his days in the sun.

No thought of getting a taxi or Uber back to camp let’s hoof it back miles on her allegedly bad legs.

Her waste of good food is disgusting but that’s ok suckers are paying for it.

He is still at the deleting lark - I was just about to read a comment about Baggy and it vanished into thin air - he really is a magician.
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It been really interesting reading this thread. I used to watch Dan Holdsworth vlogs years ago, when he called himself Deep Digger Dan. If anyone interested (bored!) enough to go back through his playlists, there are videos from Germany when he was in a relationship with a lass who had a baby by him. Then few years later, he mentioned a daughter in her late teens or early 20s when he was doing the Lands End to John Groats walk for Mazzy's father. Her Dad sustained a head injury in an incident where Mazzy family resides, the press were involved and a lot of money was raised to help the old chap. Then, suddenly the walk ended because Dan had leg or knee problems or shin splints. Cant remember. Mazzy at that time drove the motorhome to give him somewhere to live whilst he was doing the walk. There are loads of old playlists on his deep digger dan channel, hundreds of them. Some are good, including the digging the coast 365 ones. I can't remember for sure (can't be bothered to go back through all the old playlists from that time), Mazzy sold her house and purchased the current MH. Indeed they did split up (how bored am I tonight to be remembering all this!), but got back together fairly quickly. Mazzy X you tube channel showed her stating she was going to stop drinking, not that long ago, because she wasn't liking how it affects her. Didn't seem to last long. I have a couple of times suggested things, regarding her urinary problem, including reducing her coffee and pepper intake . But, my comments were deleted. She has, if I remember right, more than one child, the one she mentions now and again and a much older one. Whatever their relationship or family dynamic is, I am unsure, not really my business. Shame however, the vlogs have got rushed and uninteresting of late. The Moray, Inverness and mid Highland ones didn't inspire any wish for me to view the remaining videos.I touched base today and watched the Tunnel video, again, that would have been excellent if Mazzy had been able to say what she was interested in properly. I have now stopped watching completely and unsubscribed. I much prefer The Ex Pawers, Lost in Europe, Daily Bald, Bald and Bankrupt, NKFRZ and Harald Baldr who do professional and interesting vlogging. I dislike the term 'e-begging' , but recently I am feeling that this is exactly what some YT presenters are doing. I also feel that whilst I am paying council tax locally, that some MH people should be paying towards the collection of their rubbish and toilet waste. I pulled into a lay-by today on the A9 north of Perth and at the side of the road was obvious contents from a chemical toilet. That stuff kills wildlife and pollutes the streams and rivers. I dont believe the trolls do that, hope not anyway. So, big apology for such a long post, keep watching if you choose to, but my personal preference are the bloggers who post interesting travel stuff. I must try not to guess what this couple are living like, since I can only see short clips of their daily life. Indeed, their job is their blogging. Not my idea of work, but I guess it can be, if the videos are going to be professionally presented. Oh, regarding the food.. not my idea of healthy eating, either but again, not for me to judge unless I walk in their shoes. Actually, reading back my words, I am being very judgemental.... whoops! Apology to all. Hey folks, Keep safe, Happy New year albeit belated.
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