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New member
Someone’s asked them why didn’t they get the bus into Valencia. Dan’s reply ‘medical reasons’…. Why, cos Mazzy pisses herself all the time? Surely there’s toilets in Valencia! He uses her needing the toilet as his ‘get out of jail card’ when he doesn’t want to do something out of his comfort zone.
I’ve had 4 children and if I need a pee then I NEED to go, but that doesn’t stop me going out and about.
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Diamond Geezer

Well-known member
Think YT may not like his comments about the Chinese shopkeepers either - they have strict policies about that sort of thing.

Did anyone notice she’s busy cooking his meal and he wouldn’t even go outside to get the potatoes out of the garage for her - she had to do everything while he sat on his entitled arse waiting for the finished product. What is wrong with her too for putting up with that crap.
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Well-known member
They are getting way more than 300 quid without a doubt.
I was watching a vlog from another channel ranting about false reviews etc etc and what they get offered from company's to do just 1 minute.
He stated a figure he was offered was 2000 for 1 minutes worth BUT..,the company tell you what to some genuine people would turn that down if it meant they were telling us a load of bollocks,so it not only sounds like they get the goods for free but they also get paid to give a positive review!
These two pair of no marks gets thousands of pounds worth of goods so if they also get paid to review them that tight bastard won't refuse any will he!
I reckon most of us would get a shock if we knew what they pulled in plus all the benefits and then they squeeze even more out with their fucking super thanks!
I think the tax people need to know!!!
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If you look them up on Rob & Lynn charity meet up, she was smoking with Lynn & there are often cigarettes packets on view in the van. That will contribute to his nicotine coloured teeth which he contorts his face not to show🤮.
He must read these comments as he apologised for his blunt reply to a subscriber correcting his chorizo pronunciation. She also said he replied too bluntly to comments, they wouldn’t know if they didn’t read here. Bring on the home truths to these lazy begging lowlifes to read. They are so thick, they don’t even recognise sarcasm, when someone left a comment (from here) ‘the mechanic didn’t even speak English? after they were moaning he didn’t speak English, he had a big rant to say they were in the real Spain and don’t expect people to speak English. Please let the engine drop out of their van, they will need a lot of £1.79’s from Peter Webster.
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The Travel Morons have copyright struck #Hall of fame on YouTube!
poor little Dan has such a fragile ego!
If you don’t want criticism, don’t broadcast your pathetic scrounging life on YouTube for the world to see!
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Active member
Oh dear another attempt to please the subscribers how long will it take for these unfortunate people to find out they are being lied to. They keep referring to making videos a job so if they are getting benefits it's the high jump for the both of them. I can't watch their vlogs it's to painful these. Two have found a way to con the public and I cringe.
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Well-known member
Well that was boring wasn't it! had to chuckle at the end when he left his fags on the table and had to quickly move them out of sight.
Do you think that they may realize that more and more people aren't happy with them now as they don't seem so upbeat in the videos, he doesn't seem to be trying to come across as funny or comical anymore. The amount of superfanks has definitely gone down these last few videos that's for sure.
Thread title.... Baggy needs some English fags,while Mazzy needs some rubber pants.
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Well-known member
If she does claim PIP and it's anything to do with her mobility, then these videos are going to land her in the do do if someone decides to report them. The amount of walking they do, and at the pace they go shows there is very little wrong with her, and yes i know very well that ailments can be intermittent but all hers are clearly on video for all to see. To be fair her anxiety doesn't really show either on camera. Also if he is claiming carers, well he does fuck all for her! she cleans, cooks, does the washing, infact everything except drives.
I cannot believe they have gone all the way to Spain and are so pleased to have found pork pies and friggin bacon. The pair of them really have no spirit of adventure at all.
Around Spain in 90 days as long as we have bacon, pork pies and John Smiths
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Well-known member
Need to decide what the new thread is going to be called! i vote for
Travel Trolls TV#2 Baggy and Brows And The Begging Bowl.
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I think she was upset because she needed a piss 🤣
they’ve really shown themselves up for the pig ignorant twats they are. They haven’t embraced any of the local culture at all. They’d have been better off with a fortnight in Benidorm
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Here's a telling exchange from the comments on the Travel Trolls channel. A fan very politely told them she was sorry they were so stressed, saying "You should do 3/4 [videos] a week now your in Spain, take time to explore at your leisure and enjoy it. No one expects a daily video."

Here's Dan's answer:
"How do we get paid for the 3/4 days you are suggesting we take off?"

We watch quite a few Van Life channels and while the full timers have all said at one time or another that YouTube is their main source of income, they try to present themselves as content providers, doing their best to offer entertaining and informative videos for the enjoyment of their audience. Dan is the only one I've seen who is so blunt about cranking out as many vlogs as he can so they can get paid. When one of their viewers, genuinely concerned about their stress level, suggests they cut back on videos and that viewers are OK without a video every day, he basically says "F*** off, we need the money."

And I was so tempted to post a reply to his comment--"I don't know, get a real job maybe?"
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Of course Mazzy is not as sweet as she pretends, she comes from a family of travelling people. Her mother left them to their own devices she said at one stage she was barred out of two local pubs for laughing too loudly. She then told us she had depression and didnt leave the house for 17 years. Her father 72 years and Mazzies brother after a day long pub crawl in Bury St Edmunds got into a fight at a late night eating place at 1am. The young Airman who they had accosted injured Mazzies Dad and got time. Not a lot of 72 year old go on pub crawls into the early hours. I am not saying anything against the family exept Mazzy may be unhinged.
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Diamond Geezer

Well-known member
Isn’t it typical that he automatically assumed the toll collector was dishonest - I bet Mazzy heard about how she did the wrong thing with the coins for hours. You can guess when the video suddenly jumps hours like in this last one that something unpleasant has happened or was said she didn’t want on record.

Fancy being too frightened to pull into a service station on a motoring trip. I think he doesn’t want to look like a fool - that horse has already bolted Dan.

He so often posts nasty snappy replies to well-meaning and helpful people - she has made him apologise in the past for that sort of behaviour. Overdue for another one.

This trip is like watching the Titanic steam towards the iceberg - I have a distinct sense of impending disaster with their antics.
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I’m so glad I found this site, until recently we had a seasonal pitch at The Nurseries, the first time the trolls came onto our radar was early summer when they stayed on the site, we all wondered what was going on, could see them racing on lawnmowers, walking round filming on their phone but because they were on the touring side it didn’t affect us too much. Someone said go on you tube and look up Travel Trolls, omg none of us could believe it, once they had left the site we never gave them a second thought. Roll on a few months and they appeared again but on the seasonal side, all I can say is thank god we had already decided not to renew our contract, it’s supposed to be a quiet site with mature couples and retired people. Watching them film their antics is cringy and annoying. I wonder if the people sending them money would be happy knowing their hard earned cash was being spent on cigarettes. Sometimes deluded fans would turn up to shake their hand and give them a hug. Like I said I’m so glad I found this site knowing it’s not just us who couldn’t give a toss about the trolls.
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The clickbaiting to get more views is definitely increasing.
When I saw the “Meet our new dog” title I knew it was absolute rubbish.
They can’t even be with or care for their own children, let alone look after a dog!
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He's having another go tonight about super thanks saying hes going to give thanks of course he is the scroungers they are buying drinks cigarettes and meals even mazzie yesterday came in with 6 cans he had 12 cans in the fridge his list was even bigger who are these crazy people giving them so much money his vlogs are boring they are both drunk at the end of this one being insulting to people and blocked a guy for saying just 1a week vlog and grinned about it .I really dislike them now don't think I will be watching them much more .us workers are struggling with food petrol and heating he's taking the royal piss jumped up little man .she's as bad now .
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He is absolutely pathetic!!! Too scared to order a meal & relying on other people again. Mazzy needs to lose him in Spain, he’s a liability and no use to anyone.
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Diamond Geezer

Well-known member
When she said it would be 6k to have her buried, he replied I think your sister should sort that out 😂 if she was to die tomorrow that van would need new rear tyres, the wheels would be spinning that much in the opposite direction and he'd be gone.
What an absolute weasel to want to stiff her family with the bill for her funeral after he has been shacked up with her for nearly five years. That speaks volumes about him as a man.
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Well-known member
If she does claim PIP and it's anything to do with her mobility, then these videos are going to land her in the do do if someone decides to report them. The amount of walking they do, and at the pace they go shows there is very little wrong with her, and yes i know very well that ailments can be intermittent but all hers are clearly on video for all to see. To be fair her anxiety doesn't really show either on camera. Also if he is claiming carers, well he does fuck all for her! she cleans, cooks, does the washing, infact everything except drives.
I cannot believe they have gone all the way to Spain and are so pleased to have found pork pies and friggin bacon. The pair of them really have no spirit of adventure at all.
Around Spain in 90 days as long as we have bacon, pork pies and John Smiths
Ohh I think someone has reported them and HRMC aswell I've heard
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