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lmfaoooooo this popped up in my ss View attachment 709092

If she was such a victim of stalking why the fuck would you continue you show your children online? She's fucking slow.
Exactly!!!!! She shows the kids school names, let's everyone know when they are in school. Constantly posts when shes out and where she is. If she was being stalked she would enjoy life in silence and no one would know anything. She craves attention and makes up senerios in her head to make her feel important. My brother in law works in security in the hospital and there have been REAL celebrities in and out of there and no one had a clue.
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Tracy has not ONE maternal bone in her body. I used to think she did when it was just Skylar.. but now I'm realizing possibly the reason she favors her so much is because she is the oldest and more independent than Jayden and of course Julian. She expected them to be robots and know exactly what to do and when. She deff should have stopped after Sky or at least waited a little but longer to see if she truly wanted more kids or just wanted the image of a picture perfect family. If it was just her and Sky I feel like she might be more involved as a parent because they can actually do more things together. Idk, just a thought.

Also, man I love when she says her DM's are filled - okay and? Are they quality men? Doubt it because then you'd be giving them the BeSt HeAD evErRrR. They all prob are gross, have wifes/gfs (not like that's stopped her before) or nothing of substance. She is so embarrassing. "I can't go here and there because I am a MoMMy of ThrEe and get no time to myself" bitch... you're not the only one with screenshots.
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Correct me if I’m wrong but I THOUGHT someone “debunked” that hospital lockdown story. I faintly remember reading it- someone’s friend was a nurse there ? I don’t even remember what thread it could be in
also-I wonder if Corey or raven would tell the same story 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Most of them know, babe. Her and Corey posted a camo themed New Years Eve Party back when they were together. They did camo bc of the "disrespectful kneeling" and it did not go over well with her followers. I encourage you to find those picks in her many posts and read the comments 😳. Her follower count took a plunge as long as her saggy breasts. The sad part, at least for me is, ummm...she's just so dumb. Like at bimbo level. She couldn't debate Trump's merits to a child. Its probably what Daddy Maloney supports and some Epsteins and Mrs Can't Be Original just bandwagons as per usual.
The “her follower count took a plunge as long as her saggy breasts” took me out! ☠🤣
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View attachment 710869

Why is bbworldwide so obsessed with being "nice" to tracy? 🙄 seems off somehow.
maybe tracy has dirt on him? I feel like she "gets mad" at him, unfollows him, and then he sucks up to her. I wonder if they did hook up and hes never told his wife? 🤔or if tracy knows hes hooked up with someone/done something that he has never told his wife about and tracy uses that as a threat?
Also @Simiauci your english is amazing! ☺
She’s a true friend who will take pictures & videos of you to use as “receipts” against you if you don’t support all of her lies
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Hello everyone! I've been following her for a while now and liked the podcast (i still listen to some episodes from time to time whem im in the car) and i just started to get more and more annoyed recently. She always talks about herself and interrupts and its always about how shes amazing. The blow jobs, the skin, the boobs, everything. No, she does not look like Sophia Loren. Maybe the eye brows and thats about it. And then she posted Denise Richards the other day saying shes one of the OG beauties or whatever when after all the fillers and crap both have done hell yeah, they look just like each other. She is CONTINUOUSLY fishing for compliments from whoever will give them to her. Stooooooop. But lets put all that aside. She put all the blame on Corey???? For real? In a marriage there are two people involved. There are VERY rare cases where one spouse fucks up, but usually its both in one way or another. She took no responsibility for anything she has done and has trully 0 awareness. Her whole issue w Covid is fucked up. People day and all you want to do is go out and party at Jenk's because you got tired of the quarantine? And isnt it interesting how your narative changed from 'be safe and stay at home' to 'masks off, no vaccines' etc? IGNORANT UNEDUCATED IDIOT. Its aaaaalways about her. Its fucking exhausting.

People die* i meant
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View attachment 718188

The dayyyyy she quits drinking 🤣🤣🤣🙂she talks sooo much about drinking its like part of her (immature, high school) personality.

View attachment 718204

This is the tracy we all used to be a fan of. I think you're all right she should have waited to have more kids or just stopped at sky. I think she rushed to have jayden hoping for a boy and then rushed to have jules. I wonder if their marraige was ok when it was just sky as well? Also odd this page only follows tara and theres a lot of tara in the pix, i wonder if its a tara/corey fan that made this page? 🤔
soo my daughter and sky are very close in age possibly born on the same day 🤔 i remember following tracy during the time i had my daughter and constantly not feeling like i was enough as a mom. Tracy always had Sky dressed up so adorable with matching head bows all the way down to the socks … my daughter spit up 1000x a day and by the end of the day i was lucky if i even had something to put her in let alone “matching”
Tracy always seemed to be dressed with hair and makeup done while i was lucky if i got a second to put a comb through my hair.
Tracy was always out with Sky taking her to water parks carnivals etc I was so nervous with my daughter we never went anywhere i was confined to my tiny apartment at the time.
Sky’s monthly achievement board were always so elaborate i began to worry something was wrong with my daughter (now it is known she was lying on everything)
As the years went on and more babies came she seemed to fall apart i want to say it was very noticeable after julian but even before that i did always find it odd why corey was never around.
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Chatty Member
Lol sooo went on IG this morning and hippo whale is verified!

funny thing is.. I don’t buy it for a second. Her engagement is SO low. I’d bet $ that she bought the verification tick like she buys her bot followers.

I’ve seen girls with 1/4 of big T’s “followers” who are verified - but they have tens of thousands likes/comments per post! There’s just no way this has been whos entire page is photoshopped selfies and stolen memes got verified. Sorry, not buying it. Thoughts?
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Saw this and had to share. Guess that’s why trashy buys her followers and verification! 😂
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Definitely not "poking fun at her" just stating she writes similar to Maria. MY OPINION. And very defensive about "Maria" I speak my mind that's who I am. And like a lot of people have stated "Maria" the person she is defending hasn't proved shit. Again, MY OPINION.

WHY TF IS HE STILL IN MONTANA?!?! He's a grown ass man no one should be worried... Judging by my other male friends that go to random ass states he probably went for a female and it didn't work out... Why else would a man from NJ go to Montana? He's got a serious problem and I know someone JUST LIKE HIM. With the prostitute situation.
There is no need to be aggressive about it though. Attacking members on here who have always been respectful of others opinions is generally a big no. Your opinion is valid as any other persons. But! When you make it personal and state an opinion that is obviously meant to attack a long time member then quite frankly I doubt your intentions and what your purpose is for those type of comments.

We all have our theories, make suggestions and offer perspectives. Let’s keep it at that level.
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She complains, she complains she’s broke, she’s non stop hating on Corey, his family, the old cast, and anyone who questions her. Oh & what has she accomplished since leaving Corey? Oh that’s right, going nowhere except moving in with her parents. But “sHe’S a BoSs BiTcH 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼


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Lots to unpack on this fuckface’s post. Obama cut his guest list from 700 to 200. To attend you had to show proof of being vaccinated & have a recent negative COVID test. Kids under 12 cannot be vaccinated, so this white trash fake news post is comparing apples to oranges. If she had any clue or a brain, she would know that. Fuck you, Lumpy Lips Leatherface.


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