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Once again, a hypocrite acting like they're above the rest of us when they literally read and keep tabs on here themselves 🤣 everything they said applies to them as well but if that helps them sleep better at night, I'm glad!

Side note: I loved the "Tracy doesn't even give a fuck about you" part when she proves everyday that she religiously reads here by suddenly posting certain shit after we mention how she hasn't in a long time. And her saddies post our screenshots in their facebook group 🤣 Tracy gives every fuck possible about this website and would have nothing to do/talk about without it
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I'm a cynic by nature but gonna go out on a limb here. Maybe, just maybe, he's really on vacation to get away and clear his mind. It's only been a couple of days. The location doesn't matter and why he chose it shouldn't matter as the midwest has beautiful scenery, sightseeing, etc. Hopefully he is getting himself together for the sake of his children.
A lot of people have been traveling to Montana and Wyoming in the recent years for the nature and a calming getaway. It’s not so weird and unheard of these days. They even sent MTVs Flirobamashore crew to Montana to film their season and they’re usually in Florida lol

I find it rude to assume he “needs help” or he’s “doing something salacious” in Montana. That would make us NO better than Tracy, just my opinion and not directed towards you.

Also, who cares who Maria is? Is not that serious. Just enjoy her shitposts and stop investigating into who she really is. Real or fake, it’s entertaining.. well it was.
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View attachment 710017
Ever since one of y’all said she never brushes the girls hair I can’t stop noticing it! Sky’s hair looks like it needs a good wash and a brush.Take care of your kids Trashy!
Wonder if this is in response to the Instagram comment that said she never post updated pics of the kids together. And i highly doubt she walks with the kids. Clown cant even go somewhere without needing to sit her lazy ass down. Julian have french fries? In the morning? or is that a stuffie? And nice way to have your 4 year old daughter wearing provocative things for a walk in the neighborhood. Nothing says "im a trash whore mom" like dressing your kids like one.
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From many threads ago, an insider said that Tracy’s mom was actually really distraught over everything that transpired with Tracy & Corey and the wedding, so I don’t think Tracy grew up with a mom who saw Tracy as competition. I think Tracy’s mom wanted Tracy to be more than just a wife and mom. From how Tracy portrays herself, there was definitely a lot of tears used as weaponry. Definitely a lot of yelling & blaming and no actual apologies. I think her mom is very passive aggressive when it comes to her dad and Tracy & I don’t think her dad dotes on her mother the way says he does. I think she just tries to paint the picture that her parents are perfect. I think Tracy’s mom ended up with a female version of her husband and spent a good chunk trying to keep Tracy from being like her dad. Remember at one point, Tracy was extremely career driven and then she met Corey someone who was also looking for fame via television and then the goal was to remain on television and all of a sudden she had this belief that the man should work and the woman should stay home. Tracy’s dad has never taken Tracy serious and it shows.
Tracy’s brothers are the favorites. They always have been, always will be. Tracy’s kids will always be the favorite grandkids because Tracy’s parents know Tracy for who and what she is.

1 of 2 things, either Tracy already moved in with her parents. Or she’s in the process of moving in with her parents and she’s going to blame it on Corey when the reality is she is capable of getting herself a job that actually provides a real paycheck.

She is definitely at her parent’s house, and it’s fucked up because if she has Covid (which she probably does) the way she’s just laying out like that, she is putting everyone else in jeopardy of getting Covid as well.
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Y’all my job brought in someone to do a training for us and she looked just like a (very very skinny) Tracy. She had the same eyebrows, eyes and nose.

It triggered my flight or fight 😂
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Talk about irony...

Indirectly making fun of Corey, her kids FATHER.

This is why NO ONE likes you Tracy Maloney!!! Look at you now. 🥴🤷🏽‍♀️
Its pretty sad she commented this considering Corey’s poor mum cant get around/move like she used to since having that botched surgery, plus losing her husband. She’s an absolute psycho.
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Full of Baloney

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Still deciding on the mommy makeover aka trying to make Corey pay for it

The blanked out lewd one really trex? Unnecessary 🤮

Stalker accounts cause so much harm to her and the kids bitch please 🙄

Curling iron? But I thought she air dries her hair?🤪
I'd bet my life none of us called any dam hospital threatening her and her baby.🙄 puhhlease. Like any of us are going to go to jail for that fool. 🙄🤣 I mean seriously. If someone wanted to try to hurt her and her kid why would they pick the hospital of all places to do it. Now I'm no criminal but common sense tells me anyone with even half a brain wouldn't show up to a fkin hospital to commit a crime. She's such an idiot lol.
Tracy since you read here. We all know where you live. Nobody is trying to do anything to you except maybe snap a photo of your wide flat ass and that's it. Get a grip. Not to mention you talk to strangers and allow posts about Corey from those strangers who "stalk" him. You are a fukin hypocrite or maybe you're just that dumb that you don't understand you do the same thing. I'm actually leaning towards that more and more. You're just dumb.
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Basically Tracy ran her mouth like the gangsta she is. Saying got ppl that will Fk her up. And she kinda met her match. My homegirl @ time had her parents number hospital number. Etc. And went ham on her. Not funny but it kinda was 😶
So typical Tracy being Tracy. Talked shit until someone said something and now she's playing victim. Typical.
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Chatty Member
What you need to do, is go back to school, and or read a few books a week. This will help expand your vocabulary. You write, and put sentences together, as if you were a 14-year-old. You don’t use punctuations, you don’t capitalize letters, there are spaces where they shouldn’t be, and you leave entire words out. Slow down when you’re typing, take your time, and read over what you just wrote (proofread). ONCE AGAIN, WE ARE ALL EMBARRASSED FOR YOU!
By the way, all those little quotes that you post all the time, they are completely full of misspelled words. Most of them look as though a 14-year-old wrote them. ONCE AGAIN WE ARE ALL EMBARRASSED FOR YOU!
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Sooo funny because I was thinking earlier that she reminds me of a ratty washed up peg bundy 😂
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Hello people! I'm Irish lol. I took a few month break from tattle and social media due to crazy work schedule, mom life and working on myself but I'm back! I'm catching up on all the tea now and just some thoughts... While I been gone I started Keto. I'm down 29lbs ( 3 months go me!) Its so hard. The shit big T eats from what I've seen she's doing it all wrong. Most protein bars are filled with sneaky carbs unless they are marked keto. Also those booze bottles\ red wine she's sucking on are no no's.

She was supposed to do the podcast #NofilterWithZack this week but cancelled. I'm heartbroken. If you ever listened to his podcast you know he is ruthless. He would be the one to ask her about her photoshopped pics, why she doesn't go by Maloney and call her out on all her lies. Maybe she knows that and is scared.

Kudos to whoever wrote that comment saying that no man will ever fuck with her after the "Tell All" because they will be afraid she would do it to them. Correct! If some guy did a tell all on his ex, secretly videoed her, put all her shit in the internet then asked me out that would be a HARD NO for me

I hope.everyone is having a good summer and its absent been rainy for 40 days in a row like its been here.
100%. if any future partner had done half of what she has to Corey, I’d run for the hills with my legs firmly closed 😂

she’s literally just a stereotypical bitter ex wife. She will NEVER stop dragging Corey. She could be married to her next man (victim) 10 years from now and still be banging on about Corey…… Corey with hookers, Corey on drugs, Corey being a deadbeat dad. With the occasional “I give A1 blowjobs” anecdote thrown in - you know incase everyone forgets she has special skills.

even if I split with my husband tomorrow , I wouldn’t feel the need to tell the Internet the inner details of my marriage nor Discuss my “skills”. I can’t even fathom WHY you would share any of that info? It’s bizarre.
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Well-known member
What you need to do, is go back to school, and or read a few books a week. This will help expand your vocabulary. You write, and put sentences together, as if you were a 14-year-old. You don’t use punctuations, you don’t capitalize letters, there are spaces where they shouldn’t be, and you leave entire words out. Slow down when you’re typing, take your time, and read over what you just wrote (proofread). ONCE AGAIN, WE ARE ALL EMBARRASSED FOR YOU!
By the way, all those little quotes that you post all the time, they are completely full of misspelled words. Most of them look as though a 14-year-old wrote them. ONCE AGAIN WE ARE ALL EMBARRASSED FOR YOU!
View attachment 716074
LMAO speaking of reading a book and being a poor writer - if she goes live, one of my favorite things to do is ask questions that I know she can't answer. Like:
- Where did you go to college?
- Do you have plans to go to college?
- What was the last book you read?
- What's your favorite section of the newspaper?
- What is your favorite exercise/workout routine?

Fucking moron can't answer anything other than where she gets her fugly fast fashion or shitbrown lip liner 🤡🤡🤡
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So on the BE podcast episode called mom lies, Tracy says Skylars first word was “ball” and Jaydens first word was “hot.” Whats funny though is that according to her little monthly progress pics she says Skylars first word was “mama” at 6 mos. However, on her 12 mos pic she’s claimed Skylars first word is “ball.” Then we have Jayden, who according to the pics, her first word was “Dada.” She literally lies so much that she can’t keep her stories straight!


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This bitch is so stupid ..why the fuck do you care? Keep the same energy with the man with the gf you were fucking... are you bringing him up? Noooooo? And ofcourse she had to do her stupid ass "pink aesthetic" soooo sick but on ig. Girl bye. Fucking attention whore. And if I have to hear one more time shes a Scorpio im gonna shove a scorpion 🦂 up her ass lmfaoooo View attachment 709060
Yes, I had the same thing. At each shift change, the nurses would also verify that the numbers matched.
A Staten Island hospital is not closing down for her lol. She is such a liar
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Tracy has not ONE maternal bone in her body. I used to think she did when it was just Skylar.. but now I'm realizing possibly the reason she favors her so much is because she is the oldest and more independent than Jayden and of course Julian. She expected them to be robots and know exactly what to do and when. She deff should have stopped after Sky or at least waited a little but longer to see if she truly wanted more kids or just wanted the image of a picture perfect family. If it was just her and Sky I feel like she might be more involved as a parent because they can actually do more things together. Idk, just a thought.

Also, man I love when she says her DM's are filled - okay and? Are they quality men? Doubt it because then you'd be giving them the BeSt HeAD evErRrR. They all prob are gross, have wifes/gfs (not like that's stopped her before) or nothing of substance. She is so embarrassing. "I can't go here and there because I am a MoMMy of ThrEe and get no time to myself" bitch... you're not the only one with screenshots.
Exactly. What quality of a man are you getting in DMs? Cheaters? Creeps? Scammers? From someone who was so traumatized by being cheated on, you would think you wouldnt take pride in having other woman's men in your DMs. We saw clown guy (Real praise worthy of being in your DMs) and scammers who will tell you they have millions if you send them an amazon gift card. Congrats Tracy. You are better than i am. I dont need these types in my DMs.

And FYI Tractor Tray - Quality NOT Quantity.
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Im wearing sweats and as well. My home has AC. Im sure her parents home also does. We keep the temp at 68 upstairs and 69 downstairs, so the sweats are super comfy. NOW... when i have to take my dogs out.... well... sweats off... shorts on!
Ah ah ah sorry. It is the french in me who speaks. People in France, rarely have AC at home. You have in stores, public buildings, theaters, hotels .... but not at home (even in car we don’t use a lot because no matter where you go in the little France, it always too close to have the time to use AC 🤣😂) it is why it surprised me!! 🤣😂

It was my french moment of the day. See you tomorrow for another one 😝🐓🥐🥖☕🍷🍾
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Omg, all those ppl were exposed to Covid? And all the ppl from the Barbie bday party? And the boat party ppl drinking from the same bottle? Could T bag been patient zero super spreader? How many ppl have been effected now having to be tested, isolated, etc!
The sharing from the same bottle 😩😩😩 Tracy could very well be the reason for a spike in Jersey! Hope the kids are ok. Stay safe
ladies! 😷😷😷

This bitch really is something else. Something is wrong with her. So no one gave a fuck about the first two but when you had jUlEz it was a problem. And how did these people find you when your real name isn't dimarco? This bitch is letting tattle get to her fat ass head like she's that bitch. You're not Tracy. Seriously something is wrong with her one cares about some washed up barley on tv "star" from 96 years ago.. yet she's sick and answering questions. Bitch I hope you get a noodle stuck in your nose lmao View attachment 709064

Biiiitch i just made a post on this lmaooooo

So you and your two BFF *i wish I could do a voice note* have a whole group chat on how you hate a man you've never met. LMFAOOOO. Ladies keep in mind Tracy is able to ask herself these questions and it looks like someone else did .. my best friend would be like who the fuck is corey lmaoooView attachment 709066
Corey was probably not giving her enough attention, cleaning out the couch for quarters again so she had to call the hospital on herself and pretend to be threatened 😂😂😂😂

However i can see how people would be so bothered with her during that time especially after that god awful maternity shoot “mommy’s gentleman” or whatever the hell it was .. fucking disturbing.
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