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with all the editing and blurring she does .. she thought that was ok to leave ? 🤦‍♀️

Also - this boat guy matt … anyone think he looks like the tattoo artist she was friends with for 5 seconds? Annnnd also Brielle is following the boat guy on insta 😂 Im not from America but Ima take a guess and say NJ must be a small place?

eta - shes like all of his posts bar 5/6 since January
is this the same boat guy she was wearing his chain 2 weeks ago our so i believe she posted pics of him but they r now deleted?
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Not gonna lie, my first slept through the night from day 1. I hated it bcos it hurt like a mofo (I was BF and those puppies needed draining). He “outgrew” that tho and now, as a teen, he has sleep problems 🤷🏻‍♀️None of my others kiddo slept all night that early.
Uggggggggggggh.. Opposite here.. I bf my daughter for almost 4 years .. She NEVER slept it was crazy difficult and my son cld have cared less the bottle was faster,🤦🙆🙄😬😵 and slept all day and night joke and now 17 awake all night and sleeps 6/7am to between 4-8 p He's also a Aquarius, 🤦🤗🤗🙄 And home schooled .. They are all different Mama!!! You are doing Amazing!!! Trust your gut instinct its always correct, it doesn't have to be everyone else's rules or schedule,💕💞
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@Simiauci is French, she’s mentioned it multiple times. I don’t think poking fun at her for her second language is fair. And quite frankly, she speaks/writes better than a lot of native English speakers I’ve seen (tbag among them)!
Definitely not "poking fun at her" just stating she writes similar to Maria. MY OPINION. And very defensive about "Maria" I speak my mind that's who I am. And like a lot of people have stated "Maria" the person she is defending hasn't proved shit. Again, MY OPINION.

I have catching up to do still, but Corey update I hope all is well with him!
WHY TF IS HE STILL IN MONTANA?!?! He's a grown ass man no one should be worried... Judging by my other male friends that go to random ass states he probably went for a female and it didn't work out... Why else would a man from NJ go to Montana? He's got a serious problem and I know someone JUST LIKE HIM. With the prostitute situation.
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Full of Baloney

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Says jersey starts September 2nd but some schools are different... here in NY it's the 13th...when I went to school it was the end of the month idk wtf is going on haha
I'm in PA and my district starts the 30th of August. 🙄😫 I kind of hate it because it cuts into the last couple weeks of summer.
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She barely gets comments on her posts. I don’t get it. Anyone could apply for a blue tick and pay for it seems, but the value is lost to me. I knew she was trying to drive traffic onto her feeds. Even if it was negative, but I don’t believe she gets all those likes legitimately. She would have more comments if she was getting those likes.

I suppose after a marriage breakdown, and her hopes for a certain way of living have been tarnished, so she is finding a way to profit.
witb the recent “success” of her one podcast- tell all episode, could she have shown the interest in the sad examples page and podcast as proof of needed a blue check?
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I was trying to remember her brothers names. It’s probably her friends husband because she has no emojis after the name. I hope for her sake she doesn’t have COVID she’s been around a lot of little kids and other people. Also if she’s sick do you think she can still do her four jobs from her phone
Tim and Mike. I wonder if Corey would know. I assume she would have to tell him? Because the kids
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All you girls talking about when your kids go back to school. I have you all beat lol. My kids started today and it’s virtual (wahhh) but we also get out mid out in May before Memorial Day.

edited to add: We keep our house at 65 all summer and people always look at me crazy when I walk outside wearing sweaters lol. Like yes, my husband is a brat and keeps the house like the inside of a freezer.
In my house I’m the brat who wants the house cold😂😂 We have ours set at 72. I’d like to have it down more but I compromised with my husband and son so they wouldn’t be frozen. My sis is a teacher and they started school this week too I think! I can’t imagine starting school so early but I’m sure it’s really nice to be done in May. My son is going back to school (like actually at the school) after being virtual all year last year. Tbh I’m a little nervous just because he can’t get vaccinated for a couple more months and the covid cases have been rising😬 I’m watching it closely tho.
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Active member
All you girls talking about when your kids go back to school. I have you all beat lol. My kids started today and it’s virtual (wahhh) but we also get out mid out in May before Memorial Day.

edited to add: We keep our house at 65 all summer and people always look at me crazy when I walk outside wearing sweaters lol. Like yes, my husband is a brat and keeps the house like the inside of a freezer.
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THANK YOU 👏👏👏♥ I definitely was not making fun of her, I would never do that, that's not my character. IN MY OPINION I just found it a little weird how they're claiming to know so much about Maria and how she's this and that when in reality almost everyone on here thinks she's sus.. I forgot her @ but I'M SORRY if you think I offended you. I wasn't at all, I was just making an observation on how they write similar . That's all nothing more, nothing less. And I definitely wasn't being aggressive lol thats just how I talk.. but thanks for reporting my account.. it wasn't that deep.
I’m a loud mouth sometimes and jump to conclusions without a fraction of thought. I do apologise for reacting rather than understanding the situation. Looking at it from your perspective I think I would have taken offence too if it’s not what I meant but everyone was taking it that way.

✌🏼 from me.
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And let’s not forget all of the times that she has asked for nail salon suggestions that were not owned/run by Asians over the years. Because she preferred to get her nails done by white people. All of this is public information in the comments. She’s a disgusting pig!
aren’t her family/friends noticing these things and saying something to her, distancing themselves or do they mostly/all share the same views? I can’t imagine any valid reason to want only white nail techs to do her nails.
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I'm in PA and my district starts the 30th of August. 🙄😫 I kind of hate it because it cuts into the last couple weeks of summer.
Ours starts the 30th also. 😕 It really feels like summer gets cut short bc when I was growing up we always went back the day after Labor Day.
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so Jess had a makeup company, I can’t remember the name….wanna say it was Glamour something…anyway she announced she was doing a collab with Lisa frank and was going to come out with different products that had LF designs on the components. She started a patreon for it and tons of people bought into it excited to get these Lf makeup make along story short, Jess kept giving bs excuses to why they didn’t have the products yet and people were getting angry bc they invested their $ and she never delivered! There’s YouTube vids about I’m pretty sure.
Ok Jess company name was Glamour Dolls and it was a Kickstarter not a patreon. I got the two mixed up, but there’s tons of yt vids if you search “glamour dolls Lisa frank.”
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HOLY CHEEZITS!!! Thank you !!
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Ok I think I saw it. If anyone wants to send my insta a message of what it is, please feel free lol. I was sleeping because you know, have to work in the morning and I missed it 😩
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