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I’m curious to know how the weekend drop offs go? Does Tracy wear XXL hoodies and big sun glasses to hide herself in a ball of shame? How the fuck is she not embarrassed?!!! I can’t see her getting out of the car. She probably parks down the street and tells the kids to get out and walk to his front door.. OR does Corey/Tara come pick up the kids in Jersey and Big T hides in the house with all the curtains closed and sends the kids out alone???? I really can’t imagine how this works 🥴🥴🥴


Tracy liked a comment “you mean to tell me he had the father he had and he learned nothing. Drop his address bestie I just want to talk”
If this was my situation, I would beat Big T’s ass so bad she wouldn’t even remember my brother’s or my father’s name. The kids can hear all about it when they’re teenagers “Omg Auntie you kicked my moms ass?” Yup sure did 😌 🍷
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I wonder what happened with Reggies wine down Wednesday lives 🤔 those were Wednesday night big T entertainment I’m kind of missing it
She can’t jump on anymore. She’s upgraded to overnight visitations. 🤣
Lmao I wish Corey would cancel on her this weekend 🤣 Either way the weather is going to be shitty. Guess she's going to wear her I am the captain now costume, cause that's what it looks like around the house 🤣 The only half decent day is going to be Monday. Wondering if she's going to play mom again next week or let gigi and papa do it so she can stay down the shore.
I’ve been wondering if this is the reason for her latest Corey-Tantrum this week. Like did he cancel on her? Last time she lost her shit like this, Corey was in Mexico or something working with Raven and Brielle.
Oh dear god, imagine wasting money on such a tacky hat and not being able to use it.... what a shame.... 🤷🏻‍♀️

something that’s been bothering me about that whole dick picture contest thing.... she wants them sent to Jess.... is it just me or is she jealous of Jess’ marriage and trying to bust up the marriage? I highly doubt Denny would be okay with his wife looking at shlongs for a contest that was the brain child of the disgusting degenerate dog in heat co-host who is actually single. Something isn’t adding up here. I don’t like it.

All over her tik tok where she looks like someone who escaped an asylum
It’s funny, she’s calling him a sperm donor and yet he’s way more present with them when he’s got them than she is when she visits them. She keeps forgetting she’s just their vessel into the universe. Her stupidity is really under my skin this week.
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Omg these masks don’t restrict anyone’s breathing. My mom has sever, I mean SEVERE asthma and she wears the mask no problem.

Oh and this is you Tracy! This 👏🏼 Is👏🏼You!!!! No one asks you anything you just say they do.
Physicians have been wearing them since forever. Dentists wear them. Scientists wear them. Painters wear them. Carpenters dealing with asbestos wear them. Her fat ass can wear them.
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On her latest selfie she commented she’s getting Microblading soon and tagged the page. I checked their price list and it starts at $650. But hold up, lemme just post that my baby dad doesn’t pay child support and needs to get a job.

I don’t mean to offend anyone, but my legit opinion is there’s no way in hell she gets all her procedures for free. She’s legit a nobody.

sure the odd start up boutiques will send her some freebies, but that’s it. She’s def paying for her hair, nails, lashes, evoke, lip injections, Microblading. Possibly a small discount cuzTracy def brags to them about how many followers she has and that she’ll advertise - but besides a POSSIBLE and SMALL discount - her nobody ass is paying.

I just really wanna know where the moneys coming from. She’s clearly making peanuts off the podcast and princess armour which she barely posts anymore. I can def see papa and gigi footing the bill for her rent, groceries and things for the kids - but I highly doubt they’d willingly hand over that type of cash for beauty treatments. Only thing I can think of is they give her a set amount of $ per month to cover costs for food and kid things and she uses The money on herself. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE
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The podcast is about 37ish minutes (prob about 5 minutes of ads in the middle)
They kept saying they have to stop taking about sex cause that’s all they talk about “because that’s what the baddies want” yet the first 25 minutes was talking about spitting or swallowing, orgies, dick pics.. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE

something that didn’t sit right with me:
They’re doing a dick pic “pretty pic contest” (weird) where people have to send dick pics and theyre gunna judge them (very weird) and the pics are going to Jess and she didn’t want to organize it…
Tracy had the audacity to say “unfortunately I have children so I can’t do it” UHHH ISNT JESS A MOM TOO?! Wtf
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Piff paff puff

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This woman is obsessed with meaninglessness basic shit like numbers, horoscopes, hollow insta fads whilst ironically telling us otherwise in insta quotes.
She says she listens to Latin music and celebrates her Italian heritage but the only culture she's familiar with is growing in the bottom of the coffee cups she left in her abandoned home
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UGHHHHHH I hate this bitch. I wish Tara or Raven would put her in her place. Why TF you keep airing out your dirty laundry. You are fuckin 33 years old, GROW THE FUCK UP!!!!!! You dont get child support ok we get it. What TF do you want us to do, give it to you?!?!?! Welcome to this thing called being an adult. you dont get child support then you set the fuck up and go apply at the restaurants! you love drinking and eating at them constantly, so why dont you get a job.

Theres no why in hell this bitch makes enough alone to support her 3 kids and herself on her make believe jobs. Shes constantly crying for money but doesnt do shit about it but complain about Corey. OMG if she was my SIL i would have ripped her ass apart already. All she does is bad mouth the dad. I know damn well if she does this on social media, she defiantly makes comments in front of the kids.

Im sooo tired of the same bullshit every day!! I need child support, I dont get child support, Im a single mom of 3 with no child support. Tracy just an FYI this happens to ALOT of people in this world you arent the only one. Get over yourself.

I cant wait for the trashy DTS videos and we will be seeing this weekend of her being a drunk bitch in her duster.
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Also, she's posted a few times that there's no way she's getting the 5G GPS tracking device COVID vaccine, yet this woman will get cancerous gonads injected into her lips by a non-medical professional. Makes sense, I guess...
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I feel like even if 9 ppl told tracy she looked desperate she would still listen to the 1 person that said she looks great. She literally needs the verbal validation. And im not saying liking compliments is bad but it should be organic and she shouldn't NEED it. What she needs is a job and to nurture her children
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I want to know where this girl went?
So here's my thing about this.
1. It's being recorded
2. She knows it's being recorded
3. Shes 100% IMO, faking this mommy is fun BS.

after the 4th head tilt you can tell in her face she was over it. Just don't believe she was ever happy with being pregnant again. She would have been fine with Skylar. Just sad to see someone who loved Corey, their little family etc to turning into this horrible person. Just extremely sad to see how bitter, petty, toxic she can be after watching her be full of new ideas and actually caring about others.

Whatever happened between them is their business, but whatever it was, was bad enough to have Tracy be this loony. Its like whatever trauma happened to her, sent her mentally back to her teen years.
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No “miss you” back?!
No, she can’t say that cos then the conversation may veer towards making plans to meet up and she can’t afford for any of the JL cast to see what a mess she looks like these days. Oh, and that bikini pic? Atrocious!!!! Imagine the kids’ teachers seeing that and then seeing her in person. They must be so embarrassed.
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Hold tf up. They want saddies to send in dick pics that guys have sent to them? Is that even legal? This has Tracy written all over it. This was definitely her sick idea she’s so disgusting and desperate! This screams I don’t get dick in real life/ I can’t even get guys to send me pics. She wants to see some dick that bad? What a fucking weirdo. Jess should be ashamed and embarrassed for going along with this mess. I wonder how her husband feels about her looking at and judging other men’s dicks.
Right?! And like another Tattler said, it was super weird that Tracy’s reasoning for not being able to look at them herself/Jess having to do it was because she has kids. Ummm 1) JESS HAS A KID TOO! The only difference is that Jess’s kid is still a baby, so if you just mean that her kid is too young to see them/process anything about it, say that! And 2) Jess is the married one and Tracy is the single one, so from that perspective, it would be more appropriate for Tracy to be the one looking at them, even though it’s a creepo idea in the first place lol
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She doesn't get his entire paycheck anymore to do as she pleases. That's her fkin problem. She can't control him anymore and she's a control freak. That's also her fkin problem. She thinks she's entitled to his entire being because they have kids together. She wants her way to be paid so she can be on social media all day. Karma is a bitch Tracy. This shit is going to catch up to you one day and it's going to hit hard! Believe it. Get a job since you don't have your kids instead of watching TV and taking pictures all day. Looser!!
Total loser vibes! Happy FRIDAY to the rest of us who have jobs, own businesses and generally work our asses off on the daily!!!!

She doesn't get his entire paycheck anymore to do as she pleases. That's her fkin problem. She can't control him anymore and she's a control freak. That's also her fkin problem. She thinks she's entitled to his entire being because they have kids together. She wants her way to be paid so she can be on social media all day. Karma is a bitch Tracy. This shit is going to catch up to you one day and it's going to hit hard! Believe it. Get a job since you don't have your kids instead of watching TV and taking pictures all day. Looser!!
You are completely correct. She’s just salty that she is no longer a stay at home wife and is now divorced single mother who doesn’t get Corey’s paycheck to blow on whatever she sees fit.

Many women in fact I want to say most women don’t get child support! It’s called being a strong independent woman and taking care of your children no matter the cost. She could do so much especially with her parents support but instead she does nothing. She could re-get her cosmetology license, she could go back to school, she could do so much like I said but instead she will stay stuck faurever.
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Woo! That was a read. 10 pages but well worth it.

Something must've definitely happened recently because Tracy is dragging Corey more than usual. I wonder if he's planning on moving in with his meatball lol.

Her video about people getting a job really made me laugh. Her saddies will cheer her on no matter what she says. She contradicts herself by saying she has 4 jobs but then asks people for money. She says Corey is a deadbeat sperm donor who never sees his kids... but we see him with his kids and they enjoy being with him. She says she's so stressed out being a mom of 3 but she has time to keep up with her physical appearance and make childish tiktoks in her car 24/7. None of it makes sense.

She complains that people bash her from burner accounts but when someone confronts her from their personal instagram, she posts the page on her story to send her trashy troops to bully them. It's so sad that she could use her following for good but chooses to be such a bitch.

It says a lot that Corey is in a relationship and trying to get his shit together from scratch while Tracy is still complaining on social media and single. It's funny because that Justin Dustbin tattoo artist is her in male form and she obviously didn't like him so she blocked him. Take a look in the mirror, Trashy.

I can't wait for 10 years from now when her friends are all married and have lives of their own... her kids will be coming into the age of finding out what a POS their mother was...Corey will be thriving...and T-Bag will be sitting in her little townhouse or her parent's basement at 43... single... miserable... wondering where it all went wrong. 🙃
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Yea how can she claim to be an influencer but doesnt have any links? Every other influencer instantly posts links, swipe up, liketoknowit, meanwhile this girl writes "my cousin gave it to me" like how is that an answer?? She might as well just ignore the question instead of waste a fans time with her non answer. She also def doesn't know the definition of thirsty. It has zeroooo to do with confidence or being a mom or body shaming. Why doesn't she start an only fans? Like honest question why doesnt she? She could prob make some money vs just posting on insta for some comments and to keep up some charade of being insta famous
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Full of Baloney

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wow this is sick and twisted. imagine the kids reading this when they get older. "Mommy is that what you think of daddy?" my mom used to say my dad was just a sperm donor and to this day i resent her so much for saying that.
Exactly. A sperm donor in my opinion is someone who had a child but is nonexistent in their life in anyway shape or form. Corey does not fit that criteria.
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