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Chatty Member
Just a reminder, for everyone out there, in case you don’t know. Because we all know that trash bag Tracy doesn’t.

Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties while serving in the United States Armed Forces. The holiday is observed on the last Monday of May.
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For someone who prides themselves on "never touched a drug, never even smoke weed" she really dismisses alcohol as a drug. If she truly suffers from anxiety why the fuck is she showcasing her constant alcohol abuse like some high school girl who is binge drinking for the first time ever. It is gross and shows how ignorant she truly is. She has already embarrassed herself into oblivion but next up she will be embarrassing the hell out of her offspring and they will hate her for it, rightfully so. No one wants a drunk mom. Get help Tracy you are essentially a lost cause but those kids still have a chance.
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You can tell she copy and pasted a part of the cushion between her legs. It's a different color and shape. The lines in the cushion don't even go that far down, you can see it on the other cushion. I can careless how big she is and im sure most of us agree with that here. I just wish she was real about it.

She talks all this shit about body confidence but photoshops here pics. Thats being self conscious not body confidence. Know the difference.
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Full of Baloney

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She’s a fucking idiot. If the school wants to they can still require them. It’s private property and can require what they want to.
Why does she care so much. I mean he's not suffering or going to die. She's a freaking karen.
I'm CaLliNg tHe ScHOoL rIgHt tHiS SecOnD. 🙄 oh shut up and call them then, why announce it? She's so annoying.
Also Tracy it'll take 5 minutes to take down the letter tiles. Admit it you like seeing his name up there.
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Chatty Member
My thoughts exactly! How did she not realize that it’s a super outdated caption? And how long did it take her to find the original post with that caption? For a woman who clearly has a lot of time on her hands, she sure doesn’t use it wisely 🤦🏻‍♀️
Can’t here to say the same. Also this comment 🙄 I think she has a lot more things to worry about than his 18th birthday.

And one other thing - when you say 18:18 you don’t need to say pm 🤦‍♀️


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Ty for the explanation. Someone fill me in. Is private insurance(through one's employer)better than state insurance aka welfare insurance? I'm not sure what the correct term is.

Also did we ever find out what happened with Corey and his union job?
So State insurance actually varies state to state. So for example they might cover more, but certain specialists won’t take it and I’m guessing that this is the case for Julian. I’m guessing that in order for them to be using doctors at where Julian got his surgeries for his hearing (Sorry, I’m blanking on the name, I do know it’s in the City though), they needed insurance that wasn’t NJ state funded to subsidize the out of pocket costs.... cause god forbid Tracy go and do actual work that is not a half ass fake Instagram influencer or whatever she considered herself.

this is what’s meant by Tracy is selfish. Tracy is lazy and Tracy is not a mother. Tracy gave up when it Wasn’t the picture perfect story she created in her head the reality was far worse.

I feel like Tracy pushed Julian onto her parents because she is mentally unwell and probably would have caused him physical harm at some point, her parents knew this and stepped in before it could happen or it already did happen and Tracy isn't telling the whole story to her friends. I also feel that this Kinship thing doesn’t stop at Julian but she says it’s only Julian so that people don’t think she’s that much of a POS.

As for Corey and the Union job, from what I know through friends who are in construction unions, if you’re out of work due to a project being completed or you were laid off until the next project comes along, you have to still pay your dues otherwise you will lose things like your benefits. I don’t know Corey’s situation, I don’t know if he’s been black listed for unknown reasons, but I do know it’s actually very hard to lose your construction Union job in NY. My relative in the Union just bounces from job to job, but also ends up being unemployed for months at a time. They keep up with their union dues and attend union related things to show they are still active.

Going back to the insurance thing, you also have to meet many requirements... so for all we know, Tracy might not work just so she and the kids can have health insurance since they’re obviously not on Corey’s insurance.
I hope that helps a bit.

also, I want to point out that I have been making it very clear that I do not believe that Julian is being raised in the Jewish Faith and then today Tracy shares about the significance of the number 18 in the Jewish Faith being the Chai.

so again, Tracy... tell us you read here religiously without telling us you read here religiously.


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So I reread what Corey said. Maybe she tried to run it through his insurance and they sent him the bill? What a crazy cunt. Telling other people to get a job while her lazy broke ass sits on her mothers couch all day. I hope she has to pay for the whole thing out of pocket and her parents aren’t stupid enough to help her. She’s so mad she can’t spend all of Corey’s money anymore on whatever she wants. The constant cHiLD SuPPoRT rants are probably to cover up her real frustration which is no longer being able to drain his pockets on herself.
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Funny how she didn’t mind wearing a mask when she was pregnant and Corey was sick.. but now there’s a virus that took over the entire world and masks are out for her. 😷

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Chatty Member
The audacity she has to post about Corey getting a job lmao Tracy you need a job get out of here! And how is it that months later her smoke detector is STILL BEEPING?! How does that sound not drive her crazy? Talk about lazy holy shit
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Chatty Member
You guys are just being too critical here - don't you all know Big T has not ONE, but TWO doctorates from the Harvard of NJ hair schools?

We should all take health and medical advice from someone who with every opportunity in life to succeed (upper middle class upbringing / white woman born in the USA) barely managed to graduate high school. Dr. Walensky at the CDC and Dr. Fauci at NIH need to reach out to her and Stool Presidente, David Portnoy. They know it all.
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A tattler, a looooooooong time ago posted that her main job is making a hole in the couch. I screamed 😂😂😂. And now she has the audacity to talk abt someone else getting a job. I can't 😂.

Also, don't y'all find it odd when someone mentioned OF, she's QUICK to come back saying her ex should get one? Seems so random to me she'd want him to get an OF? Does she miss seeing his dingaling and needs a fake account to lurk? Of all the "clapbacks" regarding OF mentions it's ALWAYS this one. Cuckoo.
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Chatty Member
I’m sure she was like “I’m Tracy DiMarco from Jerseylicious. Don’t you know who I am?” ..... or it was snuck in in that god awful knock off fannypack.
I've heard she's tried to pull the "don't you know who I am?" card many times.
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Here we go... how sad that this attention seeker, must stoop down to lay thirsty traps for all the locals, because she is so desperate to get a man. Photoshop just went into overdrive!!!🤢🤢🤮🤢🤮🤮View attachment 585572
Imagine her kids calling for her to play with them and she’s like “Mommy can’t right now, she has to take pictures for her job” as she hikes her too small swim suit up her non existent ass.
This screams delusional and desperate. It’s not only disgusting.... it’s all around sad.
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Threads ago, it was mentioned that during an Instagram live between Deena and Nicole, Nicole was mocking T, stating how she’s a “moM oF thReE uNdEr tHrEe I dO sO MuCh” and there was something mentioned about Julian’s disability, but not in a malicious way. A saddie was on the live and reported to sergeant T, but twisted what was said about Julian to make it seem malicious. T acknowledged it with some nasty remarks herself, thinking she could tarnish Nicole’s image. But prior to this live, they knew of each other because of T growing up with Jionni and because of the reality TV circuit that was occuring in Jersey at the time. T was a bitter ass bitch with Jersey Shore hitting a success rate that Jerseylicious was never able to achieve. An accumulation of all that is what fuels T’s hate for Snooki.

This is the extent of what I can remember from past threads!
Thank you for bringing this up! I saw both sides of this in real time. Nicole and Deena were on a live at the same time Tracy and Sammy were on a live.. I have no idea how the subtle mocking started but Nicole’s comment was to Deena when she said “are you deaf?” .. they were drunk and Deena asked Nicole to repeat something twice. That’s what the deaf comment was about.. I totally saw that saddie completely fabricate what happened when she reported to Big T and then of course Tracy and Sammy had to act all tough like “Well she better not be making fun of being deaf because there’s going to be a huge problem” 🙄🙄🥴🥴 literally anything to be relevant and make everything about her. Also what a fake ass lying bitch that saddie was

edit: omfg also a few threads ago I actually posted about how it was fucked up when SAMMY used the EXACT SAME EXPRESSION on a completely different live. Tracy’s tv volume was obnoxiously loud and Sammy goes “Omg turn your TV down, are you deaf?” .. what a stupid bitch for using that expression when your best friends son is deaf. Especially when you made such a huge deal about how offensive it was when Nicole said it. I swear all of these bitches are such lying fake ass hypocrites.
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Full of Baloney

VIP Member
This woman is obsessed with meaninglessness basic shit like numbers, horoscopes, hollow insta fads whilst ironically telling us otherwise in insta quotes.
She says she listens to Latin music and celebrates her Italian heritage but the only culture she's familiar with is growing in the bottom of the coffee cups she left in her abandoned home
And she's superstitious. Remember when she would "find" the pennies in her shower or bathroom. They were supposedly Gene leaving them there. 🙄 She was so full of shit. How about more like you made it up for the gram or the penny fell out of someone's pocket. I can't believe people believed her. Amazing as time passed she stopped talking about Gene so less and less and no more pennies were found. Gene needs to leave her a pile of dog shit in her bed to let her know he knows she's a shitty person and full of shit.
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I could not get my fingers to type fast enough to get to tattle after seeing the most successful sicilian, single mom, influencer’s story on Instagram... What the actual fuck, she really has the audacity to tell people that all restaurants are hiring but yet she remains unemployed my choice. Jesus Christ
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