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Gimme All the Tea

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As someone who dated all and is married to an Aries, she is in for some rude ass awakening.
Sagittarius are such manipulative humans. Aries (husband) omg lazy and don't care. I love my husband but the fick the man can legit do nothing all day and ask you what's for dinner 🙃 and she thought Corey was a horrible human. She's delusional.
this is why her “scorpio” posts are bullshit. I’m a Scorpio too and I’m nothing like she is. And my husband is an Aries and the opposite of your husband. He is neat and tidy, makes dinner, washes laundry and is willing to do what needs to be done. So while there are certain traits that are somewhat accurate, not all people of any sign are alike.
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I think she is no longer a paid iNfLuEnCeR and does these “promos” to try to fool her followers.
girl we ain’t boo boo the fool here. We know you’re lying!
Don’t you think BoomBod would require her to post before and after pics? Don’t you think they’d take issue with her stirring it WITH A MFing TOOTHBRUSH?!
Gtfo she’s so full of shit.
boombod? More like boom blob.
imagine if she’s just refilling the used packs with koolaid to make it seem like she’s endorsed by them lol.
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Tara probably unfollowed Tracy because Tracy didn't post anything regarding Gene yesterday.
Side note: It's nice to see the girls bathed and in normal-fitting clothes/pajamas in the birthday pics on Tara's page. They look like normal little girls.

Here's a comment from Corey's most recent post:

The ad/pop-up on this tattle page is driving me nuts. Are any of you experiencing it?
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I caught a bit where she was telling the guest guy that her love language is touch and compliments and corey never called her beautiful or hot if she said you look good he would say you too and thats not a compliment thats just a response🙄she said she didnt need someone to buy her things or fill her gas tank or spend time with her just rhe touch/compliments and that corey wanted to spend so much time with her but it didnt matter cus there was no compliments. Now look compliments are nice and all but like get a grip lady, she hasnt worked in yearssssss clearly someone needs to pay for her gas. She talks so much shit she makes no sense. What if his love language was spending time together and doing nice things (such as paying for her to stay her fatass home) like cant two ppl learn to be adults and compromise? Isnt that what love is all about? 🤷🏻‍♀️
She mentioned before Coreys was quality time. I personally feel that she didn't care for his language only hers. Corey got the shit end of the stick when it came to that relationship
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I just came here to post this exact thing lol
Free my ass extensions are expensive and so much for “this is all my hair, I just add for length or so I won’t damage my hair”
Yup! 5 bundles!!!

Does skylar look really different to anyone else? I know we’ve talked about how she looks sad before, but wow. The recent pictures of her are heartbreaking. I mean all the kids look sad honestly, but skylar looks like she’s holding onto so much stuff emotionally.
They look tired and malnourished honestly. It’s sad to see. When Corey was in the picture the kids looked put together, vibrant, happy and healthy. When the facade faded so did her desire to mother. What a piece of shit.
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For astrology signs, I'm just basing it off of the men in my life. There is more to their personality than just their one sign. Just saying.
100% agree. I’m a novice astrologer, and my husband is a Pisces like C. I have to disagree with at entirely- My hubs the most caring, sweet and thoughtful man I’ve ever met. He’s not perfect but he tries, and I acknowledge that. The main sign (sun sign) is only a portion of your personality- many, many more factors go into what makes you “You“, beyond astrology as well.
T needs to find self love and help for herself (and the children) before any sign will be compatible with her. Period. There is no magic combination of people that will make everything a fairytale and work out perfectly.
My husband also struggled with addiction to opiates and guess what? I stuck with him through it, I helped him get and stay clean. He’s 5 years sober in April and he’s turned his entire life around. So seeing the way C was just dropped by T- in the midst of all that tragedy- is just cold. I know there was a lot more that happened... but the guy was clearly crying out for help and his “til death do us part” Was out the door before they even got a chance. It just seems to me that it was a lot of shit T didn’t want to deal with, didn’t want to open up about or be vulnerable about. Pisces men aren’t very good at expressing their emotions (even though they are very sensitive people), and Scorpio being a storm of emotions by herself... I think she dominated the relationship and he couldn’t fight with her any longer. I think once his dad died, C really gave up on everything.
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I wonder, is it possible Corey isn't paying T child support because he's giving her parents and his sister money for raising their children? Why would he have to pay T child support when she doesn't even seem to have legal custody?
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I’m really hoping that he just doesn’t know how to correctly articulate his words and he means that today’s date 3/8, is when they sat down as a family and said they were taking Gene off life support to allow Gene to pass peacefully and Gene peacefully passed on 3/9/16.
Also, if this was the case, the fact that Tracy basically abandoned Corey after this, says a lot about Tracy’s mentality.
lets not forget her tattoo dedicated to him... she is so fucking psycho.
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Y’all.. did you see Tracy last night on the live when that man in the bottom right came on randomly? She immediately perked up, started biting her lips seductively, moved her hair to the side to show off her cleavage more, trying desperately to give flirty eyes 🤣 I went to screen record but missed the beginning because I was laughing my ass TF off, it was obvious lol only caught the end of her biting her lip again before he had to get off quickly. He paid her no mind 🤣

Okay nvm... it keeps telling me my file is too large and I trimmed the screen record down to 10 secs!!! Help!
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In the early seasons of the pod, it was mentioned a lady had commented on 1 of their Insta's about why would you have so many bridesmaids and that she didn't have that many friends. Tracy went in saying stuff like it shows what sort of person you are to not have so many girlfriends and something must be wrong with you basically. This was back when I was a fan still but was like wow damn that hurt. She could have been like it's quality not quantity but had to use it as a ha I've got one up on you.... interestingly, where's your bridesmaid's at now huh??
I remember this!! I was also a fan back then and offended by that statement. She basically said if you don’t have a big group of girl friends then you’re probably weird or a psychopath and she wouldn’t trust you. Looks like we got the last laugh now that karma is coming for her ass 😂
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I screenshot this from her most recent tiktok, like what the hell is that on her eyelash? Glue? Dirt? I noticed on last weeks live she had bunch of that stuff in them.🤢🤮
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Wow it’s almost like she reads here or something 😂
And of course can’t just answer the question, has to have a nasty response.and girl stop, your mom and Tara drive your kids to appointments cause you’re strung out on the couch watching nip/tuck from 15 years ago. THIS IS WHY NO ONE LIKES YOU YOU STUPID MEAN BITCH. Grow up
I watch shows while I run on the treadmill. Tracy would never. I mean shit get a stationary or recumbent bike you big dino at least you could still sit on your ass watching tv while exercising. Why does she not realize there is never a quick fix. You have to eat better and get some consistent activity
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Full of Baloney

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I feel like softball is a seasonal thing so I don't think he was doing it year round. I think it's okay he go bust his ass at work head to the gym during the week. Then come home eat dinner with her. She chose to be a stay at home mom and not utilize childcare or family which she could have done either at the time. I don't think he should have to suffer because she was stuck at home all day by choice. I understand staying at home is hard work. Harder then going to work and you don't get interaction with adults. She had options though. She became a lazy couch dwelling beast and misery loves company and she's really not a fit parent. I think once all the newness wore off of her having a baby and people stopped calling and stopping over and it was just her having to do real life shit she hated it. She probably didn't want childcare or family to watch because who is going to watch your kids every night just so you don't have to. Nobody lol. She'd have to have gotten a job and we all know she had and has no intentions of ever working. Well big t you're a stay at home mom that's what you do. Your job is to hold the house and kids down while your hubs busts his ass or make a change. Not everyone has that option but she most certainly did. She could have easily went to the gym 😂😂😂( yeah right) when he got home or go to the grocery store, cvs, make it work.
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She just reposted a video of a teenage couple kissing and cuddling, fucking gross girl. You’re a grown ass woman jealous of teenagers? Soon your own kids will be teens.
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Haha I took the same screenshot. She’s trash. She acts like she didn’t plan all 3 of those kids. I also love how there were like 13 people in there and we were probably a majority 🤣🤣
So weird and creepy how she has this obsession of making her 3 kids seem like they were unplanned. It’s like she thinks the cool kid way to do it is get pregnant accidentally. She’s mentally stuck in high school it’s so pathetic
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First off, she liked the comment saying she's wearing a grill 🤦🏼‍♀️😂
Second, that other comment about her being strung out, and the kids 😳 it's been up for a while now!
Her saddies defending her like they live with her and around 24/7 ... the delusion 😂🙃
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does anyone else imagine her spitting it back in the glass after she's done with her boom bod ad 😂 😂 I mean it's CLEARLY not working but I've noticed that she always ends the video mid sip.
She never drinks it or shows a before and after 😂
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