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I'm not sure if they're still dating. Part of me thinks they are but Brielle is being super quiet about it so she doesn't look like a fool after she posted all that stuff about him. That's why you shouldn't air out your business on social media because when you get back together with whoever made you mad or did you dirty you look like a straight fool. Hopefully she isn't though. She can do better.
At the same time I kind of hope they are dating because big t doesn't like her. Then again I don't think big t will ever like any of his girlfriends. She'll always find an excuse not to like them because she knows she's not over him yet.
I don’t know anything about Brielle but if she doesn’t want to look like a fool, perhaps dating a former D-list celebrity’s ex husband who has 3 small children he can’t be bothered to parent isn’t a great idea to begin with.
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Theres no way shes getting extensions for free those take hourssss to put in theres no way enough of her followers go to this salon just cos tracy advertises cant be free that shit is so expensive! Also whyy does she need extensions when she says shes broke??? Just get the dye and blow out and go no? She makes no sense
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These two are so close-minded and self-centered... you think NJ is the only place with boardwalks? NJ is the only state with city/beach/forest?? North Jersey doesn't have Wawa? Lol ok. And wtf is a Quickchex? Lmao. Jess said something about NJ twitter handle & Tracy said the mayor probably runs it... who Tracy? The mayor of NJ? Tell me, who's the mayor of NJ 😂🤦🏻‍♀️
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I feel like Tracy was a pretty girl for a majority of her life and was always in some sort of relationship or getting lots of male attention. Now, for the first time, she’s older, divorced with kids, and gained a ton of weight and it’s not happening like it used to. So she’s got to compensate by fueling her self esteem through Instagram.
You may be onto something here. The last time she was dating was during the JL era when I’m sure she got to meet lots of people going to the events and she probably got lots of attention from guys (like corey) who just wanted to be on tv with her.
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I kinda feel bad for Corey. He looks like he’s going through some things/addiction on those pics on Tara’s Instagram. Don’t get me wrong he needs to step it up, pay child support, exc. But addiction is a disease that has its very low points. It’s telling in those photos. I don’t like Corey, never have but I emphasize with what he’s going through.
And Tracy has an addict look to her too. That picture of her exposing her breast isn’t sexy but desperate. I hope she gets help. I was kinda thinking maybe people were just hoping she was spiraling so she can finally get her karma, but I really think she is legit in a bad place. I hope her pride/arrogance/addiction allows her to get help. I’m sad for her kids.
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It looks like Tracy is in desperate need for attention. She does these stupid things so people can continue to talk about her. Her lips are going to end up being completely damaged if she continues to do this nonsense to them. She will end up on Botched.

Coreys dads passing was an issue last year as well. Tracy barely acknowledged it and she blasted Corey saying he said something to her about it. If Gene was so important to her like she claims she could have said something about his passing. Instead she posts thirst trap pics so people can tell her how beautiful she is and how much shes a great mother. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I'm starting to notice that some of the stuff that person John said might be true. This woman is barely with her kids. Her children are rarely ever together for more than 2 days. It looks like Julian is with Tara today.
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Wow I just put on the podcast while I was cleaning and I don’t know how many times I was like “omg Tracy STFU!!” That was painful. She sounded like a teenager who just started going to clubs and wanted to brag about all the clubs she knows. Ugh. She literally had a story for everything, even if it wasn’t relevant. Definitely the worst podcast to date.
On a side note - does anyone know if this is true - They were talking about Jersey Shore and she said Jerseylicious was filmed first but JS aired first. She said that originally they were going to have the cast of JL all live in a house but then when JS aired their pilot, they said they couldn’t copy so they moved it to a salon. I never heard that before.
You have never heard it before because that bitch is full of fucking LIES. They clearly all had to have their licenses, clearly the premise of the show was based around salons. Just like she lies and says they painted her as the villain when she is literally the same evil bitch.
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Full of Baloney

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She forgot the lip stick on the bottom lip 🤣🤣🤣

I was thinking about big T and Corey. I was basically married (14 year relationship) when I lost my mom. After I went into a dark place I had a hard enough taking care of myself nevermind my son. I can see her wanting those "your beautiful" and "Thinking of you" texts, attention, to be put on a pedestal from corey while he's grieving. He most likely simply couldn't give that to her. I can't even imagine the stress he must have been under. You just lose your father/best friend. You need to be a father, make sure your mother is ok just losing her husband, making sure his sisters are ok, going to work so he can Keep Big T in spider lashes and lip injections and she's probably fighting with him cause she only got called beautiful 4 times that day. She's disgusting. I'm not a Corey fan but I definitely feel what he is going thru. They say it gets easier but for me it didn't. He got a 900,000 dollar settlement from his bar fight. Big T probably sucked him dry, wasn't there for him when Gene died and put so much of their life on social media that he didn't like. No wonder he cheated. He was looking for something else besides a blow job that he wasn't getting a home. These are just my random Monday thoughts. Anyone agree?
I can agree. Generally people cheat when they're unhappy in a relationship or going thru something in life and unfortunately instead of getting out of it they go behind their partners back and cheat, do drugs, gamble, etc... Getting out of relationships can be extremely complicated sometimes especially if you're married and have kids. I'm not condoning it just saying I understand why it happens even though it's not right. I have a feeling in their case big t was not supportive at all. He needed to be the weak one or needy one in the relationship for a bit and big t wouldn't have it. I honestly don’t think he wanted the marriage to end. I'm not mad at her for leaving a shitty marriage but I believe she played a big part in the shitiness too and I can almost guarantee she thinks it was all him.
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I missed that part but thank you for catching me up on that lie of hers 🤦🏼‍♀️ She’s such trash and so unattractive, even from a friend point of view. I wouldn’t want to be associated with her either if i were her friends. I think Sammy was trying to see past it but just got sick of it and can’t blame her
I was being nosey and scanned through Tracy's IG a couple of weeks ago. It is obvious that Corey was going through something and that he had checked out. IMO, Tracy was trying to keep up the facade of her fairy tale life she envisioned. I don't believe Tracy's version of events because we all know that there's three sides to every story. Tracy will never learn that a successful relationship is more than her middle school fantasy, not to mention her unreasonable expectations🙄. She read too many damn romance novels. Until she gets help and stops self medicating then she will never be able to conduct herself as an adult.
I completely agree. There’s a vision she has of what a relationship should be, and there’s no room for error on the man’s part. If he doesn’t do everything the way she expects him to, “swag and all”, then he’s trash and she’s over him.

with C, I don’t think she’ll ever get over him. I think her kids remind her of him and it’s a painful reminder instead of a blessing. She has also always talked about how she’s a Scorpio so she never forgives or forgets when she’s been wronged. How toxic is that?? To hold onto grudges and be hateful towards old friends and exes for years?? I think she’s become her own worst enemy and lives in the digital/ social media world way too heavily to see what’s happened since Jerseylicious. She has very serious body dysmorphia (look up Snapchat dysmorphia- it’s a growing issue) and really needs help. Yea she’s never tried to break that villain persona and is awful to her fans who question her. But I think it’s a hard af outer shell to block out all the pain. Especially since Gene died & Julian was born- that’s when the floor fell out from under her. That’s when reality set in. She’s been denying it ever since.
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Y'all I can't. We lost a good one.🤣🤣 Do those idiots ever think they just have rats in their group. I don't think tattle is responsible for this. We like to brag about our dirty work. Besides I don't think any of us care about the chicks in that group and their problems. We just don't like you big t. Our issue is with you not your saddies. Although they do provide good entertainment. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣

She mentioned tattle. Brace yourself for new members that will see the light.
Omg the dramatics and instead of telling the idiots to not post personal things to a public forum regardless if “public” it’s still putting your info out there - they decide to attack tattle 🤣🤣 bunch of idiots I tell ya
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Does this seem accurate? 😂
I’m literally deceased. 💀😂🤣😭

She was on live and I went on and she was all of a sudden like oh I forgot I’m on my regular page. So then she switched pages but I was still on there but all they were talking about with asthma and nebulizers. She had no idea the girl had a nebulizer and I’m like if you’ve had asthma your whole life you should know what a nebulizer is.

but when she left to go get on the other page the girl said why is she leaving and that Reggie guy kind of rolled his eyes and he’s like I don’t know. But then someone commented because too many people talk shit to her and she doesn’t like it. Lol
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She will always be the bitter baby mother. She’ll always use the kids and cHiLD SuPPoRt as an excuse for why she’s a miserable, bitter twat but in reality it has nothing to do with the kids. As long as Corey is fucking/ seeing someone else she’ll stay mad for the rest of her life. She’s a jealous, spiteful whore that can’t stand to see her ex husband move on. Her kids are taken care of by everyone but her and Corey so what’s her real concern and the true meaning of this post? It isn’t that Corey is a deadbeat and her kids are struggling because of it, it’s because she wants to make sure every girl that gets involved with him thinks/ knows that he’s not loyal. If she was this badass boss bitch and amazing mother that she claims to be she’d stop begging Corey to be a father and step up and do it herself like many other single mothers out there. Instead of being so obsessed with your ex husband and his relationships put that energy into your children you useless, deadbeat roach.
This kind of reminds me of when Olivia dated Mike and Tracy could not STAND that he was with her, treating her well, etc. She thinks legit nothing is wrong with her meanwhile she's losing people left and right. Instead of fighting for her kids she's fighting the ever loving shit out of any man to "save" her aka financially support her. I don't see ANYONE ever settling down with this broad... and if someone does, it wont last.
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View attachment 477622
What does an Ace of Spades bottle have to do with your son? Because his middle name is Ace? Oh come the fuck on. It's always gotta somehow be about her. And another thing, what is it with her posting other peoples kids????? What is wrong with her?
Kids name is Julian Chase... ACE was the nickname because they had a “royal flush” this woman calls him “ju”, “ju-ju” “mommy” “Julian” never once does she say “ACE”
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Little kids do not need "swag" whatever the fuck that is. Its so pathetic for someone in their 30s to act like a 16 year old.
Put the boy in some dinosaurs, race cars, Mackey mouse. What the fuck woman.
Im.picky when it comes to my kids clothing but he wears dinos and cars and mickey just like all the other kids at school. Some band t-shirts...whatever. their children, let them be kids.
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She tried so hard to put on the “housewife” persona when they first got married. The “no seasoning necessary besides a little salt” really got me. 😂 The chicken is not seasoned AT ALL, I can’t even imagine eating that and not choking from having cotton mouth. THE MEAT IS LITERALLY WHITE! Everything is literally either burnt, under seasoned, both, or smothered in balsamic and parmesan cheese. No wonder she eats out all the time. Her bland food matches her bland ass personality LMAO! She was way too confident, as if her fans really cared what she cooked once a week.


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On Big T’s live last week where she flipped out on everyone for calling out the smoke alarm beeping, she said someone was coming the day after which would have been Saturday to fix it, her story today while she was posting the TV determined that was a lie!!
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The girls looked like shit for picture day. It’s not meant to be offensive to them cause it’s not their fault; but wow Tray. If you go down memory lane, when her n Corey were together the girls always looked so done up. It really is a reflection of her just doing the bare minimum and having no shits to give anymore.

also Tara’s Instagram story she’s boiling eggs to prepare for the kids to decorate for Easter... I’m not a huge fan of Tara but thank God those kids have her
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Tracy has such a filthy mouth. Matches her filthy looks. She needs 10 showers. She looks like such trash lately it's SICK 🤢🤢🤢
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