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Anyone else think she got sick or had issues stemming from that cool sculpt? No too long after she had it done on her arms she posted that shot of her in the hospital then blamed it on something stupid like a bladder infection then deletedit all together. Also that same night or the night after she was on that live with that guy Reggie and wouldn't even show the top part of her body at all. She even got a blanket and covered her one arm. She was literally neck/chin up in that video and we know she loves showing her tits. She also isn't following them nor are they following her anymore from what I can see. Plus she hasn't mentioned them in a bit and supposedly she was going in for more treatments.
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I’m sorry... she loved that man, but yet she didn’t try to save their marriage? She checked out first, or is that the old narrative? She’s the one who wanted out, but she’s the one harping and slandering him every chance she gets.... but I’m supposed to believe her that he’s lying on her name? I really wish I had some sympathy for her, but I don’t have it for either of them. Those babies are about to be pawns in a nasty game and it’s because BOTH PARENTS. Those children will have so much trauma to unlock when they’re older.

either just fucking come out with it or shut up about it.... I’m so over her dragging out this shit because she wants to play bigger person.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again... something messed up happened that neither of them are barely alone with their children.

this is what you go off on? Not the fact that there’s 21 threads calling you out for being a POS mother? You come out on something that you’ve been hyping up and alluding to for months?

he cheated... we know this... to what extent... we don’t... but we get it, he did.

I’m sorry, I watched and I tried to sympathize, but I just ended up feeling angry at both Tracy and Corey.
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She post this but didn’t she post about Black Lives Matter a couple months ago what a horrible fucking person. Her privilege is really fucking showing.
I am SOOOOOOOO annoyed by this. Like words cannot explain how this riles me up. She’s a fucking piece of shit. She’s acting like any lockdown can stop her from doing all the things she usually does. This is a woman who traveled to a high risk city and failed to quarantine on returning to the US. Same woman who frequents bars and restaurants and salons and made a 12 year old do her nails during a pandemic. She’s so dense, out of touch with reality and unsympathetic. All she cares about is her stupid self. I don’t care if Corey cheated on her or whatever. She deserved it!!! She deserves EVERY horrible thing that happens to her. She deserves to be 500 pounds, unemployed and a failed reality tv star. She’s so stupid. PEOPLE ARE FUCKING DYING. PEOPLE HAVE FUCKING DIED!!!! How can someone be so cold and lack empathy? I hope she’s contracts COVID. She’ll sit her fat ass down and gag and cry and wish she’d have taken the pandemic more seriously. 😡 😡
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I've always said he was using her for fame. I remember the first time I saw him, he was on some Behind the Scenes-type thing, and he was rapping with Filly (and it was AWFUL). Next thing I see, he's with Tracy. I never got a good vibe from him, even from the jump. Him and Tara seem like such opportunists.

Some betrayals in marriages are deal-breakers. I honestly feel that Tracy would have saved her marriage if it wasn't something awful. Personally, if you cheat on me or abuse me in any way, I'm done.
Tara was always in every scene she could get on during the JL days. She was up Tracy's ass 24/7. She leached on to Tracy's friends. I mean she was SWF. Thats why now not seeing her at Tracys place, or hanging with her is weird. But something big is up!
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She is trying to make gullible saddies and men think she can cook. She is such a joke. 🤣🤣 She wants to be praised. That sauce doesn't look 'real' and that tiny amount in that big pot? She is such an amateur. She knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about cooking. And wtf is up with her being obsessed with celebrities thinking they look like her and her grandmother?! I've literally never seen a grown ass woman post celebrities. She has no real self so she tries to assemble bits and pieces from memes to make what her demented mind thinks is an actual personality. She saw that meme about sauce the other day and now is pretending she can cook? Like can you make it any more obvious? She never has cooked ANYTHING before and no, brussel sprouts isn't cooking 🙃 she couldn't cook to save her life
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I don't know why, but It bugs me that she dresses Sky and Jayden in matching outfits ALL the time. I guess it's kind of cute, but at the same time, let them have their own identity? I'm probably reading too much into it lol
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If you guys have time I would definitely check out #epshomedecor it’s hilarious and explains a lot. The comments are also funny. I usually get about thirty free minutes before I have to start my day and I rather enjoyed the badly painted cloud ceiling by echo like it’s all entertaining definitely recommend 😂🤣 her house reminds me of a grandmas from the 80s
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Then why do you photoshop 100+ lbs off your body Big -T??? And you don’t spread’re a nasty hateful little girl. Also she gives people shit that have less than 100 followers when they comment something she doesn’t now she’s wants to say having a lot of Instagram followers doesn’t matter? Fucking hypocrite. I swear she posts stuff like this just to get likes...attention whore is all. 🤷🏻‍♀️ View attachment 323091
If Instagram followers didn’t matter to her why did she buy so many of them? Classic big t, contradicting herself left and right.
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Let us not forget this post from Corey a while back...I feel like this sums her up to a T.
Definitely a lot of fighting (whether verbal, physical or both) going on in that household before the split
Loved when he posted this. And then Tracy went and posted 1,000,000 other digs are Corey but "you'll never know who I'm speaking about" memes cause she's a cunt.
Never disliked someone so much in my life. Well, kind of. But they tie
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Tracy loves drama, that’s why she will not leave any platform of social media anytime soon.

What she should do, is a full social media detox.
Individual and family counseling, specializing in divorce, addiction, anxiety and depression, as well as parent/ siblings of a child with special needs. Take care of the mental health.
Those babies are hurting at the expense of their parents.
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👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 THAT PART! 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼
There is no way in hell, Tracy is able to afford self-care, going out drinking with her friends and doing nothing but being on her phone, al by herself. I mean… She doesn’t even work! Sure princess armor, but let’s be honest how much can she really be selling of that knock off made in China junk clothing? Especially at her prices…? She doesn’t do shit except sit around on her big ass and expect everybody to kiss it and do everything for her. Her mommy and daddy are paying for everything and whatever they don’t pay for Corey probably is with his child support payments. How Can she even afford bariatric surgery unless someone else is paying for it? Don’t you need to have at least credit and money to get that done? I’m sure she has neither because her and Corey’s vehicle got repo’d for non-payment a few years back… I’m sorry but that’s not the antics of someone who has money and a good credit history.

She wouldn’t last five minutes as a legit single mom. She has so much help it’s disgusting. Sorry can’t relate!
I cant agree more with you. I hate hearing her say i do it on my own. NO YOU DONT. Those kids enjoyed their time at the beach house thanks to your parents. You paid nothing to it. if a real single mom that provided financially did that on her own she might be able to afford maybe a weekend at the beach for her and 3 kids or more than likely just a day at the beach. not a whole summer. I hate it so much when she says she does it on her own. The clothes your kids wear are free, the procedures you get are free or discounted, you dont have anything under you name because you cant afford it. Stop trying to act like you are still "it" and trying to keep up this rich lifestyle. You are a bum and mooch off your parents and others. You will never hit it big time again so stop trying. Grow up, get a real job, and learn what it is to be a real single mom with 3 kids. I would be more impressed with seeing that then her constantly biting her overdrawn dry lips and bating her crusty eyelashes.
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Noticed how many things she hashtagged? #epswedding #epschristmas #epseaster whats next #epsdivorce?!!
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- Kids are barely clean or dressed properly around her
- 1 child is almost ALWAYS MISSING
- You drop more money on yourself than you do on your children, if it ain’t free for your kids you don’t want it.
-You pulled them from activities they enjoy because YOU don’t want to be seen as the real you.
- You give zero fucks about their education... so no, you don’t make them lunch and write them little notes. And send them off to school.
-You post them all over the internet in hopes they will make you famous, but also go on and post about how you’re against child trafficking and pedos.
- You’re proud of the fact that 1 of your kids knows they are the reason you are mad or sad or whatever shit you push on that beautiful little girl because you are an ugly trash ass human
- You drag their father online every chance you get.... so that definitely means you do it to their faces.
-Yes you are single... yes you have children.... but you are certainly no mother when your needs and priorities are met before your children’s.

Go live your 33&Free life. Your children don’t fit your current picture anyways.

——- her sharing that video irked the shit out of me.... because nowhere does she do it on her co-worker shared the same video, because her ex is barely in the picture and every now and then takes to Social Media to talk shit about said coworker.
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View attachment 321707
I am so sick of people like her undermining the severity of Covid-19. I have had multiple friends lose parents to this and know of many more who are now dealing with ongoing respiratory/neurological problems months after recovering. We wouldn’t have to keep entering lock downs if people took this more seriously and wore masks and followed basic guidelines. This bitch doesn’t even understand how vaccinations work and has the audacity to post garbage like this. BIG T, I KNOW READING AND COMPREHENSION ARE NOT YOUR STRONGEST QUALITIES BUT PLEASE STOP BEING A STUPID BITCH AND SPREADING FALSE INFORMATION. I doubt you or your dumb friends know more than the leading epidemiologists and medical professionals.

I'm so sick of this ridiculous misinformation. I wear a mask longer in one day than she probably wears in 2 weeks. Is it hot and annoying? Yes. But I can breathe just fine. And so can pretty much everyone else.

I swear...I don't t like to wish ill, but people like Tracy need a little dose of Covid to shut her up. This shit isn't a game. I'm honestly surprised she hasn't caught it yet, with all the partying she does.

THIS!!! I am furious and so sick of this dumb hoe. I too was personally affected and people like her deserve to rot in hell.

also, if masks are so fake Big T why don’t you take down that ugly ass Princess Armor beanie with a mask loop you’re trying to sell?

Tracy: posts pic with Julian captioned “only man I need in my life”
Also Tracy: I function on dick and butterfingers
It creeps me out when people say stuff like this. Julian is a TODDLER, don't throw the 'man' tag on him. She's the type of mother who is going to place all her burdens on her son, or tell him to "man up" if he cries or whatever when he's only a damn baby smh.
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she actually gave me the Laugh I needed today!.... Ladies, what saddie is gonna be in her comments asking for the recipe???! LOOOLLL I cant !! Hilarious!
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Can someone figure out where to post the video so we can all see it? And honestly it’s so hard to believe her with anything...she needs to stop being so public about her shit. She has equally said and done some questionable things and acted like a total teenager and she’s a fucking mother. She has a lot of support around her be it friends and family. She needs to get it together for her kids sake. I still don’t like her. But she needs to reevaluate her life and her life choices because she has 3 kids looking up to her. She needs to get the fuck off social media tbh
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Neither of you have a house or an attorney, or anything to show for all that jersey licious fame and Coreys $400,000 settlement. I have no sympathy for either of them. You do have money to go get your nails, eyelashes, hair, and surgical/cosmetic procedures. Once again, I have no sympathy for these clowns. 🤡
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I'm so sick of this ridiculous misinformation. I wear a mask longer in one day than she probably wears in 2 weeks. Is it hot and annoying? Yes. But I can breathe just fine. And so can pretty much everyone else.

I swear...I don't t like to wish ill, but people like Tracy need a little dose of Covid to shut her up. This shit isn't a game. I'm honestly surprised she hasn't caught it yet, with all the partying she does.

It creeps me out when people say stuff like this. Julian is a TODDLER, don't throw the 'man' tag on him. She's the type of mother who is going to place all her burdens on her son, or tell him to "man up" if he cries or whatever when he's only a damn baby smh.
Sadly she is one of those people that will skate through life and always get lucky and not have anything bad happen to them. She will party and act like an asshole and never get covid then some poor person who is super cautious and takes one trip to a grocery store, will contract it. I swear life always works like that, it’s so annoying lol
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