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I hate to be so mean but wow, that is not a flattering picture of her face. She looks SO old and weathered here 😞
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Looking back at some old photos from her hashtags. I’ve always thought she looked SO different when she was blonde.
I’m not saying it was the blonde hair, but her as a whole just looked so...different. I think this was when she was first adjusting to motherhood. This seems like a completely different person.
This looks like the Tracy that was ready to take on the world, like as soon as Sky was grade school age, like she’d go back to work, but it would be part time, probably do some at home exercise, be a PTA mom, and very hands on... maybe eat you’re seeing the person who put themselves way in over their head. Never gave themself a chance to heal from child bearing. This is a Tracy who was probably always around.... but idk, is seems like when it was just Sky, she had a handle on things.... this is why I say Tracy and Corey should have been a 1 and done family... especially since she hated being pregnant....

Personally, I’ve been way in over my head as a FTM, and that’s why even though I want more kids.... it’s going to be a long while before that happens or if it even does.... it’s like something inside her snapped and it was like she was in this imaginary competition with everyone around her.... like nobody said you needed to keep going until you had a boy. Nobody said you had to have Sky and Jayden back to back and then pop out one more... There’s methods of birth control other than pullout.

idk...just within the last year I really just stopped rooting for her. My heart aches for those babies, it really does.
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Another point from the podcast I don’t think was mentioned yet was her acknowledgment that Sky has her body type and that she tries to hype her up and doesn’t let her say that Jayden is so pretty lol. Another topic that’s been discussed here!
What? What is wrong with her!? She’s certified mentally disturbed and nothing can prove me otherwise. She’s going to fuck her kids up for life because she’s projecting her issues with her own self on to them and THATS NOT FAIR!
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She saw that meme about sauce the other day and now is pretending she can cook? Like can you make it any more obvious? She never has cooked ANYTHING before and no, brussel sprouts isn't cooking 🙃 she couldn't cook to save her life
My favorite is in her “recipes” highlight. She’s dousing some vegetable in cheese and says her mom gets her this SuPer SpeCiAL fINe grated cheese from this EXclUsiVe deli. Lmao bih it had a GREEN KRAFT TOP.
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This threads been poppin today, so forgive me if these have already been posted!
Right because her ex in-laws and ex sister-in-law (raven) invited her to shit. Right? That was what Halloween? 2019 right? GTFOH with oh my in laws know or they wouldn't accept me around 🤣 I call BS.

Yall remember Roger and Jenny from JS? there was VIDEO proof of him throwing her to the ground and he STILL WENT AND CRIED ON IG. So nah, Tracy is a narc and any lawyer would tell her to NOT POST ANYTHING regarding the divorce. Please. Shes such a sob fest. Over her shit
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Yeah she said that Skylar would say “Jayden is so pretty” and she’d tell her, “don’t say that, you’re beautiful“ and she’d tell her that Jayden wants to look like Skylar and have Jayden tell her that. I know, weird lol
So weird, but I also feel like, Sky is only 5. She shouldn't even know to say "Jayden is so pretty" in a negative way against herself. My daughter is the same age and I feel like she doesn't look at other girls and say they are so pretty, yet. She just does her thing bc she's 5 and she's not focused on looks. Obviously she looks at herself in the mirror and loves how she looks (mismatched outfit and all) bc she's 5 and 5 year olds have the best self-esteem. Sky's self-conscious attitude is obviously coming from somewhere and that's sad.
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That was what she posted. She’s also the one who Tracy gets her anti mask comments from and i have never seen any photos of people in masks in there. Long Branch is a hit or miss town. It’s a big shore/vacation rental town so I’m sure it was hit hard by Covid this year but she’s mouthy AF
As someone who has been in the restaurant industry for 17 years (my sister and I run our family's restaurant along with 2 food trucks) this post has nothing to do with a pandemic, or wearing masks. This post is about how awesome they thought restaurant life would be and are now realizing they bit off waaay more than they can chew. This lifestyle is a 24/7 buisiness. Your money invested is technically perishable (food). Food doesn't magically appear in the fridge and good staff that has the same passion as you is HARD to find. I'm sure they figured they'd serve NJ's elite (not considering how needy they'd be) take some pics for the gram... easy peasy, right 🥴 Also, in this buisiness you don't even start making money until about year 4, IF your successful, and that's why we see so many restaurants come and go. They also never considered that not everyone likes the NJ C list celebrities they cater too...that destroys buisiness. Do I want Theresa Guidice in my shop? Fuck no...because her and her husband are theives...Tracy "Dimarco" Maloney, who proudly spat on someone publicly? No fucking thanks. You know, the old saying "you're as good as the company you keep"....
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So in order for her to be accepted she has to support and post about Black Lives Matter?? Sorry but that makes no sense. You cant judge someone on their political beleifs or whether or not they think black lives matter or not. I do not like Tracy and thats why I join her but i dont give a shit if she supports black lives or not. Come on man
Yikes. She’s a public figure flaunting the fact that she’s seeing a black man. She also addresses and posts about everything under the sun, so someone with a platform like her should acknowledge the mistreatment and struggles of black people instead of mocking something personal to them. She’s all about throwing subtle shade. She doesn’t have to support the blm movement to acknowledge that racism is still a very big issue in today’s society. It’s not about politics it’s about being a decent human being because no matter what you believe in or what your political views are, you can not deny racism is still very much alive. It’s one thing to say you don’t give a shit if she supports the movement or the organization, but to say you don’t give a shit if she supports black lives is not ok. Some people don’t agree with the blm movement itself. Some black people will tell you it’s a joke, but regardless these issues are real and people are still living in fear because of the color of their skin and that is what she should be drawing attention to if she’s going to post about the subject.
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Late to the party here folks. Yaknow, just finishing all my mom duties!!! And that’s WITH 2 parents involved.
Anyway, I wouldn’t say I necessarily feel sorry for her in these lives...however, I believe there are moments of her being genuine. Speaking without distracted reading what people are commenting, dropping the fake accent and “boss bitch” attitude. But...she should have cut the live WAY shorter. The tears had stopped flowing and we’re just for dramatics by the end & I feel like she showed all of us the level of classlessness by going on that rampage.
She could have kept it to a 30 second video, expressing her displeasure and “not wanting anyone to believe his lies” and let that be IT.
No lawyer would say “ok, I permit you to go on your live and just say x, y & z”. No.
I cannot wait for the tea to be spilt, but she’s just making it messier. And these poor children...these poor poor children.
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I’m having a hard time sympathizing because at the end of the day how is she any different than Corey? She doesn’t work, has just as much help with those kids Than he does and doesn’t have a maternal bone in her body. Plus her constant bashing of him in memes, quotes, etc. I’m not falling for her poor me act. Go get a real job like any other single mom than you’ll start to one up him but until then, she’s honestly just as bad.
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If you guys have time I would definitely check out #epshomedecor it’s hilarious and explains a lot. The comments are also funny. I usually get about thirty free minutes before I have to start my day and I rather enjoyed the badly painted cloud ceiling by echo like it’s all entertaining definitely recommend 😂🤣 her house reminds me of a grandmas from the 80s
So, I've had an issue with Skylar's "full/queen" big girl bed, which then became Tracy and Corey's in the townhouse .

The bed is clearly a full size bed. There is no full/queen . It is either full OR queen. You can easily tell by the way the pillows fit on the bed.
Everyone called her out saying it was a full size and she kept on with the full/queen bullshit.
Now, I have seen full/queen comforter sizes, but as far as mattress sizes go, there is no such thing.

My issue is why does she have to lie about it? I can't understand what she has to prove. Why can't she just say it's a full size bed?
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I just came here to complain about that single mom tiktok she posted to her stories. About her being the sole financial provider. Um she doesnt work!!! Thats sooo rude. Its public knowledge shes requested support from corey like ok sure maybe hes an absentee dad and tara and raven watch the kids more but why do you need to constantly say this on social media? Its just adding to the problem thats not healthy co parenting. Sorry it just irked me to see that
The girl on tiktok pointed out all the things she does for her kids and she also stressed she does it by herself. TRACY 👏DOES 👏 NOT 👏 DO 👏ANY👏OF👏THAT 👏BY👏 HERSELF👏. Not financially, nor physically. Nor does she have them 85 % of the time as she claims. For the past month it appears she has had them 15% of the time. Take several seats trashy!!
Let's wait for the surgery now, she may not have them at all for 6 months for "me time", "recovery time" ,"down time", "quiet time", "appointment time", "doctor says I need to be alone time", all the damn "time" she wants to say. She is not fooling anyone but herself. Everyone can clearly see she is an absent parent. And that's just what we see on SM. Imagine what her friends/family see on the daily.
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View attachment 321707
I am so sick of people like her undermining the severity of Covid-19. I have had multiple friends lose parents to this and know of many more who are now dealing with ongoing respiratory/neurological problems months after recovering. We wouldn’t have to keep entering lock downs if people took this more seriously and wore masks and followed basic guidelines. This bitch doesn’t even understand how vaccinations work and has the audacity to post garbage like this. BIG T, I KNOW READING AND COMPREHENSION ARE NOT YOUR STRONGEST QUALITIES BUT PLEASE STOP BEING A STUPID BITCH AND SPREADING FALSE INFORMATION. I doubt you or your dumb friends know more than the leading epidemiologists and medical professionals.
THIS!!! I am furious and so sick of this dumb hoe. I too was personally affected and people like her deserve to rot in hell.

also, if masks are so fake Big T why don’t you take down that ugly ass Princess Armor beanie with a mask loop you’re trying to sell?

Tracy: posts pic with Julian captioned “only man I need in my life”
Also Tracy: I function on dick and butterfingers
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I don’t think so because there’s so much evidence that they were separated way before she announced it. I remember Tracy (attempting) to make Cory dinner when he came home and even had an IG sponsorship/ad deal with a healthy/protein meal prepping service and juice for Cory when they were together and it abruptly stopped.. (even then it seemed forced) and she stopped mentioning Cory and posting videos of the kids when he would come home, started with the basic food videos, house started looking messier, the dog went missing (later went to Cory) and even waay before then.. a trip she had to take by herself and posts about missing things (regarding in relationships). I think she had to announce because people started noticing.. and thus the whole “I left him” thing and this whole down fall
Personally things changed when his father passed away.
He was focused on living life without him and Tracy made it about her. She tends to do that.

I can't blame Corey for detaching himself from her and their marriage. She didn't care enough about to console him.

To me anyway, I feel like Tracy ruined her own "happy ending" because she can't go without the attention on her for long periods of time. Its sad to see a family broken up but at the same time, I don't think he was really in it for the long haul. She was young & dumb. Met someone who had money, she was trying to rush everything to beat everyone on the show. (This was around the time Mike & Oliva were still dating) so to me, Tracy forced this relationship with Corey. She forced children for the money in the end. And now that she's single she wants to act like she's single. Zero kids, zero responsibility, she only wants to meet boys and get dick.
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My daughter went to a full size bed, I wanted a twin, but the full gave me more comfort she could roll. She always needs to seem like shes better but literally always forgets that people catch her lies....

even with her traqgic decor, her house seemed so much cleaner back then on those posts. shes so lazy
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“im not a fucking liar and I’m not a fucking fake” photoshop determined....that was a lie!! 😂

all I got from that live was all she cares about is what strangers think of her and 💲💲💲
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I am so sick of people like her undermining the severity of Covid-19. I have had multiple friends lose parents to this and know of many more who are now dealing with ongoing respiratory/neurological problems months after recovering. We wouldn’t have to keep entering lock downs if people took this more seriously and wore masks and followed basic guidelines. This bitch doesn’t even understand how vaccinations work and has the audacity to post garbage like this. BIG T, I KNOW READING AND COMPREHENSION ARE NOT YOUR STRONGEST QUALITIES BUT PLEASE STOP BEING A STUPID BITCH AND SPREADING FALSE INFORMATION. I doubt you or your dumb friends know more than the leading epidemiologists and medical professionals.
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