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Ok that final shot of her mom shooting morphine in her mouth because she can't walk up her stairs...They didn't even do the biopsy. She's in that much pain from scope? She's in that much pain from the cancer? She just needs morphine constantly now for the addiction? A pity act for her followers?
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Hi, new here. In Tiffany’s last video she said there was a lot of blood, but she didn’t have any biopsy, so does anyone know why she would be bleeding so much? It would have been good if Tiff explained the reason(s) why.
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Chatty Member
It is entirely possible she's suffering from "chemo brain", although not sure the condition would persist so long after chemo is finished. Not sure she's demonstrated the symptoms of it, either.

I agree, I think it was a wake up realization to her, that her viewers were populated with some very intelligent people who indeed had a LOT of knowledgeable opinions about her decision to watch & wait versus going straight to surgery. Perhaps that's why she does not give detailed info on her medical status or her doctor's thinking, her audience is not just a bunch of blind supporters, but is interspersed with savvy professionals who know of what they speak in terms of cancer.

That makes some sense why she'd be hesitant to accurately and clearly give the full picture, knowing many might return very discerning comments of which she does not want to receive. She does not want any discussion or opinions, she just wants the blind supporters who want to watch her at all and fawn over her videos, not astute medical commentary.
Chemo brain has much more to do with memory issues. She has a change in personality it seems. From a genuine nice woman to a pain in the neck brat.
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The most logical reason why they couldnt get through is that the tumor was blocking them. This does not bode well at all. I truly believe things have progressed beyond surgery or further treatment. Also, they probably didnt want to force anything because of the bleeding she had last time.
I can see her blaming her drs over her predicament, when the truth is she opted to watch and wait.
I think her health will start to decline. At the very least, she's in danger of bowel blockage.
She and Amma are in full denial mode, as they have been all along.
but if this was the case, couldn't they take a biopsy from the tumor and it's edge closest to them? Sorry if this sounds ignorant
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I think if we step aside from our speculations for a moment and just look at Tiffany as she is at the moment, it's possible to see that she looks ill and is still very much in the grip of cancer and the bleeding, pain and vomiting must most likely be due to this.
Vomiting can be due to anything like her previous sickness anesthetic and her dear friend morphine, pain and bleeding might come from the fact that the surgeon scratched and tried to cut and cut through the adhesions and fresh scar tissues caused by the radiation and the last biopsy…
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I do think it's an important point to make again that Tiffany did not utter anything about WW until her comments and this thread started talking about it. Her original video states the surgeon offered deferral of surgery for 6 weeks.
The chance that the WW option ends well is only 20%.
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VIP Member
No but if you are going to spout that kind of nonsense you’d better be able to provide credible evidence. Otherwise it’s just crap a La Ellie Grey et all.
It isn't nonsense it is medical fact and I owe you nothing. If you are too lazy/incompetent to search yourself then others have kindly provided you with multiple choices. Tata for now.
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Well-known member
And here we have it ladies & gents. Right from the horses mouth.
Tiffany finally writes that she is looked after by a team. Her oncologist, Cancer nurse specialist and her surgeon attend the MDT meetings and collectively the multi disciplinary team make plans together.
The next time Tiffany posts a video to say she is confused, someone needs to remind her that she has direct access to her cancer nurse specialist.
yes this is something we've known for awhile. She has spoken about the team already in videos.
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MRI results are available immediately but they need to be looked over by a radiologist and a report written before they can be considered "done". So the delays for results is due to human staffing and urgency. In most private care settings, you can get your results hours after the MRI is done if your oncologist arranges for the radiologist to interpret the results asap. In typical hospitals they say 1-2 weeks which is entirely dependent on how long the radiologist's backlog is.

What I don't understand is that IF her surgeon genuinely cared about her so much and was also concerned about the mess of a treatment protocol (full anesthesia plus days of recovery on unlimited morphine for absolute nothing? How much is that bed costing the NHS? Why is he telling her not to go private?) then he can easily fast track her case. He just needs to call up the radiologist who he is 100% friends with to take a look at her file. There is a strict hierarchy at hospitals and a surgeon of his status is basically like a god or celebrity. He can get any department to produce anything he wants, but for some reason he's choosing not to.
clearly it wasn't the time or place. He wants to meet with the team and tell her his recommendations in the office and not when she's lying down, high as a kite and nearly naked after an invasive procedure. Besides, he can pop up to her room for a flying, reassuring visit in less time than it takes to review her case and concoct an opinion that will stand.

At least that's what I'd do with hysterics.
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And here we have it ladies & gents. Right from the horses mouth.
Tiffany finally writes that she is looked after by a team. Her oncologist, Cancer nurse specialist and her surgeon attend the MDT meetings and collectively the multi disciplinary team make plans together.
The next time Tiffany posts a video to say she is confused, someone needs to remind her that she has direct access to her cancer nurse specialist.
Yes, I posted about this a little while ago. It was the first time I heard her mention that she has a CNS.
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Chatty Member
TT is well informed. She did a quick Instagram story months ago about watching a documentary on BBC or Channel 4 (sorry I’m in the U.S.) about surgeons at the Royal Marsden AND the surgery that was recommended to her.
Since it was a story, it disappeared.
This must be the one:

This is the look my 6 year pulls when he is confused about what I am saying. Tiffany is 30?
According to her passport 🤣.
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The Royal Marsden Hospital is one of the worlds leading specialist cancer centres. Her doctors/oncologists are NOT lying to her. Her medical team will be some of the worlds best - the only person who is lying in all this is Tiffany.
Yes that’s what I think too. I know they are probably good. And I know she’s probably manipulative and probably lying about stuffs but I am not sure she lies about everything, maybe she only hides/ lies about some things but which ones haha …
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Yes her pinned comment and her replies under her recent video are all real time and she's still saying she's recovering physically and emotionally, and awaiting results. Why was she kept overnight when no biopsy was taken? maybe due to anthestia making her sick?
No biopsy was taken but the surgeon tried to cut through the fresh scar tissues from last time ( I guess it was scar tissue/ adhesions) and there was bleeding so no biopsy was taken but he definitely cut some tissues…
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Chatty Member
I don't think she's deleting anything, she probably read how the comments and controversy will just boost her up even more in the algorithm. I still see the negatives and she just responded to a positive comment a minute ago. I don't feel bad for thinking bad anymore.
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Well-known member
Saydee is right. Watch and wait is for people who had complet response for chemoradiation. My specialization is not oncologogy nor surgery. My knowledge about oncology is basic. But looked it up, candidates for watch and wait approach are rectal cancer patients without lymph node involment and smaller size tumors T1-2 rarely T3 who had complet response. The purpose of this approach is to spare rectum for better quality of life. She doesn't meet the criteria. I don't think she is on real wait and watch protocol. The doctor decided to wait for 6 weeks not sure why. I think she needs to have surgery unless she refuses it.
I agree wait and watch is for people who had complete response for chemo radiation never said otherwise … Sometimes though in some trials they do accept « nearly » complete response and T4 tumours. Hopefully we will soon know what the medical team has decided about her treatment plan and we will understand better … Not sure though … Maybe it’s not a real wait and watch trial and they just delay the surgery … But they surely hope/ think she is nearly complete response if not they would obviously do the surgery as soon as possible or at least they would try something …
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