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I heard British people use "beaut" referring to someone being beautiful. These are fine, it's just that the rodent makes everything vomit-inducing with her affected way of speaking. Have you seen Komal's video yet? She is talking about us.
Yes, and I wish I hadn't. I had to re-watch one of Tiffany's videos to recover from watching K's video. At least Tiffany speaks clearly, slowly enough, and even repeats a lot a lot to make sure we fully understand her! Tiffany's current videos are usually 30+ minutes of repetition, but I learn fake accents from her. At least Tiffany was able to film the scenery around Lake Garda. Since I likely will never see that in person, I appreciated the scenery in Tiffany's latest videos.
I also liked the scenery in her Gran Canaria vacation.
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Why are they behaving like it's all so tiring? As though travelling to Italy from England is so impossibly difficult on them?
It's only a 2 hour flight from London and there's only a 1 hour time zone difference. It should be easy(jet) peazy!

Reality check: My 84 year old father flies 4 hours and 2 time zones to visit my home and when he gets off the plane it's nothing more than if he had just gotten off an elevator in a department store. There's no bellyaching like these two little delicates. And he's 50 years older than them!

It's a good thing that effeminate weakling, Matt Ferris will never be able to procreate. Both their fucked up genetics will die with him.
Obviously tired from working a lot a lot a lot and hanging with buddy!
Given the endless shit she dribbles, I think we’d be better off bagging her head and conversing directly with buddy!
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I am wondering about some things that really strike me as odd if not dishonest on several fronts, and they don't have to do with Tiffany, though I will make some comparisons. Yes, I will be mentioning some good things about Tiffany, because, in comparison, Tiffany is the more honest one of the two based on what I mention here.
A Youtuber who has cancer, (Komal of Komal vlogs) and whom some of you will recognize was given a walker and a walking stick months ago. She doesn't work, lives in an apartment paid for (or, financed by) the UK government somehow because she doesn't live with her parents, and recently applied for PIP once again, this time with help from someone on the application itself.

(a) I never saw Komal actually use the cane or the walker. In fact, she said she DIDN"T want to use either of them in public because of their looks! This means that she doesn't really need them when she walks outside, otherwise the UTILITY of either of them would trump their looks any day. Tiffany never claimed to be so disabled such that she needed such items. The only item Tiffany needed was a pillow, which she ended up buying herself after RETURNING the one the hospital had given her because it didn't suit her.

(b) Komal doesn't work, and claims to be too TIRED to work full time. Why doesn't Komal try to work or volunteer part time, then?
Tiffany was trying to drive again as soon as she could after the surgery, and even did volunteer work for some time. Tiffany works part time, but Tiffany's situation cannot be directly compared to Komal's because Tiffany lives with her boyfriend who likely assumes much of the day-to-day payments.

Komal was thinking to go to Pakistan, and the reason she isn't going this year is because her mom is unable to travel! Who would pay for such a trip? Her parents? Is Komal deceiving the UK government about money she is getting? Komal has an apartment that would be categorized as 'section eight housing' in the US, given to her by the UK government. Clearly, Komal would not be able to pay her own rent without this and would have to live with her parents.
Komal has enough energy to have contemplated traveling all the way to Pakistan, yet doesn't find the energy to work? She has everything handed to her: an apartment, health care, a walker and a cane which she has yet to be seen using, and a FREE trip to Pakistan paid for by whomever (surely, not her since she isn't working.). How can this situation be accepted in the UK?
Talk about milking the system!
Komal is too 'tired and sick' to work, yet was contemplating going to Pakistan. Komal doesn't have enough money to pay her own rent without the UK gov. subsidizing it, yet she would have found the money to go to Pakistan.
Flight time from London to Pakistan is about 11 hours, and the conditions and health care there are not like in the UK.
There are people working full-time who cannot afford to go on such a vacation, yet Miss Komal who has an apartment paid for by the UK and who doesn't work would have gone had her mother been able to go with her.
A rat I do smell, and it's not Tiffany!!
So why not give K her own thread ?
The story fits with the right reasons why we all come to this place … to shed light on the ones who run on heat in their liar liar pants on fire 🔥 outfits!
Thoughts everyone?
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... And why does she feels the need of telling her followers she's not wearing a bra??? :ROFLMAO:
Maybe she is in a pre-porno phase in which she is testing the limits of what her sheep find tolerable.

Her breasts do tend to be saggy, though, which is odd for someone her age and with the general size of her 'upstairs'. She must have spent lots and lots of days without a bra to get the droopy chest look at her age. One family physician told me it is not a good idea for women not to wear bras because the force of gravity along with the 'bobbing' up and down caused by walking and especially brisk walking will eventually cause the muscles on the sides of the breasts to weaken and lose their support ability, which induces permanent premature sagging. That this happens when bras aren't worn should be obvious to anyone even without a doctor saying it.
Tiffany must be comfortable with the bobbing of the bits as she walks and goes about!
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She wasn't even living there then like she was during Covid.

She's wearing the We Got This tat so had her own grey box by then.

Sure just go round to someone else's house even though you don't live there and take of your clothes and wiggle around in front of the boys and shake those likkle droopy boobies as well.

I might need to vomit - alot alot alot.
Can I share that vomit bag please… our rodent is one vile nauseating beast
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Her hair is a mess, as per usual. Also, it appears she hasn't filtered her face. It's much darker here and matches her arms and legs. The stupid expression on her face never changes, though.

I'm struck by how thin she is. Arms and legs like sticks. Dress hangs on her. As a result, her head looks oversized. And yet she's recently claimed to have gained weight??? This child has an eating disorder.
She did look like she had gained weight. Maybe she is starving herself to get back the old buddy.
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I sincerely hope that you are correct. However, she already had one cancer metastasis in her lungs, and she didn't have chemotherapy after that. She likely has cancer cells all over her body and in her lymphatic system, but they are too small to be detected at this moment. If it is true that she has very small cancer cells still in her body, then her body is weakening with time, and this next nodule might not take as long to grow as the previous one.
I believe it is likely downhill from here, unfortunately. In her place, I would push to have surgery to remove that nodule before it has a chance to grow bigger. If it is just a benign nodule, the surgery should be much less complicated than her previous lung surgery as resection might not be needed. If the nodule isn't benign, then margins would have to be taken again and a second resection done. I would not do well with a 'watch-and-wait' approach on this SECOND lung nodule seeing as how the previous lung nodule was cancerous!
Tiffany has money. She could very well find a lung surgeon ready, willing, and able to remove that nodule as soon as possible!! She shouldn't gamble with her life 'watching and waiting' anymore.
watching and waiting has not proven to be a good strategy for TT.
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I didn't know her cancer was worse than the rodent's. What is her survival estimation?

Her cancer is so confusing. She says it's bad but then says the results are good. I stopped trying to get it and haven't watched for a long time.
Her cancer is very complicated, and I haven't looked up much because I didn't intend to watch many of her videos. The median survival rate is between 11 and 13 years, and depends upon 'microglobulin' concentrations in the blood and age, as well as the condition of one's organs. Maybe K said her results are good based on current blood tests, but she has to be monitored her entire life. While Tiffany has a chance at being 'cancer-free' in about 4.5 years, or at least NED for the rest of her life, the same cannot be said about those with Waldenstrom's because it is incurable (article link below):

WM is incurable with currently available therapies. Treatment is instead focused on symptom-control and prevention of end-organ damage.1, 8, 9 There is no standard therapy for WM, but rather various drugs that have been shown to be effective either alone or in combinations

So, while Tiffany has a stoma and had major surgery, I think she is better off than those with WM. An article with the different prognoses:

Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia: prognosis and management
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I have. Absolutely heartwrenching. What a wicked, wicked illness. Such a searing reminder of the strength of mental illness to take hold of the mind and twist our reality and ability to see it, and ourselves, with any sort of clarity or ability to free ourselves from its grip. It is astounding how our disordered mind can take us down until it takes our last breath. I consider addiction similarly ferocious in taking over our mind until it kills us. :cry::cry::cry:

Bless those who try with such love and patience to wrench the souls of the trapped from the vicious hold of this wretched illness. Bless Emma for choosing to film her descent into death, and her family for sharing it, so that the rest of us can gain some semblance of understanding of this wretched disease, and compassion towards those who are suffering from it.
In the UK, there was Pippa McManus. She was close to death but she was still exercising, moving her arms robotically. It's like a possession. The parents recognised that towards the end, there was just anorexia left, Pippa was mostly gone. How it takes hold of your mind, it's very scary. Yes seems similar to addiction.
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Now, as for cheese, there have been chemicals that are known for their 'anti-cancer' properties, and there is research on cheese:
Brie, camembert and cheddar could fight around 30 types of cancer according to research published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.

Therefore, I would never advocate for the elimination of cheese from the diet.
Not mentioned also is that fish oils promote health hair and prevent hair loss. Therefore, there are too many benefits of fish to warrant elimination of fish from diets. Cod liver oil supplements are also the fastest way to increase one's vitamin D levels in case one is low on vitamin D.

I am happy to read this about cheese. I feel 'bad' for eating certain foods since my diagnosis and have given up most processed garbage like cheap biscuits and cakes. I do love cheese though so nice that I can continue eating without guilt!
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