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Tifnofanny has been talking alot alot about her tired "situation" alot alot lately, she ordered dresses online for the weddings because she said she gets tired shopping. She gets tired working half days. I'm wondering if this is actually genuine, perhaps she's anaemic? Or suffering some other vitamin deficiency due to absorption. Could be side effects from the hach r t "situation". Whatever it is, my hunch something is not right with her buddy.
Fatigue can be an early warning sign that the cancer is active again.
Her nonsense theory on how to overcome cancer and all the struggles make me furious. Pray a lot a lot a lot, believe in God, the lord has a plan for you, just stay positive and everything will turn around for the best... look at me I'm the livin' prove if you believe hard enough you will survive. She really thinks she's some sort of chosen one from her God to survive cancer cos she's been such a good girl... going to church... admiring and worshipping her almighty "God" " God gave me a lesson and thank you god for giving me this lesson so early on in my life"... really???

If her cancer comes back I will be the first to say out loud over here, on tattle (cos the grifter banned me from her precious channel) WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW???
It never occurs to her to ask, why did her god give her cancer in the first place! She's such a dimwitted child-woman.
The outfit she wore in the latest vid was weird. Ill-fitting bloomer pants with a pattern on them and a burgundy top that didn't match it at all. She looked like a homeless person who put on anything she could find. She truly has zero fashion sense and her butt looks big lately. The rest of her is fairly skinny but not her bum bum!
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If I spent that much money on skincare and makeup and that much time on myself I would want a better result...same with that rat nest hair.
That made me really lol.

TS could put all of her beautifying moments together (including product prices for her sheep to know how much she earns because of them) and then show her looking like a toothy rat. All that product for nothing.
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The newest TS video is so good.
Yes, it is entertaining. TS did take a jab at foreigners flocking to Vee's house who might not all be 'productive' ones: a subtle jab which was the remark that Vee works hard, is a law-abiding citizen, and pays his taxes, vs. the others let in who might bother his house such that he had to put up security cameras! People who are in the aforementioned category will recognize themselves upon seeing that video!
I thought Amma would be the judge. Maybe in Part 2 Cookie Monster vomits all the cookies after the disgust of the 'explosion', and a replacement judge is needed. Amma! :)
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Make sense of it!

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I think the word you are after is PARANOID and you have it confused with safe. When one has told soooooo many lies they tend to become PARANOID.
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For sure!
Sewer rats like her would lap-dance any beast within eyesight … she is one mixed up, kinky, nofanny 🤯
Only if she was getting paid for it though - in cash or in kind. She wouldn't get out of bed for less than a fiver.
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I also disagree that Matt is a "healthy" weight. He is very skinny, not much muscle going on. His shoulders are very hollow looking and he looks like a weed imo.

We can't make any assumptions of people's health based on how much weight they have on. Someone can be malnourished and starving yet be obese. Whilst someone thin can have clogged arteries and on the brink of a heart attack. This whole idea that health correlates to weight is very outdated and there are too many variables to make broad generalisations whilst bringing veganism and omnivorism into question. It just doesn't make sense. There are genetic factors involved and it doesn't all boil down to personal choice, although we all need to make responsible decisions for our own health.

Maybe Elodie is an ethical vegan rather than a vegan for weight loss. It might be shocking to some here, but there are numerous reasons for becoming vegan, not just to "be skinny." If you are losing weight on a vegan diet, you are probably not doing it right.

I'm actually kind of shocked that Tiffany has made very little effort at all to understand Elodie's veganism. She said she has cookies in the freezer for company, yet made no consideration for her own vegan sister. Maybe she doesn't have the mental bandwidth to think about these things, because it involves thinking about things and people other than herself.

Who you do think would win in a fight between Matt and Brad Pitt?
This picture of Ha is hilarious omg
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I am wondering about some things that really strike me as odd if not dishonest on several fronts, and they don't have to do with Tiffany, though I will make some comparisons. Yes, I will be mentioning some good things about Tiffany, because, in comparison, Tiffany is the more honest one of the two based on what I mention here.
A Youtuber who has cancer, (Komal of Komal vlogs) and whom some of you will recognize was given a walker and a walking stick months ago. She doesn't work, lives in an apartment paid for (or, financed by) the UK government somehow because she doesn't live with her parents, and recently applied for PIP once again, this time with help from someone on the application itself.

(a) I never saw Komal actually use the cane or the walker. In fact, she said she DIDN"T want to use either of them in public because of their looks! This means that she doesn't really need them when she walks outside, otherwise the UTILITY of either of them would trump their looks any day. Tiffany never claimed to be so disabled such that she needed such items. The only item Tiffany needed was a pillow, which she ended up buying herself after RETURNING the one the hospital had given her because it didn't suit her.

(b) Komal doesn't work, and claims to be too TIRED to work full time. Why doesn't Komal try to work or volunteer part time, then?
Tiffany was trying to drive again as soon as she could after the surgery, and even did volunteer work for some time. Tiffany works part time, but Tiffany's situation cannot be directly compared to Komal's because Tiffany lives with her boyfriend who likely assumes much of the day-to-day payments.

Komal was thinking to go to Pakistan, and the reason she isn't going this year is because her mom is unable to travel! Who would pay for such a trip? Her parents? Is Komal deceiving the UK government about money she is getting? Komal has an apartment that would be categorized as 'section eight housing' in the US, given to her by the UK government. Clearly, Komal would not be able to pay her own rent without this and would have to live with her parents.
Komal has enough energy to have contemplated traveling all the way to Pakistan, yet doesn't find the energy to work? She has everything handed to her: an apartment, health care, a walker and a cane which she has yet to be seen using, and a FREE trip to Pakistan paid for by whomever (surely, not her since she isn't working.). How can this situation be accepted in the UK?
Talk about milking the system!
Komal is too 'tired and sick' to work, yet was contemplating going to Pakistan. Komal doesn't have enough money to pay her own rent without the UK gov. subsidizing it, yet she would have found the money to go to Pakistan.
Flight time from London to Pakistan is about 11 hours, and the conditions and health care there are not like in the UK.
There are people working full-time who cannot afford to go on such a vacation, yet Miss Komal who has an apartment paid for by the UK and who doesn't work would have gone had her mother been able to go with her.
A rat I do smell, and it's not Tiffany!!
I had no idea she had a walker and a stick. She regularly goes on trips and vlogs it.
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Heres a sneak peak of todays dialogue:

So so, happy happy, work work, alot alot, sad sad, friends friends, situation situation, eye-liner eye-liner, hand bag hand bag, walk walk, likkle likkle, talk talk, did did, drive drive, organise organise, diagnosed diagnosed, always always, say say, everything everything, twice twice .....
This should be the next title thread!
With those droopy fried eggs you would never know anyway - bra or no.
True, this trollop doesn't need a bra. She needs a double bra for her arse.
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Doesn’t she take like two showers a day? That can be incredibly drying for your skin. That could be the reason it’s dry.
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Off topic.

Has anyone seen the Emma wants to live (2016) documentary about a young Dutch girl with severe anorexia? It's one of the most heartbreaking things I have ever seen and at the same time it's very eye opening in terms of how anorexia behaves. I think anorexia is on top of the list of the worst mental illnesses.

On topic.

So what were the deep conversations at night?
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Yes, it is entertaining. TS did take a jab at foreigners flocking to Vee's house who might not all be 'productive' ones: a subtle jab which was the remark that Vee works hard, is a law-abiding citizen, and pays his taxes, vs. the others let in who bother his house such that he had to put up security cameras! People who are in the aforementioned category will recognize themselves upon seeing that video!
I thought Amma would be the judge. Maybe in Part 2 Cookie Monster vomits all the cookies after the disgust of the 'explosion', and a replacement judge is needed. Amma! :)
I took it as a jab at Vee Hopeless being anti foreigners which fits with how hateful that person is. He thinks he is better than others. But then he has a soft spot for the rodent so he is upset that there were no Tamils among them.

Amma as judge doing her hewooooo eberywaaan and carrot! I liked Elodie the cookie monster as judge too. The best judge, only concerned with her cookies.
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It's called a tangle teezer brush. It's less damaging on the hair than a normal hair brush and is sold in every major pharmacy here in the UK. Most women I know have some version of this brush or a brand called wet brush.
Okay I see the tangle teezer...never seen one before without a handle..looks like it may come in the We got This Blue. Learn something new every day.
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Nothing makes her happier than that.
Youtube views go up up up, the attention seeking brat gets her way, and after green diarrhea, a lot of vomiting, losing weight, pale skin and dark bags under her eyes she can lecture again about how thankful she is to God who saved her and for every day he gives her... plus she will need another holiday, she deserves another holiday after this new health crisis, life is short people 🤪
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