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VIP Member
But only colon is added I guess ? Surgery was already so complex, with or without the colon she would have had colostomy anyway because of the rectum … so not much more complex than before I would say ( it explains why the doctors tried to wait a bit probably …)
they are having to take more me that is more "complex" on top of already major surgery.
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Chatty Member
Wednesday the surgeon will come and see her and explain what he saw when he went in for the biopsy and give her the biopsy result. This is where her sister and Matt told her she would still be in the hospital bc he said he stop in to see her Wednesday.

We know this , but that's exactly what she said. I have to tell you the surgeon seems to be placating her bratty side. Maybe it's because he culturally relates to her and her mom and her family?? All I know is that he seems to be giving into her demand that she only talk with him.
You see he dropped everything and came down to the hospital floor where she was screaming and throwing a tantrum the other week to calm her down and with her.
Thank you so much for clearing that up! I think I got confused because Tiffany asked if the biopsy was not cancerous, would she still need surgery. Then Elodie immediately said something I had trouble hearing, and cc didn’t pick it up. Then she started talking about Friday was the biopsy, and that they would talk to Tiffany on Wednesday. I thought maybe they were doing the surgery on Wednesday if it came back cancerous. Now I understand! Many thanks! 😊
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5 minutes ago i've been reading comments to her latest video and there was one saying something like "She's not posting anything, probably bad news..."
I checked again just now and the comment is gone.
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Hollie Day

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I wonder will she give them an address or will she suggest they donate to a cancer charity instead 💅
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If that’s the case she’s even more of an unhinged basket case than I thought
I went back and verified for myself (trust by verify) and it is true. I think it tells us alot about Tiffany..heck she was also taken by a Doc. that gave her butt injections of vitamins long before this cancer journey...he "touched my hair". I mean we have to try to step inside a young girl that is very very immature. Some of us are so beyond that it is not easy.
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Seriously?? Do you think because you could not gain some weight doctors would leave you to die?
So I think they would recommend possibly more chemo etc. to at least hold it and stop the spread and pretty much tell her to enjoy her life knowing it will be cut very short. That is not leaving her to die. If they don't think she is strong enough for the surgery as she is now it would be malpractice to assemble this team only to lose her on the table.
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What? Lots of Doctors need to administer injections into the buttock. There’s nothing creepy about that.

There are some very odd opinions on here regarding medical professionals who are simply doing their job!!!!
Tiffany and her family's idiocy makes more sense now, seems loads of these people walk among us 😭 😩:oops:
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Again - how do we know he “played with her hair” - sounds like gobshite to me. And frankly If Matt was with her and he witnessed a Doctor touching his girlfriend inappropriately what the fuck did he do about it?

It never happened
I believe it...women get injections of vitamins all the is not that extraordinary. This was long before Cancer and Matt. I have no reason to doubt it...there are docs out there they still to this day touch patients inappropriately. Tiff took it as a compliment. Why...because she is immature and so needy.
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I would need to know as well. I would have to know so if I couldn't put on weight, I could start to organize things like palliative care. I would think of things and places I want to go to before my time is up. I know it sounds grim....but I would HAVE to know. It's just the way I am too.
Seriously?? Do you think because you could not gain some weight doctors would leave you to die?
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Turaj everytime a patient has a consultation, the consultant then records it in summary form and it goes to a secretary for a write up. A letter is sent to the patients gp and a copy is sent to the patient.
Tiffany should have a letter from every consultation which will state results, everything that was discussed, and a plan.
Something like
today i met with tiffany christy in clinic and together we looked at and discussed the results of the latest scans. I have explained to Tiffany etc etc etc. They are usuall very clear and concise. Remember a copy gets sent to the GP, so it cant contain waffle nonsense.
Don't be fooled into thinking that Tiffanys as confused as she portrays.
We can ask to see our scans, we can receive copies of scans on disc. Regular letters outlining stage and grade. Full patient record if we want.
Wet lettuce Matt is the one that always downplays the situation and tiffany follows suit @ you need to get the cancer gone and then you will never have to think about it.
You are so correct. I am sure RM is no different than Mayo Clinic here in US and you have a patient portal and can pull up all results/after visit notes to which you refer etc. And she seems to get written letters too.
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A lot of doctors ay that, Deborah James ( BowelBabe) her doctor told her he would treat her as his daughter, I take it as they mean they will do absolutely everything within their power to prolong/cure them. It’s really not that deep.
yes but she took it to heart hence her attachment to her surgeon over the other doctors on her team including her oncologist.
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Snow Fu

New member
No this isn’t a thing in the UK.
i think Tiffany is just a fantasist. She’s clearly got her own weird hang ups about her body - she seems very uncomfortable and embarrassed about her “private” parts - and I think she seems to view the professionals who are discussing her body and having to look at/examine her as people who are romantically or sexually interested in her. I think she magnifies insignificant actions as something else. I don’t believe for a single second that a Doctor “stroked” her hair.
She said a doctor stroked her hair? 🙄 I would have slapped any surgeon of mine’s hand away. I need my team caring but professional or I’d completely lose trust in them. No mucking about accepted.
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You know the saying: junk in is junk out. At the moment she is severely malnourished. She eats too little and she eats the wrong things. You don’t thrive well for a long time on cheeseburgers and chocolate alone. She has to eat more nutritious food with vitamins and minerals. That doesn’t mean only tofu but also some vegetables with your meal.
Sure, of course, I get what you're saying. It's just that she obviously has problems with eating enough. At this point, I would tell her that, barring something immediately harmful, if it appeals to her to go for it.
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Chatty Member
8 months?? No way, she must have had symptoms for years. In older people colorectal cancer takes about 10-15 years to develop from a polyp. In her case due to her age it must have been shorter, but no months. Hence the size of the tumour.
She may have certainly, but I think around that time is when the symptoms became worse. Of course, I'm really not sure as to an exact timeline, just going by what she said, which wasn't entirely clear. It is common for people with colon cancer not to have symptoms in the early stages of disease.
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Yeah, this kind of surgery would be mentally hard to everyone. She has no choice just adjust new different and harder life.

He said that. You can find that in her earlier video.
It was unprofessional, he shouldn't really said that.
It could indicate that he will treat her better than other patients? All patients deserves same level of care, she is not special.
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