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I didn’t actually start watching them until earlier this year when my son turned vegan so I wasn’t under his spell long as the meals he was serving up were dire… I started watching some of the back catalogue of vlogs when I was I’ll in bed with covid and quickly caught on that he was a vile person who manipulates people and puts people down, he bleats on about positivity but is constantly negative but he’s the only one allowed to express it, if you dare mention you are having a bad time he will bully you and block you I still can’t get over the way he treated Linda and I don’t even know the woman…
Finding this thread I realised I wasn’t the only person who didn’t like him one bit … I could actually imagine liking Jason I think he could be a decent chap but unfortunately he’s been around that vile husband of his too long and it hasn’t done him any favours.
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Oh gawd, he's written some sort of eulogy to wallowing, on their community page.
I can never read them it always tells me not available on my device.

Yeah his big fat ego has not been soothed sufficiently... he's now brain washing his followers by repetition 🤢
Got to drum the message home… needs those super chats coming in when he goes live.

If he was so confident that he didn't do anything wrong, why he is spending so much time trying to justify himself? He knows he went wrong but his massive ego will not let him apologise and admit he was wrong. I think if you mess up, you should apologise. It shows strength to admit your faults. However, you just shouldn't be cruel to people in the first place and then you would save yourself a lot of silly bother

All of a sudden, he is obsessed with talking about wallowing, funny that he never mentioned it before the Linda incident. He acts like he's so wise and the things he says are long held beliefs he has, but really he just makes it all up as he goes along to suit his current situation and to manipulate people into being on his side. Don't be fooled, this guy is as thick as a brick. I bet he googles all day to find other people's words of wisdom to help him manipulate his flock

This just in........he's going live at 245. Might look later. He said he is sorting his clothes drawers out......absolutely riveting viewing I am sure.........well worth the superchat..get your check book out, Alex
Little nod to you here @wumbhi tahaza from Fester who’s definitely festering over his treatment of Linda… Not wallowing though not allowed to wallow

I bet that bedroom reeks of sweat, knock off cologne and bullshit.

When i looked there were 44 people watching him unfold and then refold clobber that i'd be chucking in the nearest skip.
Yes I was one of those 44 … taking one for the team 🤣
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I don’t believe he had it the first time. We saw Jason’s test but never Paul’s and believe me if Paul had really had it he would have shown off his test too.

Now he has it ‘again’ it and oh look he shows his test.

So really he didn’t have it first time he just wanted to share his Covid busting hot dogs and he didn’t want Jason’s getting all the sympathy from their subs.

Also did anybody notice the mouldy pitta on this disgusting meal vlog?
I wasn’t sure if it was mould or freezer burn 🤣….

Saw this on another thread and instantly made me think of Paul 😂
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He went on to say a line that I find the one of most annoying things he often says, WE WERE GONNA BUY THIS AT THE END OF THE MONTH.
It's pathetic, isn't it?. Why he even wastes his breath saying that is beyond me, as he has zero intention of sticking his hand in his pocket to buy anything apart from processed yellow sticker crap and bottles of wine.
It's akin to me saying i will never eat a four pack of Crunchie's in a day ever again. That is absolute bollocks because i might even do it today. My daughter is sitting her GCSE's at the moment and it feels like i am walking on eggshells 24/7. 10 papers down, 17 more of the bleedin' things to go. Crunchie's are hidden at the back of the cupboard, for now. 🤯
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Bandit star

He did mention the site once, so I think he does.

Most likely no longer mentions it as he knows what is said—the truth—will shatter the image he puts out to people.

I bet he shakes like a crapping dog when he reads on here, knowing he's not fooling everyone and there are people who see through him.
He doesnt have the power to block here.

If he was so confident that he didn't do anything wrong, why he is spending so much time trying to justify himself? He knows he went wrong but his massive ego will not let him apologise and admit he was wrong. I think if you mess up, you should apologise. It shows strength to admit your faults. However, you just shouldn't be cruel to people in the first place and then you would save yourself a lot of silly bother

All of a sudden, he is obsessed with talking about wallowing, funny that he never mentioned it before the Linda incident. He acts like he's so wise and the things he says are long held beliefs he has, but really he just makes it all up as he goes along to suit his current situation and to manipulate people into being on his side. Don't be fooled, this guy is as thick as a brick. I bet he googles all day to find other people's words of wisdom to help him manipulate his flock

This just in........he's going live at 245. Might look later. He said he is sorting his clothes drawers out......absolutely riveting viewing I am sure.........well worth the superchat..get your check book out, Alex
Lots of incessant justification and referencing to "wallowing". He cant let it go
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Oh what have I missed. Off to check out his hypocritical mental health vlog.

He’s dangerous! When I suffered an assault a decade ago, I became housebound with trauma and agoraphobia. My sister who’s a ‘mental health nurse’ I use that lightly, as she’s narcissist abusive woman and even our own Dad says she’s dangerous to work in that field of work. She belittled my assault and supported the family member who did it to me, despite the fact police witnessed it happening and they wanted to secure my house with extra locks and bolts on windows and doors, which proved how serious it must have been. Not forgetting the death threats I received afterwards from him. She said to me ‘you need a job, get out and get to work. Your mind is just bored stuck at home’. She also said ‘you don’t have agoraphobia you can go in your garden and drive the kids to school’. She had no idea of the panic attacks I had just driving my car to take the kids to school every morning, and the fear all day of having to pick them up. Terrified to see people at the school gates and scared incase the person who assaulted me was then waiting in my garden or house when I got back’. People like my sister and Paul should not be working around vulnerable people! It’s why I felt so upset about Linda, the way he belittled her and embarrassed her made me so angry.

He so needs to remember his quote he spouts off. Yes Paul, you’ve shown people who you are now.

Sorry to talk about myself, I’m ok now, I’m doing really well and far from a victim. Paul wallows,he’s a victim every single day with how he speaks and behaves. He should not be making videos on mental health with that shitty advice!

Don’t tell me he’s walking through Oldham with a selfie stick talking to his camera. That fella in the background staring as he walks past him 😂😂😂
Don’t be sorry about talking about yourself @ChineseAlan sometimes it helps to get the message across as to why you think ( and the rest of us think ) that Paul should go nowhere near someone with mental health issues, he has absolutely no empathy, none whatsoever everything is always, always all about him…
What happened with Linda was completely unacceptable but there is no way on earth he will ever admit it because deep down he doesn’t see it at all and thinks it’s perfectly acceptable to treat someone that way and because Jason who is 100% a victim too is so complicit he thinks it justifies his abhorrent behaviour to others as it’s okay because Jason agrees with me 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Just noticed this that someone wrote this on his board under his Linda related rant.

Paul and Jason, you are saving lives with your work. I know how much you help me. I hope that soon you will get to travel again and recharge all of the energy and compassion you freely give to us.
Compassion, my arse. Paul Burgess only cares about Paul Burgess.
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Ha ha, he really does. That ridiculous mohawk needs to come off. He looks like a pensioner gone punk. Both of them need a good haircut and shave. As for his dress sense. Just get the ugliest item from the late eighties, early nineties, in the the charity shop bargain bucket.
Found this for ya, where he looks almost normal ...
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I just had a huge rant to my husband. I’m sorry but this man is a bully! He isn’t even a man, no man bullies a woman like this unless they’re an abuser. My husband said not odoing these posts to call Linda out and humiliate her further, he’s doing it to justify his actions and humiliating her further by doing so. For someone who’s not bothered he’s acting bothered, why keep mentioning it? Just fkin drop it and leave the poor woman alone, you bully! He is disgusting, that poor woman must feel even worse seeing all these vlogs and posts aimed at her to justify his actions. Damage control!

I’m not homophobic or against trans, I’m down with the times but seriously, he gives me Jimmy Saville vibes. his drag act is plain creepy. Seedy even. To have been selling his body at what age 12 or earlier? and he’s proud of that?! If he was an adult that’s his choice but what child does that and then to get with a 17 year old boy. It just doesn’t sit right with me. He’s bad news.

He needs to take a look at himself before he bullies a woman who is clearly struggling with something in her life that’s led to depression. He’s far from perfect himself. Just like he needs his kitchen vlogs as it helps him to talk is feelings out, maybe coming on those lives she felt a sense of community. Now she hasn’t got that. If he owned it and apologised I’d think more of him but to sit there like Billy Big Bollocks and say ‘if you wallow in self pity I’ll call you out’ oh do fk off, who are you? Fkin cult leader! If he dared speak to me like that he wouldn’t get off so lightly as I stand up against abusive men after what I’ve been through.

Poor Linda. I can’t stop thinking about her and he keeps dragging it up humiliating her further, it’s not acceptable and his channel should be taken off for bullying and harassment.

My husband just sent me this message. He’s nuts 😂

Paul …

“Ello luvs (ye bastards), as you know from Sunday I don’t tolerate wallowing, well I’ve had another message from another miserable bastard that I need to tell you about (cos it would be rude not to Karen). This message goes on about how traumatised this person is because they were working at a golf club 100 years ago when it got robbed … well fuck me ! STOP FUCKING WALLOWING!!!!”

Jason ….

“Paul, Paul, Paul … mmmmm …. that sounds familiar”

Bye luvs
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I think he posted a negative test but there is no way that that is his. He’s a hypocrite. Slagged people off when their opinion on Covid differed to him, belittled those who didn’t want the jab etc and now look at him! I thought he was rather quiet on the Covid front, clearly wanted it to just go away quietly so he could go to the festival today and people would forget he was ill.
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I’ve just finished tonight’s live vlog… OMFG just how much praise does he need for throwing a few fucking green leaves on a plate and knocking up a bit of tahini dressing 🙄 and I could have done without StUART ( please get it right folks ) masticating his food round his gob like a cow chewing cud.
Paul was exuberant about starting his new job on Monday because he positively excels in what he’s going to be doing 🙄 Me, me, me and I yes Paul we know you excel in your favourite topic of YOU.
Jason was his usual affable self only more SNIFFY if that’s possible, I’m starting to wonder with all the sniffing 🤷🏼‍♀️ If he has a bit of a habit ?
anyway BYE LUVS
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What the hell are these people sending superchat for? I just can't get my head around it? What are they doing to make people want to send them money. Looks like three people waffling shit to pass time to me
That's EXACTLY what it is lol 😆 I'm watching Tonight's chat, albeit late .The food looks rank, but Stu's expressions are fab 👌 😀
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I don’t believe he had it the first time. We saw Jason’s test but never Paul’s and believe me if Paul had really had it he would have shown off his test too.

Now he has it ‘again’ it and oh look he shows his test.

So really he didn’t have it first time he just wanted to share his Covid busting hot dogs and he didn’t want Jason’s getting all the sympathy from their subs.

Also did anybody notice the mouldy pitta on this disgusting meal vlog?


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wumbhi tahaza

Chatty Member
He has no idea about mental illness. He thinks it's ok to tell a person with mental illness to stop wallowing, stop moaning. Would he tell a person with a broken back to stop lying around and go for a run? If he gets this job, I blame his boss for not doing a thorough check on him cos if they do, he would not get it
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I can't wait for Thurs nights in the future, when Jason finishes work, n Fester still has to work on the Friday 🤣🤣🤣🤣I bet Jason can't wait!!
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