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Yes, you could say that. I finally opened my eyes and saw Paul's vile behaviour.
I really noticed their grifting when poor Addam rocked up spending his money on two gay guys. I wouldn't be happy at all with that poor Mrs Addam and children. But a fool and his money etc..etc
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I am quite sure that is why grumpy grandad and Paul fell out.they were friends before that and after that, their contact ended so I strongly think that grumpy grandad realised in that moment what a selfish self centred git he really is, just as I did.
I asked GVG about it on tiktok live and he said he had no idea what happened 🤷🏻‍♀️
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VIP Member
And Paul actually acts like he is hard done to because he is busier than normal. Well that’s his choice. No one asked him to dress up like a Corrie barmaid and murder all the songs he tries to sing. If you are too busy and are fed up,do us all a favour and stop pretending to yourself that you have an ounce of talent and put the 50p charity shop frock back in the closet
Nobody asked him to set up the channel either but he is convinced it is an act of sincere sacrifice for vegankind. Until this year he actually thought he and Jason could live off the profits and leave mainstream employment! Suffice to say, that hasn’t happened as he couldn’t keep up the nice guy act.
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And Paul actually acts like he is hard done to because he is busier than normal. Well that’s his choice. No one asked him to dress up like a Corrie barmaid and murder all the songs he tries to sing. If you are too busy and are fed up,do us all a favour and stop pretending to yourself that you have an ounce of talent and put the 50p charity shop frock back in the closet
The singing nearly kills me! He sounds like a parrot being strangled. Does nobody hear it?
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Just found out more about was a friend they had who recently died. When Paul said he was royally fcked over, he obviously meant he was very hurt by the news of her passing. I wish I could remove the above comments I made regarding tante but I’ve missed the twenty Minuite cut off . Sorry to hear about Paul’s friend passing away.. no offence intended from me
To be fair that's a weird thing for him to say about someone who has died. I can see how you got confused. He said in the video that they had exchanged a few supportive messages but "I never met the lady". It's all a bit weird.
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My husband does it in a croaky Oldham accent like Paul too, he cracks me up. He dished up dinner earlier and as he brought it to me he said ‘ere ya go ya bastard, let’s shove it down us faces‘ 😂😂😂😂 Honestly it’s a good job our kids are so grown up, they think we’re nuts though 😂😂😂

I totally agree, he’s had a very poor upbringing, and it’s made him this cold, hard person. He was around some very dangerous people as a child and like you say it’s why he didn’t see wrong in getting with a 17 year old. Your sons right, it is that kind of vibe he gives off.
Haha your husband and my husband would get on I think 😄😄😄
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wumbhi tahaza

Chatty Member
Breaking news.This just in. They have cancelled the vegan queens story time bullshit. It’s a friggin tragedy.

Due to the constant controversy surrounding #DragQueenStoryTime #DragQueenStoryHour, the constant protests and anger making families and children feel unsafe and of course the constant press, not to mention the vile accusations and labels that have been thrown at us recently - and with self preservation and personal protection at the fore - we have unfortunately felt it best to cancel our booking at Didsbury Pride and we are taking story time bookings off of our repertoire.

It was never a thing we planned to do regularly, it was just something we were asked to do that went well at Darnhill and we thought we could add it to our body of work.

For the sake of ourselves, and of the children who shouldn't be exposed to that hate filled underbelly of thinly veiled homophobia, we gracefully bow out.

Our online body of work is very much adult and aimed at adults. We're going to keep it that way and leave story time to the queens who specialize in it with dedicated characters.

Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience or disappointment caused but we have to prioritize our own safety, and that of others.

The children also shouldn’t be exposed Paul’s underpants either. Haha
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wumbhi tahaza

Chatty Member
I think the fact that we have gone quiet recently because Paul is behaving at the moment, proves an important point. Everything we say about him has substance to it. And when there's nothing to say about him, we go quiet. We are only responding to the questionable behaviour when he presents it to us. We don't just make stuff up about him and we are not unfairly picking on anyone. We are just reporting the truth about him. However you think about Paul , I cannot see how anyone with an open mind can honestly deny what we say about him.

Also, look what Paul has for breakfast.that doesn't look vegan. Haha


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wumbhi tahaza

Chatty Member
Great point. If us being here makes him improve his treatment of people, then we've done what we set out to do. There's two ways this could go that would make me happy. Either he is totally exposed for what he is and everyone turns their backs and his channel ends OR he makes a permanent change, puts and end to the scrounging and treats people well. The second option is less entertaining but nicer in a way and I would happily make no more negative comments about him if he managed the change
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Hello again - yes - I have competed in bodybuilding competitions in the past using two different approaches - bulk meal prepping ultra healthy, nothing processed then secondly, still following a restriction for calories for cutting but where processed food was used as a staple - burgers, sausages and the like - got the results I wanted with both approaches. My own experience obviously but I get a bit frustrated at times when people slate vegans for eating processed food. However the world would be a boring place if we were all the same. I'll train tonight and tea will be a couple of waffles, perhaps some frozen veg - we'll see, and a couple of Tesco plant chef escalopes. Lovely 😁

I didn't realise that was what the whole Grumpy Vegan Grandad thing was all about. Doesn't surprise me.
Ps it’s not just vegans I slate for eating processed food 😉 so please don’t think I was picking on vegans in general… My eldest son ( meat eater ) often gets an ear bashing about his appalling diet I keep telling him now he’s young and active and can get away with it but later on it’ll bite him on the bum when he’s borderline diabetic with high cholesterol he will be sorry he didn’t listen 🤣…. Enjoy your tea & training session….
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I remember when I used to like them that they had a feature where they did a video link up with different vegans where Paul would chat to them about their veganism. I think it was called VEGAN STORIES. I found these quite good at the time, but after just a few of them, Paul announced on a VLOG that he will not be doing anymore because the views on those videos were not very good and it wasn't financially viable for his channel......obviously all about the money. I think that was the first time when I thought that Pauls number one motivation is money, not helping vegans as he likes to tell us.

It was in this pity party piece, there were tears, remember?, and right near the end he was on the beg giving out their Paypal address whilst thanking their patreons. It was the end of Vegan Stories and The Vegan Queens because the views were shite. Bleedin' clickbait title if ever i've seen one.

Sadly he didn't remain true to his word and Gemini still has to make an appearance from time to time.

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Will have a look tommorow. But from what you've all said, it sounds like he is back to his natural nasty self, I knew he couldn't keep up his fakey nice guy pretence for long.
It was mainly Paul pissed singing at every possible moment. I had second hand embarrassment. Jason and Stuart were sober trying to raise the tone by discussing books they have read and Paul talked over them. Apparently he read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe when he was in his 20s. Honestly Paul do shut up for 5 minutes... please
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