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wumbhi tahaza

Chatty Member
if he had an ounce of talent he wouldn't have to drop his underpants to get attention. So Desperate for fame.
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wumbhi tahaza

Chatty Member
Oh ok. Probably no big deal. He probably got on with his mother more than his father. stI'll a dodgy guy though.
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I don't see anyone slagging off any of the other vegan youtubers, because most of the others are doing good things for a worthy cause, not just selfishly serving themselves and manipulating people like this guy

I'm not sure i've seen any of the others cooking meat either. :unsure:
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You have my sympathy we are COVID sisters. I am on week 3 and feeling like I will never get well. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Please rest because I didn't and think it gave me secondary infections. If you want a laugh go back to #1 with Paul's vegan remedies it's the funniest thing. ❤
Awww I feel for you. I’m day 5, I haven’t eaten since Sunday other than a few bananas and plain crisps. I feel absolutely dreadful. I don’t think I’ve stopped crying thr last 24 hours as I’m afraid I won’t ever feel better. My husbands done 6 days and pretty much bounced back, I’m still bedbound and have the greasiest hair I’ve ever seen 😂

I hope you feel better very soon 💜🥰

Hope you are feeling better really soon.

There is definitely an odd chemistry between them. Not sure what it is though.
Thank you so much 💜

Good on you for looking after the cats. Lovely work. This is what annoys me with Paul. He puts on this facade of being a nice caring person but his actions tell a completely different story. He does nothing outside of his self centred little bubble to help others. His fans should look at his actions and not listen to his fickle self serving words.

Chinesealan, bloody horrible business, that Covid. Hope you feel good soon.

Batteries on his wishlist. That blatantly takes the piss. That just screams I DONT WANT TO SPEND MY OWN MONEY AND I EXPECT SOMEONE ELSE TO SPEND THEIRS SO I CAN GET IT FOR FREE. if someone buys them those batteries they are fcking idiots.

Paul recently said said on one of his videos,SOME PEOPLE THINK WE ARE MONEY GRABBING BUGGERS. Well how can we think anything else? PAUL ,please tell us why we are wrong, please explain to me what justification there is for you to expect free stuff from people. For a man who has a job with a partner who also has a job, and a car, a house and a freezer full of food, and home furnishings etc,....what makes it ok for you to receive and request handouts? Please tell me
Cheers Wumbhi 😊
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This is why I don’t get the parents of Angharad… there is no way on earth I would allow a child of mine to form any kind of friendship no matter how platonic with an ex sex worker and certainly not one who had started out so young and seems to regale the stories of his escapades as if he’s proud of them.
Her mum seriously needs to read on here, it may give her a reality check.
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wumbhi tahaza

Chatty Member
He said women cannot do drag? That's ridiculous. They are women. Drag is just dressing like a glamorous woman really....and he's saying women can't do that.......absolutely crazy. He hates women and would much rather see them covered up or in anoraks, whilst he gets to wear his glamourous 50p charity shop frocks. Idiot
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Miss LDN

VIP Member
I think they only use the LIFESTYLE banner so people cannot quite rightfully say "what has this got to do with veganism?" Because nearly everything they do on, or use their channel for has nothing to do with veganism. Veganism is an afterthought really, or an excuse for them to be on YouTube.
Yep. It's a vehicle for Paul to get his narc attention fix, and talk/rant all he likes, rather than talking to the cat. He thinks he is an influencer, so goes full on beggy.
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And Paul actually acts like he is hard done to because he is busier than normal. Well that’s his choice. No one asked him to dress up like a Corrie barmaid and murder all the songs he tries to sing. If you are too busy and are fed up,do us all a favour and stop pretending to yourself that you have an ounce of talent and put the 50p charity shop frock back in the closet
The thing is there are so many drag acts around nowadays since drag race made it so popular and all of them as far as I can see are far better at it than the Vegan Queens
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I must of missed this … did Fester kick off about it in his live last night ?
8.26 ish regarding Pacific Blue

I'd put money on the fact that the feeling is mutual where Vivi's concerned.

Plus she can cook and she knows her elbow from her arsehole when it comes to growing veg. And she's got a couple of gay mates that can also cook and grow spuds. Oh, and they both have jobs and know their way around a bar of soap and a face cloth.

He's such an arrogant prick.
Are you talking about Richard and Paul? ☺. They are such a class act..if Paul ever discovers them he will implode with jealousy 😂
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Miss LDN

VIP Member
Just saw that he has put up a little update video up. It took Paul about thirty seconds to annoy me. He said at the start of the video


He thinks We should hang on his every word like he is some kind of godly guru figure, jeeeesus, give me strength!!!!!

And Miss ldn, he answered your question in the video, he starts the job on Monday.

He did however say that his job and other commitments might means they don't do as many live videos.........he said it as if we should be upset and like he is letting us down. No Paul , we would rather see you earning your keep than scrounging a living from superchats on your live slurpfests.....I think we will somehow find a way to cope. Haha
Yeah, funny how he mentioned it, just as I asked about it. It's his induction he says. So lets see if he makes it to an actual shift. Or will The Vegan Queens suddenly become global super stars.
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He’s obviously sobered up and read it properly and realised what absolute tosh he’d written… dick head that he is


As my old mum use to say … I wouldn’t give them the shit on my shoe 🤣

When you think about it @wumbhi tahaza that’s serious enabling who in their right mind wouldn’t point out that what was written was completely incoherent.
For me, it's the mention of French knickers!! That's not something you come up with on the hoof. Now don't get me wrong, we have two puppies and a car and we put on daft voices on for them all the time to articulate how they are acting but I would never write a Facebook post about it!!

For me, it's the mention of French knickers!! That's not something you come up with on the hoof. Now don't get me wrong, we have two puppies and a car and we put on daft voices on for them all the time to articulate how they are acting but I would never write a Facebook post about it!!
Cat I meant 🙄
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I honestly think that his vegan fans do recognise that Paul is not such a nice person but give him a free pass because he is vegan

Probably, although Hitler was supposedly a vegetarian. Maybe they need to think a bit more.

Appologies if i have offended anyone with the above comment. But Paul Burgess really does boil my piss.
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wumbhi tahaza

Chatty Member
I think this post is similar to when after lindagate he went on damage control and kept going on about wallowing all the time. I think that someone has quite rightfully pointed out to Paul that he is ignorant to people and so he writes this diatribe to explain and redeem himself. All he seems to do these days is try to convince anyone who will read his words that despite his awful behaviour, he is actually a nice person. He can spout off as much as he likes but his actions and behaviour tell their own story.
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Completely pissed up, tuneless crap Fester. Sober up and grow up!
Totally agree! The amount of wine He drank was silly, n he started talking crap n his face went beetroot red.I love a drink, but am not egotistical.
I feel sorry for Stu n Jason, as for some reason they always agree with him on the lives, but their faces don't lie 🙄😳🤣
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Bandit star

He was in a right mood from the start. He looked really rough. When Amanda asked that perfectly innocuous question you could see the anger flare up in his eyes. I think he was needing people to lash out at. Lee also upset him but didn't catch what he had said. I think poor Linda was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Yes i definitely noticed he was in a mood. From the start.🙄
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I really do wonder about some vegans but having taken the time to research I’ve found it’s generally just lazy vegans that really on freezer junk… those that I know that are friends of my son prefer to eat fresh it’s not even that time consuming knocking up poke bowls, vegan stir fries, curries, chilli, noodle dishes galore all can be knocked up in ten to fifteen minutes of course you can make time consuming stuff if you feel like it on a day off but anyone who says they are working and don’t have time to cook from fresh is lying … I managed it for years doing 12 hour shifts etc you just have to prepare ahead and think smart.
My daughter works and has three children she cooks so many lovely things home made cheese , sushi etc and her home is immaculate ( she don't get that from me)

Vegans use to be healthy simply because they had to buy fresh produce and make everything from scratch , there were no short cuts, but now many are no healthier than non vegan processed food eaters.
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