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What's the point in him dieting if he's going to be eating chip butties for his main meal? I'm staggered that he claims to be a qualified health trainer. I'm not against a bit of rubbish from time to time but he's old enough to know his evening meal should be nutritiously balanced. It's like they are teenagers left home alone.
He‘s what… No way I’m flabbergasted I certainly wouldn’t want him coaching me about health when he looks like he has one foot in the grave and poor Jason looks malnourished 😕
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Herbert , you asked how many posts do they delete. Well I can't give you an exact number but for a Facebook group the size of theirs, they have hardly any comments. And it states on most of their posts, that not all posts are available to view. They must delete tons.
If you include the YouTube comments that they monitor and delete I would casually estimate that it would be about 75% comments that they would deem negative.

The only comments that we can read are from the sycophants and leg humpers

... I honestly think their channel would do much much better if they opened up the comments to free speech from their viewers... Now wouldn't that just be fun to see!

Dirty, selfish germ speading old git. I knew he'd show us what a liar he is. "I'll be wearing a mask", yeah you should have had one on both faces!!! 😷
🎶 Liar, Liar.. filthy, grubby, way too tight, circa 90s jeans ON FIRE! 🎶
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wumbhi tahaza

Chatty Member
Just switched on the live. They were talking about why they don't like vegan camp out. Jason said he doesn't like competitive vegans who put down each other for not being vegan enough, which is a good point, and he said there is a lot of this around vegan camp out, which puts him off the event. Then Paul chimed in and told the story of him applying to get a gig at vegan camp out for the vegan queens and they showed interest at first but then communications went quiet and Paul said they should support smaller acts more rather than the big celebrity names. Mabye though, they watched some videos of the vegan queens and didn't like what they saw. If I was holding a festival with big name decent proffesional acts, I don't think I would put them on either. They should apply for Glastonbury. Mabye they can follow Coldplay or the Rolling Stones.
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I have resigned the whole live yet but did you hear when he said that he didn't really watch any vegan stuff or vegan you tubers? Well, I suppose why would he as he clearly knows it all and can't be taught anything. Fud!
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When he worked for ageuk he went straight for promotion. He had only been there a few months. I'm getting the impression he very quickly feels like certain jobs are beneath him, he deserves a managerial role. When he didn't get the promotion he turned into the typical difficult employee with a grudge.
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I really noticed their grifting when poor Addam rocked up spending his money on two gay guys. I wouldn't be happy at all with that poor Mrs Addam and children. But a fool and his money etc..etc
I think it was a gradual process for me. Paul verbally abusing Linda was the start. He's just become more vile and 'beggier' since then. That's alongside having a job now also. I understand that Youtube take a certain percentage of super-chat earnings, but he really begs.
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I think they are dropping hints for an electric car. Can we organise a whip round for an electric chair?
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Bandit star

Are you kidding me, he’s done another dig towards her? I’m sorry he’s taking it too far now,

First the live when he initially insulted her. Then the post afterwards justifying his actions and that she was wallowing. Then the mental health vlog, another poke at the poor woman. A live today, again more pokes about doing things to help the mind etc just another dig at her and to justify himself. Now this post? He’s a bully! Just fkin drop it Paul! You’re taking it too far now and digging yourself a deeper hole.
A total bully. In fact he actually should be genuinely feeling very worried about how she may be feeling. Shes already said shes lonely and has no one. How vulnerable is this woman? How can he be sure that she is OK?

Yes. He's really angry at Linda for making him look like a narcissistic dick. He's not letting her off with a bit of casual public humiliation, he's really going for the full smear campaign.
I hope he stops. She may still be seeing all this and feeling worse than she did before.
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I just had a huge rant to my husband. I’m sorry but this man is a bully! He isn’t even a man, no man bullies a woman like this unless they’re an abuser. My husband said not odoing these posts to call Linda out and humiliate her further, he’s doing it to justify his actions and humiliating her further by doing so. For someone who’s not bothered he’s acting bothered, why keep mentioning it? Just fkin drop it and leave the poor woman alone, you bully! He is disgusting, that poor woman must feel even worse seeing all these vlogs and posts aimed at her to justify his actions. Damage control!

I’m not homophobic or against trans, I’m down with the times but seriously, he gives me Jimmy Saville vibes. his drag act is plain creepy. Seedy even. To have been selling his body at what age 12 or earlier? and he’s proud of that?! If he was an adult that’s his choice but what child does that and then to get with a 17 year old boy. It just doesn’t sit right with me. He’s bad news.

He needs to take a look at himself before he bullies a woman who is clearly struggling with something in her life that’s led to depression. He’s far from perfect himself. Just like he needs his kitchen vlogs as it helps him to talk is feelings out, maybe coming on those lives she felt a sense of community. Now she hasn’t got that. If he owned it and apologised I’d think more of him but to sit there like Billy Big Bollocks and say ‘if you wallow in self pity I’ll call you out’ oh do fk off, who are you? Fkin cult leader! If he dared speak to me like that he wouldn’t get off so lightly as I stand up against abusive men after what I’ve been through.

Poor Linda. I can’t stop thinking about her and he keeps dragging it up humiliating her further, it’s not acceptable and his channel should be taken off for bullying and harassment.

My husband just sent me this message. He’s nuts 😂

Paul …

“Ello luvs (ye bastards), as you know from Sunday I don’t tolerate wallowing, well I’ve had another message from another miserable bastard that I need to tell you about (cos it would be rude not to Karen). This message goes on about how traumatised this person is because they were working at a golf club 100 years ago when it got robbed … well fuck me ! STOP FUCKING WALLOWING!!!!”

Jason ….

“Paul, Paul, Paul … mmmmm …. that sounds familiar”

Bye luvs
@ChineseAlan I honestly didn’t know if I should heart the post or do 🤣 so I hearted it but wanted to tell you, your husbands message made me howl … I even read it in my head in Paul’s voice 🤣🤣….
I’m totally with you on the gay thing, I have a gay son as I’ve said before and he’s said to me if he met Paul at a gay bar he’d totally walk the other way he gives him predator vibes… 10 year old boys do not casually think I’ll make some money being a rent boy, he more or likely at that young age met someone who groomed him which is why he thought it totally acceptable to get with a 17 year old boy… I think he’s had a really poor upbringing and a terrible life which is why he has no empathy.

I would like to report this for daylight robbery on their merch store
View attachment 1262258
For a Tote bag … is he having a laugh

Does anyone else find Aangarad's reference to him as 'drag mum' really gaslighty? I don't know whose idea that was but a 52 year old man is not anyone's mum and never will be and it's actually quite insulting to her actual mum and women who have raised children. He puts on a dress and eyeshadow and a strong northern accent and as if by magic is called 'mum'. 🙄
Yes I don’t like it at all it really gives me the creeps… I definitely wouldn’t let him anywhere near my daughter to be honest.
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I'm used to the way Fester is either rude to Alex or is ignores her completely, he does it all the time. But Jason didn't even acknowledge her once today, which again goes to prove he's just as bad as Fester and condones and enables his vile behaviour.
Maybe he was a bit pissed off that it wasn't Stuart gaffer taped to the back seat of the car.
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He won't let it go until this ego is satisfied he was right all along and is looking for external validation to feed it. On the bright side the backlash had obviously troubled him enough to do that long winded Oldham/kitchen vlog. He's back peddling like crazy rewriting the narrative. He knows people are on to him.
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wumbhi tahaza

Chatty Member
She is clearly just there for them to manipulate her to pay for stuff. She must be lonely and willing to pay them for their company. Crazy
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Miss LDN

VIP Member
Paul could start an argument in an empty room. He needs to get through the checks, and online training etc. I can't believe he won't compromise his Vegan Queen gigs, and You Tube. He really thinks they should be grateful to have him. Says he turned down the first job because of that. I sense complete bull shittery.
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I think if you are part of an online community where you need to publicly apologise for liking something then that is a big red flag. Just unlike it if it was a mistake and carry on with your don't need to justify yourself. How bizarre.
It's like when they apologise for for being late on a live, why apologise for having a life and routine that sometimes means you miss the start of one?
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wumbhi tahaza

Chatty Member
Another self pitying post from Paul on Facebook, designed to make his money givers feel sorry for him

After the latter part of last night's shenanigans, the car breaking down, pushing it in full drag, having to get a taxi home, eating at 2.30am. After all of that, and after another drenched night of sleep, waking internittently with a soaking pillow and trying to find a dry spot, after not getting to bed until almost 4am, I was already done with Sunday.
When I woke up this morning I had already given up on the day. I planned to sit and mope, wallow in the anger of the things outside of my control that had happened and were happening. I was pissed off that we have no car, and still determined that I wanted her gone and a full refund. I was wallowing.
The RAC called and said they could come and collect the key, go and get the car and take it to the dealership where it is thankfully still under warranty. Good.
I had two croissants (mega rare to eat breakfast now) and a huge mug of delicious freshly brewed coffe. Great.
Then I explained to Jason all that you've just read, and I said I didn't want to mope. I shared a plan to go and spend some time at the allotment and do some of the work we've so desperately needed to do but haven't had the time. We'd get a cab there, do whatever we could, then walk home.
We got the cab.
You should watch our allotment vlog uploading tomorrow, to see all that we did there.
Totally worth it, trust me.
We go lots done. LOTS!
We harvested a plethora of plums which we shared with a care home nearby, and all of our neighbours when we got home.
We harvested lots more too, including some cherry tomatoes and some assorted beetroots.
Mum & Dad Brom came for a brew and took some goods home after giving us a lift first to Tesco, then home.
Tonight we had a beautiful dinner, and a salad topped with the cherry tomatoes and a gorgeous stripy beetroot picked this very day.
Our allotment has had some much needed care and attention and if you watch the vlog, you'll see the befores and the afters.
I almost gave up on today.
Bloody glad I didn't.

Hang on a minute, he wants a refund on a car he never paid for. If he gets the refund, he will probably pocket most of the money and buy a cheap piece of shit car for a few hundred quid and look how generous he is , he gave away a few of his manky very generous of him......probably the only thing he has ever given away.....something that cost him nothing of course
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Bandit star

So going back to sundays live. About 46 minutes in when one of his subscribers asked if her payment had been received. I think Amanda? I could not believe the way Paul responded. Rather than a thank you it was such a hateful scolding. Jason looked at him in utter shock. Completely awful.
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It irked me a bit as Jason's parents come across as gentle, big hearted people and Paul sent Jason to ask for "help" whilst he searched on gumtree. He could have at least gone with him to say please and thank you and give them a hug. He seemed already entitled. They then visit the house and Paul is in a snarly mood because of stress from work. If someone was lending me 2 grand interest free my moodiness can wait until later. He's such a shifty character.
He really is a piece of work. I’m polite whenever I see my in-laws no matter what mood I’m in. I certainly would behave if they were lending me money.

They’re grown men, asking for a loan at that age? Running to Mum and Dad, he’s a scrounger that Paul. Why not use your 10k?
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He did budget week once where he did loads of plant based meals was actually pretty good and came in at around £30 for them both. Much healthier and actually quite varied. He then went straight back to doing frozen processed air fried beige food. I think he sees wholefood cooking as a bit posh so sticks to the nuggets to seem down to earth. They both look terrible on it and they really should avoid overly promoting junk food, it's not doing them any favours in that quantity.
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Haha your husband and my husband would get on I think 😄😄😄
😂😂😂 Honestly he’s nuts. He walks into a room kind of hunched over saying ‘Ay up ya bastards’ in a croaky husky voice like Paul, proper broad northern too 😂 One day he said it would be rude not to Sharon…. Oh and Karen 😂😂
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