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wumbhi tahaza

Chatty Member
Well, I think he is saying he has had Covid since Monday now, so it doesn't look like he is making a big deal of it this far. Makes a change.

Besides, he's probably too busy planning other manipulation tactics on the back of Linda-gate. Any publicity is good publicity....if Linda-gate got him a lot of attention, he will play on that and use it for monetary merch on its way


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Omg Jase is extremely hyper, n loud tonight on the muck bang 😳 Think He's had a few too many vinos 🍷 😳 😅
Another unboxing with stuff from the disciples .What total bloody mugs!
Paul still hasn't heard from new employers ;)
Paul started siding the table off, while Jase was still eating.Very rude!!!
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Apparently he worked at Butlins in the 90s. I wonder what happened there, I'm surprised he doesn't talk about it more. It's not even on his plethora of regimes.
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I would bet money that Paul is the reason they don’t run the Oldham cycling club anymore, which I imagine Jason really enjoyed. I expect Paul controlled the situation to remove Jason from this hobby and concentrate fully on him/the channel. Now they don’t do any fitness stuff and it shows.
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Hi everyone, so glad this thread exists!

I’m passionate for veganism but man do TVG rub me the wrong way with their constant scrounging and begging for donations.

Does anyone know what’s the deal with their mega fan Addam?? The guy is married with 2 little kids but seems to spend most of his time obsessing over Paul and Jason- always sending in superchats, even buying them a strimmer for the allotment and all the grub club stuff. Seems a bit strange to me, if I was his spouse I would be getting a bit worried 🤨
A very warm welcome.

Yes addam is a very strange person. He has been here and read our posts but still gives him large amounts of money. There is no helping some people. He does seem a bit obsessed with them and I have had the same thoughts as you 🤨. I think most of their 'fans' are simply lonely people who want a community to belong to. Paul is very good at playing the family/friends/community game to draw people in.

There is actually very little vegan content other than shopping for processed party food and and Paul's dodgy cooking. The rest is Paul burgess promoting Paul Burgess. Paul doesn't care about anyone but himself, the mask often slips on the lives when he is drunk and his contempt for his subs comes out.
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Give me bloody strength who are these dopey sods … if he’s your inspiration love you need to get out more cos I can bloody tell you there are plenty who work 12 hour shifts, juggle children and still put a meal on the table 🙄

Anyway todays meal vlog they are bleating on about how good veg with gravy is like they have reinvented the wheel umm news flash meat and two veg has been a staple for hundreds of years mate all you’ve done is left off the meat 🙄 those guys at Bosh or The happy pear really have nothing to worry about from your culinary delights Burgess.
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Ok so since the Sunday Live last week, there has been the relentless campaign to justify why people are not allowed to feel lonely??? They are now labelled "wallowers". Today this poem has popped up on those vegan guys YouTube page. This is abusive to the subscriber who was berated for saying she felt lonely.
Are you kidding me, he’s done another dig towards her? I’m sorry he’s taking it too far now,

First the live when he initially insulted her. Then the post afterwards justifying his actions and that she was wallowing. Then the mental health vlog, another poke at the poor woman. A live today, again more pokes about doing things to help the mind etc just another dig at her and to justify himself. Now this post? He’s a bully! Just fkin drop it Paul! You’re taking it too far now and digging yourself a deeper hole.
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Miss polar

VIP Member
The last two posts have summed up exactly how I feel about TVG’s.
They are simply out to get as many freebies as possible and are only interested in the super chats because it earns them money! They are so transparent now, and I think they are using the vegan cause to do this quite openly!

The thing that puzzles me is that they have so many deluded subs who don’t see them for what they really are!
I guess they are preying on vulnerable and lonely people who are desperate to belong to a community. Very very manipulative. I hope their actions catch up with them soon!
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wumbhi tahaza

Chatty Member
They had Ashley weeding? Jeezus. He takes the piss out of her. He treats her like a right mug.
There has to be an end point to this begging from people. If we are to believe Paul, he is starting a job soon, he has absolutely no excuse for the begging then. They will both be in work but I guarantee that their begging will continue. This is ridiculous. They are not a charity, they are just two scrounging freeloaders. And they never give anything back, it's just all take take take. And Paul, if you are listening, giving angharad rags rather than putting them in the bin doesn't count. Angharad bought stuff for you and you gave her your cast off cigarette stained rags. Hardly breaking the bank like you expect others to do for you., and you do expect it or at the very least, strongly hint and hope for it with sob stories and other manipulation tactics.

he is driven by greed. His motive for Everything he does is WHATS IN IT FOR ME? He's constantly on the take. I remember when he said WE ARE DOING A LIVE THIS WEEKEND, WE COULD DO WITH THE SUPERCHATS. That so blatantly proves to me that the primary reason they do live streams is for the money grabbing. I remember when I used to like them that they had a feature where they did a video link up with different vegans where Paul would chat to them about their veganism. I think it was called VEGAN STORIES. I found these quite good at the time, but after just a few of them, Paul announced on a VLOG that he will not be doing anymore because the views on those videos were not very good and it wasn't financially viable for his channel......obviously all about the money. I think that was the first time when I thought that Pauls number one motivation is money, not helping vegans as he likes to tell us.
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Just watching Sunday's live, n omg am puking at how many times they stroke their greasy hair 😳 imagine cooking with those hands 🤮🤮🤮
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I didn't watch live as i've been watching Eurovision, so watching a bit now. He looks rough as feck and is coughing. Pisses me right off because he was constantly berating people about going out and infecting others. Hypocritical bastard. He gets on my last nerve. Wanker!
Yeah, I'm watching late as a catch up. So far it's all sniffing, belching and subtle begging 🤬
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Miss polar

VIP Member
I’ve never known someone to make so much of their birthday. FFS, he’s in his 50’s!!
it’s probably all to remind the subs so they don’t forget to send him a birthday present!
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