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Chatty Member
Ugh what a dick. Everyone is entitled to a cry obviously. But to set up your ring light, switch it on, position your phone, hit record, cry and then edit and post it!? Nah mate. Nothing but attention seeking and wanting some suck arse comments from her huns. There is literally no other reason why anyone would do it and I can't be told otherwise. No 'oh im just showing its ok to not be ok', 'I'm just showing that you're not alone if you cry too'. Maaaaate. We all have a cry every now and then, we don't need your reassurance.
Stop being such a desperate twunt.
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These tiktok morons get way too big for their boots. It'll be a good day when the app is out of fashion and it all comes to an end. There's some on snapchat/instagram that never thought that day would come and they've had a shock. It's just a breeding ground for narcs and dickheads
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Chatty Member
She’s not greeting over comments . She’s clearly been turned down by a bloke. She was too happy the last while and cooking more than normal. She’ll have been ghosted by a one nighter from tinder ….
And also if “trolls” and comments affect you that badly, come off the damn app.

Seriously TikTok need to start removing these folk who make out its harming their mental health.
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1816 calories in her takeaway, assuming large fries (duh!)

I’m not one for calling out calories normally but man alive she displays serious disordered eating.
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Omg what an absolute pile of shite they’ve sent her 😆😆 Who the fuck is going to walk round in a scarf that says Costa hot milkshakes 🙈Love that for her 😂
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In your dreams, Princess Piglet 🤣
But on the off chance they do, it will only be for a booty call if they're desperate for one!! 😂🤢🤭
The outcome of those things is always predictable
She keeps filming until she gets a quote about an ex
Because we all know she likes to keep this ex stuff going
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dancing flamingo

Chatty Member
Let's unpick that last video

1- she work hard to build her account

is that the account you build on Lies? Strong independent women that pays all your own bills including a mortgage, got your shit together and doesn't need a man and will be happy to stay single forever I think the videos went.....! Couldn't be further than the childish, child ignoring, life a mess, need your parents to hold her up, man desperate shit show we see everyday.
victim of DV but could produce receipts.... funny when you keeps receipts for everything. You're a positive, active gym addict that Like to lie in the rain....hmmmm most excise we seen is you trying to squeeze into clothes that are too small. You own a multimillion pound company.... don't really need to say much more about that.

2- keeping receipts-

funny enough so do we in a lovely tidy folder on here. Seeing the state of your cat piss smelling shit hole of a house, I'm not too worried about a few thousand screen shots, you can't organise your house or life so good luck going through the photos.

3- love the smell of the ocean

funny that you spend no time there with your daughter to get you both out of the stink pit

4 -reported a comment

If the comment was bad then that's great but my money is on the comment just didn't agree with the birkdale bike, your parenting or the state of your child's home. There's a high possibility that account got blocked for having an opinion.

The women really infuriated me with how selfish she is.... this is all building up so when she fucks if to London people will say she deserve it she had a bad weekend and dissolve herself of parental guilt. Shame shit, different week.
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Oh Aimless let's say you do actually sue a " troll" for defamation ....
First of all,daddy would pay between £6000 to £10,000 basic .Some cases can go up to £35 000.,even more if its high court
Now, if the " troll" comes with receipts of alleged defamation ,you would have to defend yourself. Can you? Really? With the amount of lies you've told? Witnesses such as exes can be called. School and social reports can be called upon,as can your medical records It's all public .Can you imagine your dirty laundry from court being shown to the public?
Then .... let's say by some Christmas miracle you win....what if the " troll" has no money ? All your past secrets aired for nothing Youre not Colleen Rooney ,stop being dramatic

On second thoughts yes please sue 🤣🤣

On second thoughts please do sue 😅😅
She has the gall to tell somebody to get a job 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣
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Chatty Member
Well we all know that HER MENTAL HEALTH NURSE WILL PHONE TODAY AFTER SEEING THAT VIDEO TO MAKE SURE SHE IS OK. A, your welcome for the content idea.
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There’s defo a WhatsApp group about her. Imagine she was a mum at your school. Jesus
There are probably several WhatsApp groups about her, she’s hardly subtle. With her dreadful dress sense, her diabolical parenting, her revolving door of new dad’s for Harper Twist, her unbelievably bad hairstyle, her mental mealtime serve ups, Harper’s joking swimming lessons, her chronic hypochondria, her cat piss perfume, her memorial garden meltdown, her complete lack of self awareness, her germ infested acrylics, her love of dressing Harper like an orphan etc etc etc there’s constant content. I’d have loved to have had one of her at the school gate, the school run would have been so much fun 🤣

Oh and not to mention their daily tattle catch ups 👋
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The scrunching of the face, the sucking of the teeth, the waving of the hands.... the "it's fine" just makes me want to smash my phone up 😂😬 the flicking of the long scraggy nails, her fluffy eyebrows and nostril hairs. I can't watch her she's so so irritating! Not to mention the pure bullshit she puts out there
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This Is Not An Ad

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She got exactly what she wanted from tonight’s red eyed dud. All the huns asking if she’s ok, she’s so strong, she’s so beautiful, keep being you Aimee 🤮🤮🤮 they all make me sick
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This Is Not An Ad

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Course they did Aimee 🤥🫠 I bet really it was people pointing out it’s weird and stalker like she sent her anon flowers especially when Aimee has cried stalker before
Exactly! So Aimee isnt bothered about a follower finding out her address? Even though she’s claimed she’s been stalked. This whole thing is just absolute BULL SHIT!!!!!
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Hahahahaha. I can’t deal with her. I would love to receive a phone call from her.
Tik tok will fade soon, we all have actual jobs that we will still have when Tik tok is done.
what will you have Aimee. Fuck all. I love that for you.
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Most creators I’ve seen using that song on their videos (cat Janice) ALWAYS give the reason for using the song, that the poor mum won’t be here for very long and all royalties go to her young son) yet she has just said ‘I think we all no why we’re using this sound) i personally think it’s really shitty of her to not make it more known as to why!!
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She enjoys her one day a fortnight without harper because she likes to just do nothing, light candles and stay in her dressing gown…isn’t that her everyday life???

she makes out like she has earned the rest from haper being at her dads. But it’s no different to her being there, she barley cooks or cleans, and as for going outside 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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