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She was never heading out. Swear she just says it to make it look like a man is interested or she has a friend to go out with then just makes out the plans have been changed. Seems to happen a lot.
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If her MH nurse really does watch her then surly she'd be having words with her..

She does absolutely nothing to improve her MH, she eats all the wrong foods, she does zero exercise, she gets zero fresh air, she has zero real life relationships...

The people who look up to her must really have shitty lives because absolutely nothing about her is inspiring to how to live life and be happy
She's a total bullshitter there too. Even if you were paying privately, no MH professional is going to sit there intruding on your private life, stalking your social media accounts. It's unethical, unprofessional and they really wouldn't give a shit to that extent! They have far too many other patients to care for, some with far more complex needs I'm sure.
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Chatty Member
My brother is the same age as harper he has a healthy and filling packed lunch on days he doesn’t fancy the dinners and still comes home from school and raids the fridge and then has his tea 😂 I suppose that’s the difference in a child that gets plenty of exercise with his friends & also gets taken on lovely walks!

Abuse isn’t a one size fits all and I don’t care what anyone says that girl is being neglected and none of her basic needs are being met properly.

She doesn’t go out unless it’s to shops, doesn’t look like she regularly washes or brushes her teeth, is never dressed appropriately ( what mother packs her own hat and doesn’t take one for her daughter during the winter) no healthy meals or substantial meals, packed lunches full of crap! Seeing mummy getting pissed up every weekend and crying into her phone. Most mothers would be mortified at being reported once never mind the amount of times she has and she knows from her comments she’s not feeding her properly and she doesn’t give a shit. Above everything else you’re a disgrace of a mother aimee 👋
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Im just catching up guys, Im still reading them last thread but I just watched her vid from last night about the Sertraline and it's actually reallt pissed me off, mainly I think cos she LOVES having any reason to take about her mental health but she comes across as so self righteous. She said she takes the lowest dosage of Sertraline and then banging on about her MH nurse.... I'm on stronger and higher dose of anti depressants than that and have been for some time and no way am I getting a mental health nurse. I can barely get a GP to take me seriously! Mental health is a sensitive topic for me - so that is a me issue - however seeing her smug face talking about it and makes out how badly she suffers really annoys me.

On a slightly different topic, she always buys those M&S pasta ready meals but never shows her or H eating them??
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What the ACTUAL fuck?

Aimless we know you read here, DONT do what your moron of a follower says unless you want to kill your cat! Germolene is toxic to cats and that’s just pure fucking stupidity to suggest it


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Well Jen,Aimless does nothing so no one knows why she's so tired .Personally I think she's just a lazy bitch who has never worked properly in her life. The only time she puts effort into anything is when it's for herself,usually stuffing her face or trowelling on make up and sorting out her filters
She also lies.She usually gives her Flora despite saying Harper will only eat butter .She lies ....a lot .
she used to make a huge thing about harper ONLY eating butter, but she has given her flora multiple times with the ‘it’s fine’ line, so I don’t actually think harper cares or notices, it’s just another one of EhMays attention seeking tactics.

she is ‘tired’ because she does nothing active, and eats shit all day every day, she went down the supplement route thinking it would fix it (it costs money so why not!) instead of thinking ‘maybe some fresh air and vegetables once in a while might help’

also she didn’t use her coffee machine this morning, I bet that get phased out
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Harper reads a book to Ehmey every night?
I bet money on she bloody doesn't!
Harper has her ipad and TV in her room and Ehmey isn't the sort to do mummy things like that, it would interrupt perfectly good drinking time afterall!!!
I'd say the only one who does read with the waif would be Shirl, if anyone at all.
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That last video, the bloody chewing noises.Absolutely no manners .
So she's stuffed her face with ready brek and chocolate spread, bought yet another shite jumper, getting her nails done is that either work or having a life ?
I'll say again, she contributes NOTHING to society and the world in general. She's a lazy,good for nothing article who is absolutely useless to anyone
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Chatty Member
Putting on your dressing gown and filming yourself chewing your first coffee of the day is not content creating! Sick of lazy bastards like her acting like that’s what she does when she doesn’t! She’s the lazy ‘influencer’ who doesn’t have a skill and relies on her followers who are clearly brain dead to lap up anything she does for minimal effort! All she ever does is put up videos of her moaning, dishing up her dinner or going shopping! All the things you do Aimee that makes your day as you say ‘busy’ is what most parents do whilst also having other children to look after, jobs or both! You take harper to school and go home and laze around in your dressing gown ( and that’s when you can be arsed otherwise daddy does it for you) so cut the bullshit

Some of us have small businesses where we actually have to create content as well as work our normal jobs!
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I’m surprised she even bothered using a fork, should’ve just shoved her face into the plate and ate it that way
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Who in their right mind ,does a Boots haul in January? It's one of the most expensive places to shop.
She loves to brag to her huns.
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It's unethical, unprofessional
I often meet patients and think - if we met under different circumstances, we could be friends. Never, not even years after moving to work in a different area, would I follow them or tell them I watch them on social media. It’s against my code of practice- it’s not worth my job! She doesn’t care how much trouble her MH nurse could get in to.
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She acts like cooking her basic dry ass roast is like a full on Christmas dinner for 15.. chicken in a bag, prepared broccoli. I made a roast yesterday with stuffing, 4 different veg, mash and roasts & roast chicken. I washed up as I went & it was no big deal.
She’ll be telling us soon she doesn’t have the mental capacity for washing up or filling the dishwasher more than once a week. Absolute lazy skank
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