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I’ve changed my profile picture in honour of the pesky studio lights, thanks to whoever posted it
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No excuse not to pick up the essentials in Manchester, Marks and Spencer is next door to Selfridges. Sad state of affairs when new MAC make up comes before basic provisions for your daughter!
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Oh get a grip you PATHETIC waste of skin!!!
YOU ARE 38, NOT 13!!!
Pull up your big girl pants and get on with your pathetic excuse of a wonder he left if you act like this at your age Ehmey.
Have a shower, wash your bloody dressing gown and Grow the f*ck up, you absolute twat!
I think she will always be in love with the ex husband and that's why she just can't be happy with anyone else. He's probably the one who put up with her shit the longest, no one else will.

On her pissed up lives she looked genuinely sad when she was speaking about him being with his old GF within 4 weeks of them finishing.

I bet she threw him out of HER house and expected him to beg her back...but he didn't. She seems to be the same with every man she's with, having a tantrum and pushing them emotionally all the time. She will never grow up and will end up alone
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🤣🤣🤣 she’s such a fucking dick. 100 and 100’s love them??? No, they’re strangers, how sad is your life that you count strangers online as love???
That statement said everything, Aimee and Stephs lives are empty, devoid of any real warmth. She’s got a child she wishes she never had. She finds it impossible to keep a man, no man would ever want a long term relationship with her, she will never have anything but flings, she’s a easy shag, she throws money around, but she’s not long term material, I know for a fact, that D2 legged it, he found her obsessive and needy, and childish, and threw tantrums like a child, extremely volatile she also baited him to test him, but he called her bluff, and ran. And frankly who can blame him, she was nothing more than a shag, and she’s not even that good at it.
She should try becoming a lesbian and have a fling with Steph, neither can satisfy or keep a bloke, maybe they just aren’t cut out for men 🤷🏻‍♀️
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She’s going to be in absolute pieces when both her parents go. She won’t know what to do and she won’t be able to be an emotional support for H.

The other day when she was ‘introducing’ her Mum as a new content creator 😐 I found it interesting that she said she gets the strength to deal with the trolls from her Mum but didn’t extend the same support if her Mum gets trolls. It’s very much Aimee’s universe and they’re all just orbiting around her, eh?
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Chatty Member
Fuck she annoys me so much why does she get up in a morning acting like she had a hard day's work yesterday and like she has another hard days work ahead of her. I'm up at 3.30am everyday to walk my dog before I start work at 5am then go home and do housework and cook my son a lovely hone cooked meal. She does fuck all day in day out talking on your phone and going shopping isn't a fucking job aimee get a grip a days work would kill u that's why u won't give tik tok up easy money for doing piss all and she has the cheek to moan about having to get up to make a pack lunch 😡
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Crisps are a snack. Not a meal. Unless you’re a student and you’re having a crisp sandwich because you’ve spent all your money on going out.
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Acts hard online but at events she’s a shitbag who clings to the bar. Love that for you Aimee, you do you, it’s fiiiiine 🖤
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Oh my hit a nerve with r charlie. No one even mentioned dads, Aimee has the richer dad , so therefore has a "different situation" aka spoiled

never seen someone so triggered
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VIP Member
Oh get a grip you PATHETIC waste of skin!!!
YOU ARE 38, NOT 13!!!
Pull up your big girl pants and get on with your pathetic excuse of a wonder he left if you act like this at your age Ehmey.
Have a shower, wash your bloody dressing gown and Grow the f*ck up, you absolute twat!
He’s not in love with someone else ffs 🤣🤣 She needs her head looked at. She’s not upset, she’s raging jealous and it shows 😂 She knows she’s a piece of shit and that’s why it bothers her so much. Christ it was only last year she was crying over her ex husband remarrying and since then she’s been heartbroken over 2 other men 😳
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Sofa spud

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She goes to the effort of putting the first Christmas tree up in November for herself, then the second tree for the kittens but god forbid she does something Christmasy for her only child! Lazy mare!
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Oh piss off Worzel gummidge!!! You’re the most laziest twat I’ve ever come across!! Your not tired at all, just a bone idol slob!
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See when she asks 'let me know if you want a haul / try-on' ........does she honestly think if they all went..........'em, nah Aims, yer awright' she wouldn't do one??? Get fucked scraggy head.

'Let me know if you want ANOTHER video of me looking all forlorn about a guy I shagged for 8 weeks'
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Poor little Harper
Has a packed lunch at school, nothing wrong with that if you come home to a meal
But she comes home to a slightly warmer version of another packed lunch
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Inspired by her? Honestly this word is banded about so much it’s lost all meaning. This woman sits in her pjs all day drinking coffee, serves up takeaways numerous times a week and makes ridiculous videos pining over her ex. What’s inspirational?
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I haven't been commenting past few days ladies because quite frankly she is an utter moron and she should be embarrassed about the "content" she is posting.
She has been crying more about the guy than she was fking with him! Get a fking grip and wise up!
"Oh my mummy this, I'm too nice" are a twat love and your mother is nothing but an enabler, pandering to your woe is me every day.
"Oh it's ok to be tired"..yes it is ok to be tired but when you present yourself like a fking bag lady who does naff all, have a stinking home and no self respect people will ask what you actually do!!
Xmas time is nearly here, I have saw videos of people on their arse, literally and cant have Xmas, and a video where a lady can't even afford to put the lights on on her tree and all you can do Aimee is fking moan and complain about "the pain and hurt and how you have to heal".. again, that all might be true but you could try giving thanks and being thankful for what you DO ACTUALLY have and have one day without complaining.

How many times do you need to say "my mum says I'm not well".....get a fking grip, yes some days are harder than others but we don't moan constantly and do clap back videos and film ourselves crying, us normal people pull our big girl pants up and get on with it.
Grow the fuck up and get yourself and your shit sorted out if not for you then for your daughter!! 😡😡😡
Sorry for the rant ladies, probably won't be posting much for a wee while. Hope you are all well 🥰🥰
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Aimless we all know you read here. Just accept you are nothing but a distant nightmare to David. He has moved on and met someone else, he doesn’t even think about you. He is going thro that lovely period of being with someone new, holding hands, taking her out, the butterflies in the stomach. All the things he never felt for you chick. Love that for you 😂😂😂
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‘This isn’t about size’… well why are you mentioning it then?!
she could be a size 6 or 16. But her main feature is her personality, and it’s rotten.
She’s as bad as Fanny and her obsession with clothes sizes. Neither can keep a partner.
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