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Chatty Member
I’ve watched arrr charlieeees live and I find it quite disturbing nearly 9pm and she still hasn’t fed her son, school in the morning as well. Lots of swearing in his presence, she seems pissed to me, not the best Sunday evening, quite chaotic and selling her soul to TikTok 😡
Not the wholesome family roast dinner she was making a few weeks ago to fool people into thinking she's a different mum to aimee. Obviously couldn't keep that up for long.
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Is she not embarrassed? Like I remember when my first ever boyfriend dumped me. I was like 18. He was my first everything. I was heartbroken. The one thing my mum said to me is “cry with me, cry at home but NEVER let him see you cry” it stuck with me. I couldn’t give any man that satisfaction
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Ffs that Charlie's just come up on my FYP and her 9 year old son is shouting about kicking " trolls" arses ....

The whole family are feral
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Part of Aimee’s problem is that her life revolves around TikTok. She and Vav rely on it for everything. The rest of us are out in the real world earning our money and speaking to adults. We’re not in our Grinch pyjamas crying into a gingerbread man and creating high school drama on a phone app!
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Charlie is a proper bitch.. kicking off on her live
Dirty old Shirley loves a good truncheon eh 🤣🤣🤣 and she lives about 15 minutes away from Aimless doesn't she? That's hardly nextdoor

I agree she was super triggered about Aimless having "more" than her

ETA I don't think her 7yr old should be having dinner on a Sunday at 8.30pm+ when he's got school the next day. She's another one who likes the drink more than her kid by the look of her

Quite a bitter comment about just starting out and aimless being more successful on tiktok "at the moment" ....

The "you've got no followers crap" fuck off povo charlehhhhh🤣🤣🤣
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Tbh Charlie seems triggered. She knows what was said was right and maybe it does hit a nerve hence the reaction. In front of Ralph I don’t agree with at all!!

Charlie hun if your dad is a policeman fancy getting him to deal with your sister driving under the influence? Thanks 😘
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Oh the freedom. Just blocked all three of them on TikTok! I used to think rCharlie was ok - until she got her own page and is now flogging GMC and ignoring poor Ralph just as much as Aimee ignores Harper! I couldn’t even watch one of old Wendy’s videos. What a bloody family. They’re like the older sisters from that awful Harvey bunch. I absolutely hate how social media has progressed. The absolute irony or morons raking in the cash whilst flogging absolute shite that nobody needs in the biggest cost of living crisis ever is beyond a joke. This is where HMRC need to come looking. All these ‘small business’ freebies and perks aren’t that dissimilar to the back handers, bribery and corruption of the industries in the 80s and 90s. I hope, above anything else that they all get fucking huge tax bills in the next year or so and the whole pyramid scheme of social media crumbles.
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She's definitely overemphasizing the praise from that parents evening like she's got something to prove especially talking about how she's got loads of friends outside of school, which is funny because she doesn't take any notice of the haters...

It's funny really because I've been to enough parents evenings to know that's all pretty standard stuff the teachers say to the majority of parents although it's like she's never been to one before
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Chatty Member
So harpers xmas so far has been tree up tree down then replaced with half a tree 3 kittens when she wanted 1 and didn't get to name it what she wanted, xmas treats that her mum could have involved her in tasting but she would rather do it with strangers on her phone and now a mum who is moaning about doing elf on the shelf and who's only concern is getting pissed on xmas day with old wendy
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Fuck me sideways.
N.A.S.A just called, the international space station said tone it down, they can see it from up there.
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Think Josephine is trying to stir the pot , yeah Aims of course David has asked Debs to stop it , you keep telling yourself that 🙄
She hasn’t see any of it 🤣🤣🤣 the first thing anyone would do if they are told someone is putting memes up about you is to go and have a look. Of course she’s frigging seen it all like she reads here like a fucking daily newspaper!! God she’s a lying freak
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Christ on a bike just caught up 😂
So she is back home with a face as long as a horse After a night away at an expensive hotel and event night out
Spending hundreds in Manchester shopping
Been to a Christmas event with her dad and daughter all paid for . Eating nice food etc
Yet she is still fucking moaning !!!!!
She is a privileged entitled mad old slag
And I have noticed she is trying to imply something else has gone on apart from MC and Mr D
As she knows the Huns are getting fed up
So she is trying to create a new drama for herself
And in the middle of all this is a child
At this point she needs chucking in a rocket and sending to the friggin’ moon !!!
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Not sure if anyone else mentioned this but the other night when she was going on about she doesn't care about her weight and body.... Has she forgot she used to peddle that juice plus shite to help her get the perfect body 🤣🤣
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Nice bit of PMA from our Aimless... "I'll never get over it" 🙄 she's a mood hoover and just an all round depressing cnut.

The whole family are just weird as fuck. I bet they all have hairy palms and can be seen howling at the moon once a month
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Chatty Member
How many parents have to change their kids bedding in the middle of the night when they’re ill and still have to get up for work the next morning! Also ‘I’ll work when I can’ your work is literally talking to your phone and harper isn’t a toddler I’m sure she’s fine to watch a movie on the sofa! Any excuse to be even more lazy than usual. Anyone would think it’s her that’s ill! She’s been wearing that oodie since Sunday and clearly hasn’t showered!! Absolutely vile 🤢
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My daughters friends called round for her for school earlier.
They were talking about Aimless ( whilst raiding my fridge!) These girls are 15 and 16 and were ripping the piss out of her .One of them said she would be so embarrassed if her mother stood in front of tiktok crying about a man she had only dated for weeks Each of the girls talked about self respect and pride and how she hasn't got any .They also expressed sympathy for Harper and said they wanted to give her a hug as she had such a crap,cry baby of a mother
I was actually quite proud with what they were saying as,they all have each others backs and no boy will drag them down
If teenagers know this ,why doesn't a fully grown woman? She's just weak and pathetic .
They’re twice the woman aimless will ever be and they’re not even adults! Aimless should be embarrassed that teenage girls are slating her pathetic behaviour
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I am tired . I have a ferritin level of 6 as been anaemic for years , but don’t respond to iron . B12 deficiency, perimenopausal . I care for my elderly parents, my autistic daughter attends a specialist setting which is a 20 mile round trip a day to get her there for a couple of hours as that’s all she can manage. The rest of the time I have to home educate.
Then I go to work every night as soon as hubby gets home . I sit down about 10:30 pm
So yes I am tired . But I get on with it . Have no choice. We can’t all be handed everything on a plate !!
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What she is saying is correct, when we get overwhelmed with life , work, jobs , bills, health conditions family etc yes it can be absolutely exhausting
I have had my fair share off all this and I am sure many others have . And it’s ok to slow down and try and look after ourselves better. If we can!
But how can this bone idol entitled bint sit there and say this like she is talking from experience!!!
She hasn’t got a bloody clue !!!
Aimee it’s got to the point where I believe you are medically delusional
You need serious help!!!
If you lived a week in a normal person’s life I think you would actually collapse and snuff it !!!
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