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In what world does it sit right in your mind to expect someone else to miss their Christmas with friends and family to look after YOUR spontaneously purchased houseful of cats, so you can get cracking on the Kylie at your mums?!?

Aimless, you vacuous turd, they are YOUR responsibility. YOU made the greedy-bint mistake of being gluttonous even over buying kittens. YOU have to be the one staying home to care for your bAyBeEeEzZZ!!!
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Did aimee not get mummy to do the same about the kittens 🤷‍♀️ strange a grown woman getting mum to fight her battles strange a grown woman saying my mummy strange a grown woman who can't do a bit housework strange a grown woman acting like a child aimee your the strange one
What would this person be saying if he was fighting his own battle then?? They’d be saying it’s a disgrace how this man is saying stuff about a woman online. How it’s intimidation for a man to stand up to a woman online. If my son was dealing with the fallout of a woman like Aimess you bet I will be the one standing up for him rather than him doing it himself and getting labelled by the likes of the doberhuns. You don’t mess with mothers of boys!
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Chatty Member
She said through the week that she was going out for her dad's birthday lunch at my dad's golf club . She needs to try and remember what she says .
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I don’t get why her management keep her, will all her clapbacks, moaning, whining and dressing like a bag lady when she’s promoting brands. I just don’t get it.
I also agree with an earlier comment, I think she went to her mums with the ‘charcuterie board’ 🙄 but didn’t want to admit the kittens were alone.
How does she keep getting men??
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Actually Aimee, you DO need to explain what's happening with your kittens while you're away. Are you that naïve that you don't think people are genuinely concerned? And you've got a sitter? I call bullshit, It'll be Greg popping in now and again, who'd want to spend Crimbo sitting in your minging gaff?
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Sorry but she has really wound me up with her bragging comments I don’t need a mortgage!
In the current climate with mortgage rates and more energy hikes next year !
People are struggling
And you have this lazy bone idol bint who has no job stating she doesn’t need a mortgage! Trying to imply she can pay for a house cash out right
When in reality she can move without having to spend a penny due to bank of dad and his properties
She is an entitled wicked woman
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nah theres several women commenting on her latest shit tok about there heartbreak.Women whos husbands of 16 years have up and left ,new mums with tiny babys suffering with pnd ,people who have lost parents and the next day there husband has ran off with someone else.Real life altering shit and this woman has the brass neck to be twisting about a situationship that ended months ago ! ...still.Im sorry but get over it .Ive been through both! left with a 1 yr old baby by my partner when id just had a miscarriage ,out of the blue! Also been sacked of by a bloke id been seeing a few months but was really into.Get the fuck over it Amy,you need to go to the drs love cos its clearly affecting you terribly and its not good for your or anyone in your life .Surely you have been through worse than this with your ex husband .Who cares if D2 has a new woman.Thats men for you,actually thats life .We put a brave face on and we focus on ourselves and our kids .
Or is it all for 'content' ,all for sympathy,all for the backlash she will get which she clearly thrives off.She cant seriously still care about this man enough as she makes out
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Oh Christ, she’s off again with the mean and moody stories of how she’s been replaced. They weren’t together that long were they?! The way she’s carrying on they’d been married 20yrs and he’d knocked up his secretary or something. I can’t deal with her drama.
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And if Katie is an Aimme fan.....why are you reading here hun!?!
Why are you reading comments from us when you know we aren't an Aimme fan, that's very strange behaviour!!

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She is such a narcissistic manipulator, she lets her Huns trash D2 with the ‘he’s a dick, better off without him, he’s downgraded’ etc and then in the same breath claims she has never spoken badly of him (but she likes and responds to these comments)

They were together like 8 weeks, he shouldn’t have been any where near her child in that time, but she is acting like she has just lost her partner of decades. He is allowed to move on, they barely had a relationship to start with!!

Also Amy, if you feel this broken; imagine how harper might be feeling. She might also be missing what she doesn’t have, but she also has to watch you wallow in your pit about it.

Today’s video: feeling her feelings, we don’t know the half of it, it’s ok not to be ok, healing from trauma.

Honestly she could repost the videos from after the breakup of D1 and we wouldn’t know the difference 😂😂
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I’ve just split with mine after 6 years, and it’s horrible, can’t imagine how you feel after 15. So sorry, hope you are ok. ❤
This silly cow was with him for 2 months and she’s acting like they had a long loving life together! Ridiculous woman!
I split with my partner after 17 years - I left with a child and nothing else.
Yesterday was 20 years together with my 'new' partner and 6 month wedding anniversary 🥰
Life gets better. Change can be vicious and painful, but we grow x
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VIP Member, you don't know ANY of us to be calling us scum.....just like you don't know Aimless to be arse licking a Tiktok nonentity....Aimless couldn't give a rats ass about you or any of her other simpleton, brainwashed, idiotic followers, now there's the scum on Tattle DO care about each other. Now fuck off and stop poking your neb end where its not wanted.
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No way will she move , she is too reliant on her elderly parents , she most definitely is NOT a strong independent Woman. She’s a pathetic ponce that’s what she is.
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