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I've just been googling polynucleotide treatment,as I've never heard of it.
The aftercare involves avoiding strenuous exercise, saunas, and hot baths, so Shamey is on the right track already. Love that for her!
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Apologies to anyone who likes/uses the facial glow stuff but it always either makes you look dirty and you need a bloody good wash or gives Tin man vibes….


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It was VERY boring, but to listening to her and her fake laughing the entire way through that video you'd think she was telling the funniest story she's ever heard in her life! What is that all about? She does it all the time, I wonder if it's an insecurity thing?!
Can’t stand the fake laughing! Stood there howling about nothing in front of her phone at bloody no one! Sad twat! The men in white coats need to pay a visit!
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Frigging hell she’s just come up on my Facebook as people I may know!! Fuck off!!! I don’t want to know you, you scabby cat piss smelling freak!!
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I find it hilarious what she considers busy. 4 maybe 5 ‘work’ events over the course of a couple of months. She does realise there are 30/31 days in a month. How is that ‘busy’?! She’d absolutely have a breakdown if she had to get a real world job and go out of the house 5 days a week and actually work and be responsible for something. As for not wanting to leave H for 3 nights next week. What a load of bollocks. Firstly, she could come back Thursday if she was that fussed. Secondly, she can’t be that interested in whatever TT HQ invited her for as if she was she would give a fuck about leaving H!

Side note - Another weekend spent with her parents. And she kept saying ‘we’ when talking about the trip to wales in august. Mummy joining them again?! We all know she’s not going with just H! Especially in an Airbnb where you have to do everything yourself!
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" I'm not gonna look like I do in me kitchen "
"It's the studio lights"
Does she never learn?
Christ Shamey, you've excelled yourself today🤣🤣
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Cba even watching her at this point. Her voice pisses me right off and the fact she’s constantly mispronouncing words and leaving letters out does my fucking head in

“Me dad is avin” honestly piss off you irritating cow and take your fake as fuck sometimes there sometimes not scouse accent with you 🙄
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The dress wouldn't be my cuppa tea but I will give her credit where it is due....I think she has made an effort and her hair looks clean and brushed!!! (Credit might not stay long with me, you can't trust it 🤣🤣)

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How have I managed to get to 40 odd without hiring a skip. I moved 5 times and never needed a skip. I would love to see what actually goes in the skip, because surely you'd be getting rid of an awful lot to need one? It's not like she hasn't got a car where she can do tip runs.
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I haven’t watched her videos since yesterday morning so I’m a bit behind. I will say this though, she goes on about being relatable but in todays society it is near impossible to buy a house on minimum wage. She used to work in a kids shop so likely on minimum wage. She’s never worked a job really that would pay any sort of decent money and her life has been handed to her on a plate. She spends that much that she can’t possibly save any sort of decent money. The only thing that people can relate to is the fact they also have children, everything else she is so far from reality it’s unreal. I would love her to have that house taken from her, be placed in social housing (nothing wrong with it btw), be given the bare minimum wage, no to little family support and live that way for a month, only then will she see how unrelatable she actually is. That’s the reality for a lot of single mums and families these days.
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I am a quieter tattler on here but I have to say, this thread name has to be the funniest, I laugh each time I come on.

Bloody cakes, did she actually just send 3 in?! To raise money at school?? Jesus, she's at home all day too, she could have made some simple cakes with H the night before, nothing like a homemade cake.

Just know that there will be kids who have less taking more in!
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Just me who finds it disgusting that these idiots try to profit from things like periods? If you’re in pain or discomfort have some 20p paracetamol and for those who have them bad where pain meds don’t work, I highly doubt a soothing patch will cure their issues!! A hot water bottle will have the same effect as these patches 🙄 I bet she thinks a period is the same for every woman the fucking twat. She’s disgusting.
She makes me bloody sick!
I don't wish pain on anyone...but laughing at her "uterus contracting" just for the build up to an ad for a " patch", she needs to feel the pain of rip roaring endometriosis, when you're on the floor writhing about in pain!
She needs to piss off😡
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