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VIP Member
I don't think they've quite figured out over there that everyone can have a difference of opinion, and they can scroll.

My youngest is nicknamed fruit loop 😂 over the years it's turned into fruit de toot, no idea why 😂
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Happy to be proved wrong btw woe. And if I am I’ll be the first person to admit it. Just answer me this - if you are genuine why be so scathing about a child. Especially if you are in cahoots with her Dad?? Anyway. Not really productive setting 2 forums against each other. As you said, one bad egg. Let’s agree to disagree 🤣 Look forward to seeing your receipts.
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If she does have HMS Herpes, then more fool her. She’s a grown adult (questionable) but at that age surely you’d be responsible for your own sexual health? She’s not a foolish teenager (mind you teenagers are more savvy than this creature)
I wouldn’t dance the bareback tango with anyone after a couple of days (we know it’s days not weeks or months).
I made my now husband,when we were dating, wear a rubber overcoat for a very long time, for months, then I made him and myself get tested. Why? Because I wanted to stay healthy, and both of us were married before and who knows what our partners did or didn’t do.
I understand in the heat of passion things get overlooked, but is it worth it? At best pubic lice at worst HIV. But I guess her fanny comes first.
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That’s actually shocking she doesn’t know her little girl has a school trip !!
Take it she didn’t volunteer to be a parent helper! When she has all the time in the world to do things like that !

I used to do it , as I have always worked evenings to fit around family commitments
We would check out online where they were going so they could get excited about it
Make an extra special packed lunch etc
She really doesn’t give a shit does she !! 😡
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What I don’t understand is if harper doesn’t eat chicken on the bone why does she buy drum sticks?! Surely breast or boneless thighs would be better. You barely get any meant on a drumstick
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She's obsessed with spending. She actually doesn't address how much because it's vulgar what this cunt spends . She's a label whore . Not that any of it looks good on her . She manages to make designer clothes look like shit. I think that's mainly due to her disgusting scruffy dry cat piss hair hanging all over her and her ru Paul drag make up and chavvy nails as well her taste is gross. In a time where most of us are trying to be frugal and watch our spending this cunt gives no fucks and it's not just the clothes and brands it's the takeaways. 100s a month. I think that's the point the commenter meant but worded wrongly.
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Love coming home from my 14hr shift as a nurse catching up on this absolute waste of oxygen! Don't know why i do it to myself! The rage I get is something else
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I really wasn’t expecting so many kind comments ❤ thankyou so much and I’m sorry to all those who have been through the same thing, my mum tried calling me earlier and I had the urge to pick up but I didnt
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Thread suggestion

From cat pee to herpes. Keep living your best life Aimeeeeeeee 😂
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What's this thing she's been doing recently acting like she's forgetting words and struggling to talk? Surprised none of the huns have said u need to go to Dr's 🙄 And it is acting u can tell. I'll tell you something its not nice when you forget words I've had days I forget the words to simple things, my voice also shakes and i've even forgotten my kids names and it's upsetting. Although when I've gotten sentences in the wrong order my husband makes a wee joke out of it to make me laugh but all this acting she's doing will prob lead to some fake diagnosis for aimless 🙄
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How are we gonna be the reason Harold gets bullied 😂😂😂😂 we don't parent her, feed her, neglect her, treat her like a 3 year old, we actually call out that pathetic thing she has a 'mother' we try and point out the failing of safeguarding that child

Absolute idiots of there! And shameless shut your mouth and start being an actual decent mum 👌
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Chatty Member
Haha I have work underwear and normal underwear and deffo wouldn’t show my work stuff 😂😂😂
That concept is lost on Aimless because she doesn’t know the word work 😂😂😂 she’d be like, huh?? 🤔
Someone from the other side has posted a picture of Anne frank and she has a canny resemblance to HTwist

I know we shouldn’t laugh but 😂😂😂😂😂 and poor Anne, god bless her soul.
I’m shocked we’ve never noticed that she does look like Anne frank 🤭
Mummy to one telling someone they are wrong about what they can afford!!! 😡
£78 for a tracksuit in new look? Doubt it love. Fox who does she think she is!!!
Mummy to one is a daft cunt pass it on.
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I get a weeks shop for me husband and son who’s a adult, for £60 and I make really lush dinners out of that. And that includes bread milk, It doesn’t include dog and cat food, sometimes I might spend £80 if we want a few treats. But honestly £45 for 3 meals, and she wastes loads. There are nurses that are having to use a food bank now. Ffs you ugly cunt read the room.
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That poster who commented saying about here and comment cafe and how we all can’t be wrong is ansolutely spot on! If a handful of people didn’t like her I would think fair enough it’s life you don’t like everyone you meet but for a lot of us to dislike her that says it all
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The first I ever heard about that was when some random account said it in a comment on hippos vid. Don’t think it said she admitted it in a live either??
Problem is here (no disrespect CC honestly), we operate on receipts. Yes we speculate however we ALWAYS seem to be able to back it up. Fair play to some of the crew over there, they have gone digging and found the proof but there is still a lot of speculation flying around. All it does is water things down and makes us (all) look like trolls. Honestly not meaning disrespect here but there’s been a few incidences where speculation has been taken as gospel. Which isn’t productive. Please don’t rip me apart CC, I really want to read my new book tonight 🙈
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I don't what it is
That makes me stink of piss
I don't care who you are
I'm a dirty catpiss tik tok star
And I got the popo eyes on you
No matter where you are 🎶
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