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Has woe actually provided any evidence backing up what theyā€™re saying? Because itā€™s easy to say all this shite to cause drama, even if itā€™s just because they hate her. How would they know all the ins and outs of her relationship with her most recent ex like lying about the pregnancy etc but also know that Andy hates her? It all just seems a bit sus to me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
I am taking it all with a pinch of spicy rice until I see some evidence tbh. This is what I've said earlier, if you've got something to say, or some dirt on her - spit it out?

Maybe it's just me but if I threatened to call someone out, I just do it? šŸ¤£ what can she do if it's true? Absolutely nothing.
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Lately Aimless is looking more downcast,miserable and unkempt than normal .Maybe part of it is due to the fact daddy dearest is actually putting his wife first .Maybe its due to the realisation that her life is shit .No friends just acquaintences, no meaningful job,a hovel of a house, she struggles to be a mother as she's too self centred,,no man stays around for long yet the men go on to have long term relationships which points to her being the problem.Her dress sense is in the toilet and the events she goes to ,just shows her that.She thinks Vavron is her friend as she's desparate to have a " bestie".Aimless looks like the poor relation next to Vav

Her sister ( much as she's a vain poser ,although I do feel for her as she's obviously second best with her mother ) is doing well on TT,.She has a clean home ,friends a job cooks for her lad,her lad has lovely manners, although she needs to stop putting his dad down on front of him .

All Aimless has is designer tat .....and ,yep that's about it. You can see its a chore when she has to spend time with her own daughter .Everything's a drama with her ,all the " illnesses" ,all the woe is me videos.Its very telling that she's usually on her own drinking and eating herself into a stupor,when she has a child free weekend .She could achieve so much but prefers to either spend money on shite or wallow in self pity .
Strong independent woman my arse ,she's a pathetic ,weak mess .
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Somehow I wouldnā€™t have thought the police would tell her to make a post about itā€¦.i find her so strange! Imagine being that sad for attention that she pretends her dads there and tells everyone the police told her to do that šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
The police are obviously ā€œwunofmefollowersā€
She talks the biggest load of bullshit ever.
Of course the police told you to make the video, of course the police told you to plaster the crime reference number all over tiktok, of course they told you they are conducting an investigation. If Mrs Hinch canā€™t stop trolls doing much worse to her what makes you think you, a scummy mummy with no morals or self respect can stop any of it?
ā€œMe dads with me, Iā€™m so anxiousā€ fuck all the way off Ehhhhhmey! Sad cow!
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Plot twist, woe is aimee and shes creating all
This drama because she realises her page is dying and this drama will bump the views up any publicity is good publicity the police and everything is all part of her dramatic performance
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Somehow I wouldnā€™t have thought the police would tell her to make a post about itā€¦.i find her so strange! Imagine being that sad for attention that she pretends her dads there and tells everyone the police told her to do that šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
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Why canā€™t H go to her dads just because she is ill?? Itā€™s called parenting. It happens.
This ! My two still go to their dads if they are poorly. Their Dad and his partner are perfectly capable of looking after then, and their house is also the kids home so its no different to them being with me. They chill and watch TV until they feel better. Its not like Harper is a baby.... oh but hang on she is treated like one by old ThissingleCONK.

If I said to my ex B is poorly so isnt coming this weekend his response would be why yes he is its my weekend ive not seen him and i can look after him!
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I think she put that crime reference number out there hoping to lure someone in to checking it. And to scare off whoever has inboxed her

Just because you have a crime reference number, doesn't mean to say someone will be arrested. It just means your complaint has been logged and they'll look into it when they can. You can report anything and get a crime number.

I wonder what the inboxes said šŸ¤” we've said on here many times before you have to be contacting someone directly, we don't do that on Tattle or CC.
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Hmm šŸ¤”šŸ¤­
Her number is looking a little different isn't it? I know it says eg but the example isn't like the one she's provided.

PS mine is 67443388437 (jokes I just did what she did and typed random numbers šŸ¤£)
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She manages to fuck up every advertisement she makes.
why do these companies continue to use the eeyore looking Cnut
She really hasn't got that much hair, she thinks she does because it's long but it's totally thin and has no body whatsoever and it won't hold a curl for long. She pushes it all to the front so there's fuck all at the back. Absolutely delusional. But ye know what would solve that wee problem??? āœ‚āœ‚āœ‚
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I do t get it, give the kid the steak, or split it and have fries etc with it. Or do what most parents would do, give it to the kid, and have toast or beans on toast. Blimey if Iā€™m dishing up dinner, and thereā€™s say 10 roast potatoes I give 4 to hubby 4 to son and I have 2, mums just put others first.

She is pathetic, there are no other words one can use.
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ā€œShe wanted McDonaldā€™s itā€™s fineā€ Is it though? My son asks for a McDonaldā€™s a few times a month and I tell him this magical word - NO. Easy, simple and effective šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Donā€™t get me wrong, he has a McDonaldā€™s sometimes but of course heā€™ll chance his luck at any given opportunity šŸ¤£
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Thought I'd save "busy" Aimee time and do her an emergency freezer shopping list so that she always has something in the freezer, because Aimee cannot possibly know in advance what they want to eat.. Despite eating the same things each week! šŸ™„

So here's 7 meals you can have in the freezer, so you can spend more time wasting your life talking into your camera phone umpteen times a day.

(PS, I only found you a few wks ago and even I know what you eat for tea!)

Emergency Freezer List

Chicken with & without bones
M&S breaded chicken
Chicken Nuggets
M&S garlic bread
M&S potato slices
Pkts steamed veg
Mac & Cheese
Curly fries
More M&S garlic bread cos 1 isn't enough
More Mac & Cheese as 1 isn't enough either.
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I highly doubt that theyā€™ve told her to post it, sheā€™s probably asked if she can, and they donā€™t have an opinion either way. If they were going to ask her to make that specific post, then they wouldā€™ve asked her to take her Instagram off of public. Iā€™m sorry but sheā€™s actually thriving off of it, thatā€™s why she wonā€™t stop posting pictures of H. If someone was posting pictures of my child and I was concerned enough to go to the police, the last thing I would do is keep my Instagram public where theyā€™ve been finding the pictures
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I think 2 can play at her game. So mummy to one can be reported for all their vile comments and there have been some disgusting ones, thereā€™s proof on here. Same with the people that are throwing Debbieā€™s name out there with absolutely no proof sheā€™s done anything wrong, sending traffic to her pages to harass her. Itā€™s not one rule for ā€˜trollsā€™ and another for the actual trolls/followers who jump on innocent people
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