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I was having a bit of a low moment regarding the loss of my babies and thinking about Aimee and how quickly she bounced back. Call me a bitch but anyone else think she had a termination rather than a miscarriage?
She did have a termination. She was seen at the clinic that deals with that.
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She is full of bullshittery is the skankymama.
someone needs to intervene, she’s 💯 delulu, and for whatever reason her family facilitate it. Greg I think feels some guilt because he wasn’t there for her as a kid fully, so threw money at her, shirl was out slagging it about so over compensates now, by enabling her pathetic childishness. Charlie I think fucking detests her, but likes the perks, and has been told to keep aimless happy.
The whole family is fucked up.
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Someone found him on Tinder and Bumble and his bio basically states that he is happy to just meet up for shags 🤣🤣 he sounds delightful....

Nice to see you've found our Aimless, I've been aware of her for a few years now and she just gets more and more bizarre with her lies
Tbh it's her/Merseyside polices fault I found her. Had she not made that tiktok I would be non the wiser lol...pat on the back eh-meyyyy.

Also, daddy's money funding everything and she's constantly hulking that monstrous neon orange Marc Jacobs bag around 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ this is why I believe the Steven Gerrard story to be cock and an ex footballer he can have his pick of women. If he's gonna cheat on his wife I can't believe that a man of his fame and wealth wouldnt have at least chosen someone classy/attractive...but no were expected to believe he took one look at the nightmare before christmas nails and Matalan wedges and thought corr that's a bit of me 🫠
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She’s really dropped the ball on this and shown her hand .
If she had been truthful and everything people have said about her isn’t true then this ‘woe is me’ account should have been a godsend to her.
If someone came online making out they were gonna out me etc I would laugh and tell them to do it ! Cause it wouldn’t be true . She could have proved that it was just trolls and everything being said is rubbish .
What she did is panic ! Telling others to report the account , claiming to have called police etc . That video the police allegedly told to post (not buying that for a minuet ) is literally her trying to scare someone into being quiet .

That’s the actions of someone who really doesn’t want something coming out .

She’s outed herself by her reaction IMO
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Great thread title!!
Loving the tea @thequietone and I love how some of you are using crowded butthole 😂😂👌🏻 that is one of my most fave tattle achievements, coming up with that one 😂😂
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‘That’s how it is with me and Steph, we just pay the bill and don’t think about it’

a) you meet like twice a year 🤣🤣

and b) of course you would say that since you bunked up in her hotel room this time 🤣🤣🤣
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I've been thinking!
I wonder if this was an " innocent comment," or was she trying to tell us/herself something?
She protesteth too much about what a wonderful time she had in London
(and needs to tell her face and body language that if this was true!)
She looked as miserable as sin in all the unfiltered photos and totally out of her depth.
Has Princess Piglet realised she is indeed out of her depth, I wonder?
" if there is a next time!👀
Aimee is a deeply unhappy person. Her life won’t be very fulfilling and it’s all down to her. She could provide her daughter with a great life but chooses to lavish herself with designer items and harrods Prosecco. Gifts and toys for Harper will be thrown in a skip eventually but memories would truly last a lifetime and she does nothing to even attempt that. Her life is so empty, she doesn’t need a man at all, no woman does but she has a family around her that many would kill for but her mum and sister are as vacuous as her. She can go to all the events she wants but at the end of it she comes home to the same day in day out routine of drinking, ignoring her daughter and being enabled by her arse of a mother.
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You’re absolutely right Steph, you probably can’t wait for her downfall either. After all was Aimee not bitching about you to SJ right before the London trip.
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I notice she hasn’t done a cocky video to SJ. I reckon she is scared of SJ. She has surely heard what has been said today seeing as someone blabbed in the comments. She will then no doubt have come here for the tea. Aimee is too much of a pussy to try and stand up to her.
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VIP Member
I was having a bit of a low moment regarding the loss of my babies and thinking about Aimee and how quickly she bounced back. Call me a bitch but anyone else think she had a termination rather than a miscarriage?
I don’t think she was ever pregnant. I’ve got a friend whose lost 3 babies, she was absolutely devastated after the first & has never been the same since. Aimee calling the kittens babies is not something a person who’s experienced a MC would do.
im so sorry for your loss & I hope you feel some peace in time ❤
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Chatty Member
If she's only been away for one night "for work", why the need for presentS for her crotch goblin?
Surely you go to work to earn money not spend it?
She's ridiculous!!
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Latest Tik tok !!
I knew there was a reason woe disappeared!!
Police advise her to make a TT but not remove all her public images of her vulnerable child !!!
I see Daddy was there!! Ffs, nearly 40 and needs her poor father there once again to support her through situations SHE has created. My Dad would've told me to grow the fuck up, grow a pair and ignore it....but he also taught me to take no shit, never punch someone with your thumb inside your clenched fist and never be the sort of person that causes or enjoys drama....wise words I have followed.
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Harrods!!😳😳 Think she is proving a couple of points here - that she indeed does have money to burn. Not checked how much a Harrods Easter bunny is yet but I will. Daddy dearest had Harper and she bought him a bottle of alcohol! The whole video riled me more than others for some reason. Fuking Harrods!
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