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Is she angling for a recipe book deal?

Title suggestion: Vegan Recipes for the Whole Family (Except the Fussy Three)
Featuring Mac n cheese, LM Sausge rolls, PB sandwiches, smoothies, waffles and an array of soups. A cacophony of my favourites!
I’d be discombobulated with joy at the prospect!
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I think she is a sad, lonely, hypocritical, stupid bitch. She cares about nothing except herself, the gram and Coco. She is neglectful of Grayson, and his needs, (maybe additional needs?) She clearly has no friends, the fact that she refers to Insta as her friends! All the other mums in the playground probably avoid her like the plague! She thinks she is so special and a brilliant mother but I have honestly seen better mothers who are on low incomes and struggling everyday. The forced vegan thing is disgusting, the children should be allowed a choice, the whole thing is for attention and can’t be good for her growing kids. Especially Coco who already has issues with bowel movements! The way she refuses to put Coco down asleep is a big issue, she is making potential problems for that girl later down the line. I think she is the most ignorant, self absorbed, crap mum there is currently showing us her life on any social media platform. The fact she gets 2 days a week help from her mum where her mum sleeps over and she still complains about her life, pisses me right off. I have 3 children 2 of which have additional needs and the 3rd is a baby, my partner works long hours to support us all and I have no parents/in laws that help me. The woman infuriates me so much I had to vent somewhere! Sorry folks rant over!
This this this 🙌🏻 I just can't wrap my head around this woman and how she gets away with half the crap she does 🤯 I've said for a very long time that Grayson exhibits some additional needs behaviour and it's heartbreaking to watch him be neglected. Hopefully nursery will pick it up some day. George reeks of privilege and I honestly think if she wasn't from the background she's in then people (her sheep) would have a different opinion of her.

Also, her body language in the picture of Coco and her eldest speaks volumes. Both arms holding Coco and her back to Zach 😟 I'm sure she would've stopped at one child if her first born was a girl with the way she treats her other kids.

And the 'veganism' 🤮 Imagine if all the processed crap was chicken nuggets/burgers etc., just because it's 'vegan' doesn't mean it's actually nutritional. Her life literally revolves around how she looks on social media, I feel so sorry for her kids 🤯
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But that's essentially sleep training and depends soso much on temperament. That would NEVER have worked with my daughter, and I wouldn't want to leave her to cry even if it was only for a few minutes because she'd get more worked up and never sleep. I can't stand George but I don't see what the problem is here
For me, personally, I have never wanted to be in a position where at 18 months old I’m still actively doing things to get my child to sleep and getting little sleep/evening rest time myself. So, that’s what I’ve done with my kids. Partly from necessity that I have other kids to deal with at night and I really value my evening time to have time alone. BUT I don’t care if other people do it a different way, I don’t tell people my way is the only way. And that’s what I object to more with George. Everything she does is always nAtuRaL mOthERhoOd and hers is the best and only way to do it. I really find that objectionable. Because there isn’t one way, and as I said, personally if I was to mother the way she did I would have lost my mind a long time ago
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Breaks my heart to see coco struggling in those god awful clunky pink shoes! How can she have 4 kids and still not know that barefoot is best when they’re learning to walk, and I’d imagine even more so if your child has a diagnosed problem with their feet, as coco does!!!
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This comment confirmed why I never liked or did baby classes
That's all our George cares about anyway. That her kids look cute.

We've never been to a baby class either but because there aren't any where I live. I'd never say they're necessary but because George does f all with Coco accept sitting her in front of the TV, at least that little girl can get some stimulation from somewhere
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"Do you know how judgemental and offensive and upsetting your comment to me is? How on earth have you deduced that she watches TV all day form me posting one comment saying she enjoys listening to/watching music videos?
Instagram stories are 15 second clips. I intentionally show those few times she is interested in watching something on the iPad to help other Mums know it is ok for this little bit of downtime, it is normal for them to be interested, to share songs etc on there. I specifically pick my phone up to film this because I know there are people who make other Mums feel intense guilt and shame for this and I know how tough Mum life already is and want to comfort and reassure them.
Her interest in music is amazing, she feels the rhythm and dances and mimics the lyrics. She is mostly interested however in playing with her toys, and doing all the other things I also show.
Honestly if you are here to shame me you are in the wrong place as this is a positive, connective and most importantly real and raw space.
Please don’t pass judgement or make comments that are so unnecessary and unkind."
What a crock of shit. Real and raw space? Take your daughter outside and get her to connect with nature, not the bloody TV. Im actually embarrassed for her that she thinks her stories make Mums feel less guilt and shame, she makes me feel like Supermum so quite the opposite. I actually work full time and manage to take my little one out as much as i can. She has no idea what an iPad is and absolutely zero clue what a music video is. Funny that
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I couldn’t watch it all the way through but is the basic gist she wants recognition for doing the stuff she does as a mother? From her husband or from society in general? What does she want a fucking constant pat on the back?! Honest to god can’t she just do it without seeking validation endlessly? Is she only a mother so people will say oh well done! Good job! Christ she’s annoying.
I know she’s banged on about this before that she doesn’t get enough praise for all the crap she has to do. NEWSFLASH! If you’re parenting hoping someone will endlessly praise you then give it up. How often does she praise her husband for going to work I wonder?

Edit to add: sorry I’m on a rant roll now. Also wtf does she actually do that she thinks she should be praised for? She seems to spend most of her time on her phone talking to “friends” or buying shit. The only mothering she seems to do is the stuff she films for her god awful reels
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I’m going away and am not buying anything new, just taking what we’ve got and seeing as she’s got 4 kids as we all know she should be well stocked. I’m all for buying a few bits but she’s obscene.
Probably Grayson has got the ‘ritual’ from her and I think the pill pot is for ‘portion size’
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She’s always got her mum round, tries to make out she’s super mum looking after kids alone
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I genuinely don't understand the comments on her latest reel, people going "sorry your husband doesn't understand you need a break"...
He does? She left the house, he told her not to hurry home and that everything was fine? If she decided to ignore him, stress out and come home anyway surely that's on her? Am I missing something 🥴
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View attachment 1400916 Baby needs to learn to self settle in order to sleep independently… shocking information! It’s almost like this is what the ‘haters’ have been telling her for a year and running into coco’s room in 3 seconds flat for 12 months hasn’t actually been helpful 😂
But this isn't true though, self - settling doesn't mean she'll sleep through the night. I know tons of babies who put themselves to sleep but wake up and vice versa. And you can't teach a baby to selfsettle! She slept through cos she's sick 😂
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Anyone else think she looks like she might’ve lost more weight? She looks so tiny in her videos today I’m shocked. All the walking she does aswell … ?

I’m not sure if Coco is still waking at 4am and this is what she classes as sleeping through the night either?she’s gone a bit quiet with the times of it all
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So now she's going down the "Grayson is neurodivergent" path after constantly moaning about him. I know every child goes at their own pace but Coco is nearly 19 months and can barely move!! She can't crawl (which is still super important, even for bum shufflers and even after learning how to walk), she's only just learnt to climb the stairs, can barely pull herself up.. What does Coco do all day!? Sleep, get spood fed slop, watch TV and occasionally go to a class!? Oh and boob.
And watch the iPad from 4am. Don’t forget to not vilify that!
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Chatty Member
Babies need to be able to feel the ground underneath their feet to learn to stand and walk! Barefoot is always best, so find it hard to believe a physiotherapist has said that. However, I'm not an expert - surely if she needed shoes though, it wouldn't be THOSE shoes! Barefoot soles would be better.

My child was walking before he was 10 months old. He goes barefoot at home and I've always bought barefoot soled shoes for him. He's great on his feet, very active and confident.
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