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So hubby is home early from work… great time to pack!

erm no time for 20 stories showing absolute crap from Smiggle 🤦‍♀️
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So now she's going down the "Grayson is neurodivergent" path after constantly moaning about him. I know every child goes at their own pace but Coco is nearly 19 months and can barely move!! She can't crawl (which is still super important, even for bum shufflers and even after learning how to walk), she's only just learnt to climb the stairs, can barely pull herself up.. What does Coco do all day!? Sleep, get spood fed slop, watch TV and occasionally go to a class!? Oh and boob.
You forgot the daily outfit poses on the chair 😩

poor kid
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Oh and this has been highlighted on another thread before, but because George is a well-spoken, privileged white woman this form of behaviour isn't classed as abuse...speaks volumes 🤨
I can 100% say I have never bitched about my kids to strangers or to their face. I have inwardly complained and to my husband but that is it. I could not imagine talking about my kids the way she does. She is definitely joining in with this notion that toddlers/preschoolers are assholes. She gets the validation from her sheep who agree with her. But how fucking sad to openly think your kid is a bad child because they’re not silent. ACTUALLY PARENT YOUR OLDER KIDS!!
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Drinking bottled water could just take a glass up to bed but i doubt she’s care about plastic consumption
Single handedly destroying the planet with the amount of plastic she uses and shit she buys.
Oh but she’s vegan so it’s ok 🙄
(No hate to vegans btw, only to George)

She’s so bloody dramatic!!

saying she’ll never find time to pack the cases but will be interesting to see how long she spends on Instagram today talking to her ‘mates’

View attachment 1433899
Life in the covid house continues…
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It’s so weird isn’t it? Such a wholesome mother earth - must always shove a boob in at the first sign of crying - never sleep train - focus on your babies needs - stay up all night rocking to support them to sleep etc then just plonking a tiny baby in front of a massive tv ALL day.
The only time coco leaves the house is the school run and how many times have we heard that Grayson didn’t do classes or groups because of covid and yet coco is nearly 1.5 and hasn’t done one thing!
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Well-known member
View attachment 1398415 Ugh this toxic positivity “you are always doing your best” is bullshit. She takes the easy way every time and is definitely not always doing the best thing for her kid’s developmental.
Praising lazy parenting is not aspirational.
The reason she is getting up early is because you're giving her the iPad you absolute knobber.
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She had a tummy bug last week didn't she? Plus she seems to have been freaking out about all this insane packing for weeks. Might partly explain why she's looking run down. But I agree about the diet. It doesn't seem very nourishing despite all the fancy ingredients!

And did I dream it or did she say they're going to Greece next month?? 😲
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The suitcase of food is just bizarre! Do the kids even know they’re on holiday?! I’m surprised she didn’t check if the villa was the exact lay out of her house just so the kids felt at home. Very very strange behaviour!
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who’d of thought if you stopped putting turbans and bows on your newborns head 24/7 her hair would actually grow 🫣
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Does anyone else also think it's terrible the way she talks about Grayson infront of him? I think it's kind of rude anyway, but particularly when she's saying that when he talks it's indecipherable... Way to put your kid down and destroy his confidence!
it’s sooo uncomfortable that she just dismisses him so she can go talking back to her phone
Said it before but makes me laugh how she thinks she’s such a good Mum cos she tends to Cocos every need when she’s trying to sleep etc but on other hand she has a child she barely acknowledges when he’s trying desperately to get her attention 🤦‍♀️
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Poor kid goes to bed at 6 when most working parents are just getting in from work
And she then wonders why she wakes up non stop between bed and midnight … errrr duh she’s not tired enough love. She’s so irritating I barely watch her stories anymore. Nothing she does parent wise is ‘normal’ anymore
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Packed these in her eldest airport bag cos she thought the little compartments were fun putting different bits in each one

Isn’t he 10? I doubt he’s going to find opening a compartment to find 2 starburst sweets fun!

Plus putting them in a pill compartment especially when around smaller kids who might see these at grandparents etc doesn’t seem like the smartest idea?

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She has bought so much pointless shit!! And just imagine all her sheep thinking they need all this shit too! I have no words! For someone who always moans that she has no time, she seems to have found enough time to buy all this crap.

God imagine how uptight she's going to be on holiday. I do wonder what her husband must really think of her.
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She’s going to have the exact same realisation with the iPad in a few months. ‘Guys did you know we did a few nights in a row where we didn’t give coco the iPad at 4 am and instead rocked her back to sleep and now she sleeps longer!’ Mind blowing 🙄
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The fact she calls it “vegan” is a joke. It’s processed food replacement diet. Other than cucumber I don’t think I’ve seen another vegetable/salad item on her kids plates. We’re not vegan and it’s pissing ridiculous she claims her diet is healthier than ours. In fact, her just saying it’s healthier as a blanket statement is pissing me off

Also, if she’s doing an “ask me anything” she must be desperate for content. I’m guessing she’s posted all the questions where people have supposedly said something like “no question, just want to say I love your page so much and you have given me the confidence to hug my baby 🥰
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I find it so strange that she’s on her 4th child and still has to ask when to give Calpol for a temperature 🤔
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