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Parents don't have ti stay with their kids so if she's took him home against their medical advice surely that's a referall to SS?
You do if they’re admitted from home. It’s only if admitted direct from the maternity ward you wouldn’t have to stay. We were admitted for suspected sepsis when my oldest was 4 weeks (super scary time but thankfully all was well) and I remember the nurses getting really frustrated because a woman kept going off leaving her child for ages, saying it was for a phonecall etc.
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Anyone follow mummysflippinhouse? Love or hate but I love her and she’s had a baby also her third same day as Sarah almost, and wow what a difference. Hunkerin down in her pjs. Not getting alll glammed up not trying to be out doing. She struggles with pnd previously and finds breastfeeding hard so she’s just hunkered down focused on feeding taking it day by day and recovering. She had a few tough days with it and has a bleeding duct on one side and it needed a break and she said ‘so I’m just going to give her some formula’ It’s a breath of fresh air.
She has her own thread . Takes things to the other extreme lazy mare 😂
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Yes - that’s true. She may have got a second line which wouldn’t have been that antibiotic. NICE Guidelines are 10 - 14 days for the initial course so I’m confused with what looks like a possible 7 day course of a first line treatment but been taking it for two weeks?! So that’s making me wonder if, for some reason, she’s been given another course of the same one. It’s all very odd and doesn’t make any sense so entirely par for the course with SOMEONE!

I now think the prescription has said take 4 times a day for 7 days and, because Sarah knows better than anyone else, she’s decided to do 2 per day x 14. Because who’s going to do what some know all doctor says 😂. All they do is try to force you to be induced and ruin movie nights by dragging CAK back to the hospital for spurious “thick blood” reasons 😂
Yeah fluclox is usually 4 times a day for 7 days. God know why she’s not followed it, was she hoping it wouldn’t work? Tried to long them out to add more pressure on hoping sinbad will stay? It’s plain as day the navy wouldn’t let him just because his wife is dippy.
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Whereabouts in Aberdeen do her parents stay? Which chippy will they be using? Just so I know which one to avoid tonight 😂
Are they Shire?
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Is a solo adult allowed to fly with three children? I thought there was a rule that it could only be two because in case of emergency you can’t put the oxygen masks on quickly enough for all of them
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Well let's hope not. I think the issue is more of extreme rigidity of thinking and failure to put baby's needs at the heart of her decision making/prioritising. That serious in and of itself. It's a sad thing to see because he's not in good shape. Seeing it played out on Instagram where this vulnerable baby is passed about for photo ops, likes and clout is horrible.
Although this is very different circumstances to her mother in laws illness, some of her posts feel similar. Or that they have similar motivations? It’s like she gets a buzz from it.
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If the baby was satisfied surely he would be having proper naps by now? If he’s waking up after 15 minutes then he needs a better feed. I can only go on my own babies but if they were changed and fed then they napped, poor little boy must be miserable.
But didn't she say he's sleeping 1/2am till 6am at night.
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So today has been:

1. Bloods at hospital
2. Nail appointment
3. Returns (presumably having to go to post office etc)
4. Buying Isla shoes

When is the necessary frequent expressing taking place? Where is the baby whilst all this is going on? With Sinbad? Because he needs fed frequently - breast milk (including expressed) is much more easily digestible than formula plus he needs frequent feeds to deal with the jaundice issue. When and how is this happening?

separately, the midwife is not going to want Lachlan and Isla bursting in during any procedure; particularly if Sarah is doing her dying duck act because she’s been asked to support the head and comfort her newborn. Let’s hope Sinbad has taken them to their second home - Costa!
I don't get it. Yes she has other children, but there's a large gap between them and they're at full time school. She's probably still bleeding post birth, she needs to chill out and put that baby first!
here you are. Your eyes will be opened. I started off thinking she was funny but she’s as insufferable as the rest of them, and entitled !
Omg thank you, I didn't know she had a thread, I've not followed her long, but a couple of things I've found myself rolling my eyes at! Off for a read!