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Randy Marsh

'So many horrible comments and coming from other women as well.'

Just because someone has the same genetalia as you shouldn't mean they have to have the same views.
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Celebs and influencers. Boot them all off Social Media. Close down Instagram and what will they do, how will they make money then!!! 😂😲
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There's a woman on my fb that is forever sharing family pics to try and prove happy families. Except her kids are teenagers and they don't look happy about it. One time one of them was playing and she filmed them through the glass, then opened the door and they went all shy and said, you better not put that on fb. She said, no I won't! But she did. I was really shocked. Talk about a lack of respect. And for what purpose??
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Sick of everyone posting a picture of their ass in a bikini when they're kneeling and arse is on their feet or sitting on the edge of a swimming pool
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This!! I have never met an English cab driver or cleaner....i Iive in London and have not once met an English person doing any such jobs, waitress, cleaner, cab driver, take away worker, delivery driver etc
My husband is an hgv driver, he's been saying for years that British people aren't interested in that job because it's long hours, early starts and lots of lifting. Fast forward to Brexit, all the Europeans go back from whence they came and oh look there is a massive shortage of lorry drivers! (It's worked out alright for my husband though he's had a 10k pay rise already!)
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Attention seeking
"Thank you to those who helped me yesterday in Tesco carpark"

Then when someone shows concern and asks what happened they go

"I dont want to share, or "its not something I want to elaborate on"
Or the ones who do a good deed and help a little old lady cross the road then feel the need to post and ask "anyone know if the little old lady I helped cross the road today made it home OK?" Yes, you're a wonderful person, well done 👏🏻 👏🏻
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I actually like TikTok and have found some really good content on there. But Christ there is some absolute bollocks on it and then the trends get done to the absolute death. There’s one at the minute where the music over the top is some kid singing about being an international spy and the videos with it are just annoying as fuck.
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Does anyone have a relative / friend who likes everything they (i mean me, not liking their own posts) post? I do and I'm sure she sometimes goes searching for things I've posted. And then there's quite clearly not having a clue what I'm talking about.
Yes. My mum 🙈 she even followed me to Instagram as I started posting less on FB
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Blue pumpkin

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You can be quietly and modestly proud of your kids achievements without bragging to all and sundry. No one genuinely cares.
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going to hell here -
We’ve had a few locally set up to pay people’s friends’ car excesses?! Actually fuck off! I know the cost of living is high & wages are low but I find it inexcusable when we’re in a nice bit of London that ppl are begging to pay a £500 insurance excess, and it’s always the case the mate that set it up only gives a tenner too?! Sorry but you either pay slightly higher monthly to get a cheaper excess or you hedge your bets that you’ll not use the insurance and pay the higher excess for cheaper monthly repayments. You can’t get it both ways?!
eurgh I hate it when people beg! If they can’t afford it then don’t have it! I saw one where a girl had asked people to put towards a house deposit! How about save yourself stupid woman!
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People who upload pics of their kids but cover their faces or only show the back of their head. Just don’t put pics of them up in the first place if you’re that worried about their privacy. So weird, they want to respect their kids privacy but still want to brag about them on social media. You can’t really have it both ways.
this! I don’t agree with overexposure of kids on social media but the emoji over the face or the back of the head shot is more attention seeking in my mind. ‘Look at me,I don’t expose MY kids like those other celebs/influencers’. It just looks like they are looking down their noses at other parents and it’s so unnecessary.
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I’ve a friend on fb who got married 2 weeks ago. From the moment she got engaged it was “6 months until I’m Mrs …” “only 5 months until I walk down the aisle”. Then the few weeks before it was in days “22 days etc”. Then hours. After she got married I thought at least that’s over now. Nope how wrong I was. “4 hours since” “3 days since I became Mrs…”. I’m now at “a fortnight since I said “I do”. Was surprised I didn’t get “6 hours since we shagged”. I’m thinking of unfriending 🙃
That’s pissing me off and I’m not even their friend 😂😂
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Humble bragging is still everywhere and in all different forms. They actually invent new ways time and time again to humble brag.
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People who write ‘vegan’ beside their profile picture. Yet to see anyone with carnivore or meat eater written.
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I can 100% understand gofundmes here in the US for medical bills. Our healthcare system is a joke and being sick can bankrupt you even if you have (or can afford) health insurance. Being sick can ruin you financially and completely ruin your credit and then you're fucked. (I've never donated to one though, can barely afford my own med bills).

But these gofundmes shouldn't be necessary in the first place; we need universal healthcare. I hate it here.
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Parents posting their child’s entire report card including the name of the school and other details. Relative of mine did this, no need.
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Funeral footage
Literally photos and videos of the day in there mass
And even worse selfies with everyone at the event like it’s a night out
Last thing I would want to do when I’m burying and saying goodbye to my relative for the last time
Some things should just stay private out of respect to the deceased
The fact that funeral selfies and live streams are a thing now just make me want to die myself, tbh. What a vulgar world people are creating, it's obscene to me.

How have grown adults come to need such constant attention every single day?
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Blue pumpkin

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People who whinge about the pandemic as though it's victimising them personally "I can't see my mum blah blah blah". Get in the bin.
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