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Kofi Annan

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People asking why the police helicopter is circling AND my new pet peeve is fireworks, in the day!!!
Someone will always say "what were those fireworks for? my dog is terrified" and then get jumped on by others saying "my mate died, we were honouring him, FFS, you can't do anything anymore, weren't you a kid once" etc.....
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English people who say 'Mom' boils my piss. And the 'You got this Mummaz' And of course the illiterate influencers which let's face it is most of them
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The covid jab card that everyone keeps posting like it's gonna go out of fashion. No one gives a shit. I mean I know I certainly don't.
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Chatty Member
Product dumps - where people actually go out, spend a fortune on different coloured cleaning products and then pour them all in the bath or down the toilet. This results in a big sludgy diarrhoea coloured mess which they then run their hands through for fun... IT’S NOT FUN PEOPLE 🤯
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The Happy Fathers Day to my Mum/best friend doing both jobs posts, I completely understand some fathers are awful but it’s not like we haven’t had Mother’s Day this year.
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The same houses!
Everyone has those square cream tiles in there kitchen with an island and hanging ceiling lights. The cabinets are either grey, white or black.
Same goes for the dining room and living room, there's no character and doesn't look lived in at all.
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People posting absolutely everything about their child. Jeez, give them some bloody privacy!
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Pictures of the school lunchbox. Like little Melodie-Mae will even have time to eat her homemade sushi rolls, carrot straws, celery curls, punnet of strawberries & gluten free muffin.
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People who need to announce that they're taking a break from social media. Why? I assume that people who want to get in touch with you will have your contact details, and lets be honest - no one cares about what you post that much. The whole thing isn't world ending
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People who post their children's report cards. I'm mortified for them. I honestly couldn't give two hoots whether Maisie and Arlo got an A for effort/behaviour. Just frankly couldn't give a crap. Surely nobody except their parents and maybe grandparents care.

Plus, I would have been so embarrassed if my mother had done that to me when I was at school.
Then there are the parents who would love to upload their child’s report but know that’s pretty bad form, so instead they vaguebook about it. “So proud of my little superstar! So so proud!”
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Pro-Vax vs Anti-Vax 'debates' on social media. Here is a debating tip for people on both sides - if you condescendingly talk down to the other person like they are a three year old, they will not listen to you, and neither will any fence-sitters observing the conversation. Because it makes you, and other people on your side, look like dicks.

It really is Leave vs Remain all over again, where people are more bothered about getting likes from their side instead of actually convincing anyone.
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Dont swipe up!

VIP Member
Fucking school reports!!!
Everywhere on the socials the past two days!
Screenshots of the report for all to see !
Like if you really have to then say how proud you are blah blah blah but to post the report of what the teacher has said and grades etc is just too much!!
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It’s the posts on Facebook that seem caring but are really not, children with disabilities and or special needs are not weird or odd, no they are not, but thanks for the extra stigma. Nobody wants to wish this child ( for whatever reason) a happy birthday, have a heart etc. And the terrible grammar, your welcome, bargin, it’s bloody BARGAIN!🤬 People that don’t use punctuation, or if they do it’s overuse of question and exclamation marks, you’re coming across as a bit mental in my opinion. Everything about social media pisses me off really.
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Article like that, how they paid off their mortgage, they have a few common theme:
1. We bought our house for 6p, and now the price rose to £2. it means we made shit loads of money
2. We earn a lot of money but our monthly expenses is only 2p
3. We lived at home to save up for deposit
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Girls uploading pics of themselves with another girl and putting caption as 'twinnnniiieeeesss' or 'my twin🤩😍🤩🥰😍🤩🥰' when they look sod all alike
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