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Yep, add older kids in night nappies, leaking nappies, leaking sanitary protection, adults shitting themselves in public... all extensively posted about by perverts.
Exactly. Add in the piss troll, who always uses the term 'gushing' and 'soaked' after describing an incident of urinary incontinence. Sad fuckers.
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Not just social media, but also all message boards, forums and Discord servers -

motherfuckers pretending they're getting death threats and harassment

Ultimate trump card, innit? They've come out all guns blazing, their arguments turned out to be so much wine-born bollocks, and now everyone thinks they're a prawn. But it's only because they're just so stressed because of the threats and harassment they've received. Honest, guv, some of the DMs they've been getting are horrifying. What, no, they can't show you, they respect confidentiality, even when it's apparently someone issuing death threats, and anyway they deleted them, and anyway they lost the logon for the account and also they left the phone in their other jacket. And that jacket is with their Canadian girlfriend.

And the worst part is, because journalists in the UK are the most credulous fuckwits on God's green Earth, invariably this leads to them getting a puff piece on the One Show, a few articles in the Daily Mail and a semi-lucrative podcast tour.

Utter. Fucking. Desolation.
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Chatty Member
It's worse when they post a pic of a kid and they say "excuse little johnnies bed hair", like people are going to judge a kid for not looking perfect in a photo! Parents like that are the worst and their kids will grow up feeling shit about themselves.
That stuff is awful because not only are you basically criticizing your kid in public, you're putting them on a platform where all people do is alternately fawn and criticize you for everything you say, wear and do. Is it really that hard to keep your kid off social media until they're at an age where they can understand some of the consequences of putting everything online? You wouldn't show your family photo albums and personal diary to random people in the street, so why is it OK to put it all in front of a huge audience??
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Chatty Member
Chiming in to agree, it's distasteful to show off excess imo. If you want to go big and over spoil, then go knock your socks off, but, if the only reason you're doing it is so you can post such photos on SM, then you're tacky.

I've seen one tonight, all set up for the kids to wake up to, they're both under ten and must have twenty eggs each, some of the massive ones too. Their mum captioned it gleefully laughing at those who have struggled to get hold of Easter Eggs this weekend and how they should have started early like she did. Juts think that's really mean to be so proud of your haul when you know others have struggled. (I know leaving it so late is a bad idea, but, there normally are more eggs left any other Good Friday/Easter Saturday)
Oh, so that's why they were sold out!! Proper miffed, because I used to always buy them when they were reduced - can't justify spending 5+ quid on an egg ;-;
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I’m probably going to hell for this comment but whilst it’s an absolute tragedy about the little boy getting struck by lightning and my heart goes out to his family & friends of course. I fail to see how everyone posting nine football emojis jumping on yet another bandwagon does anything.
My wife's done this - I really don't want to say anything to her because whatever I say will make her feel bad, so I'm just keeping schtum.
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I'm baffled by why so many people I know post detailed information about their family's lives. Troublesome teenagers, school trips, marital disputes, romantic dinners (also what they had for tea on Thursday - wtf is that?) Their beautiful kids' pics everywhere, disputes with employers - the names of their employers ffs. People have Facebook cover photos showing them and their three kids outside the school gates. It's like they don't realise every creep with a FB account can see that pic and often can also see the comments underneath it which often give out waaaay too much information.

I don't recall my Mam running down the High St with photos of us saying "Look at my kids aren't they adorable? Btw do you want to know what school they go to?" to random blokes in mucky trench coats. But what these people do is absolutely the equivalent of that.
When scrolling I've accidentally clicked on someone's profile. Cant believe that some have open profiles with photos of their kids.
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VIP Member
I’m probably going to hell for this comment but whilst it’s an absolute tragedy about the little boy getting struck by lightning and my heart goes out to his family & friends of course. I fail to see how everyone posting nine football emojis jumping on yet another bandwagon does anything.
I haven’t seen that, thank goodness. Absolute ghouls.
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Are there any like anti-influencers telling people the reality? Or are they classed as influencers influencing people to be anti-influencers 🤔
Good question if a tad confusing ☺ I’m not aware of anyone who uses their platform for the greater good and breaks down Instagram users who claim to be successful influencers. Youngsters aren’t aware that a lot of these influencers are up to their neck in debt trying to sustain a lifestyle they can’t afford and selling their souls so they can appear successful. It would be quite refreshing to have one come forward and say you know what it’s all a load of shite.
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I don't know will this be unpopular but I can't stand seeing people repost happy birthday posts from their friend's insta stories to their own stories. It seems very cringe and narcissistic to me? "looks at all the people who said happy birthday to me!!!". I have a friend who gets angry at me each year because I say happy birthday to her privately and she outright gets pissy that I don't make a post for her. It's so bizarre to me.
Especially when there 40 of them. Yawn
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Chatty Member
The filtered women (and men) on Instagram actually look like aliens.
I thought the original pic of khloe Kardashian showed a pic of a really pretty, natural girl with a lovely figure yet she insists on looking like Michael Jackson.
Those asian beauty apps are especially bad for making people look like aliens/Playstation 2 graphics/badly drawn anime characters!! Some of the finished pics are terrifying, don't for the life of me understand why people think that's cuter then how they look irl.
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This kind of thing. This is from a jobs page on fb. Someone has written ‘interested’. I am genuinely curious as to what that person thinks is going to happen as a result of her saying ‘interested’. In fairness, on this occasion, the original poster didn’t say what anyone interested needs to do to apply but I’ve seen loads of similar posts where there is an instruction and people still just put ‘interested’. How is this a good approach?!
They could at least specify which they’re interested in I could imagine there’s a bit of a difference working in WH Smith than in McDonald’s. Still it could be worse they could be commenting F or bump.
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Wellness coaches
agreed, especially because my job is health coaching (not a fad one, Ive been employed by the nhs and other organisations and have the correct qualifications lol). I always think when I tell someone my job role that they will assume I’m one of these ‘hubs’ who became a wellness coach by doing a 1 day course on utter rubbish!!
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People sharing Go Fund Me pages with “Everyone needs to get behind these guys and show support”
when you know they themselves haven’t donated it’s just to make themselves look good.
Reminds me of a few years ago when everyone was asking for money to go far flung destinations to 'walk for charity' or pretend to build a hut somewhere. The ones I saw didn't get many donations but I'm sure some did
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I think my husband might be about to become a Tattler. He said to me last night

"I don't really look much at Instagram but I fell down a hole... What the actual fuck is a Mind PT, and why is every other person one?"

I'll send him a link haha!
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Sorry to hear you went through this 😰 I think you’ve hit the nail on the head too - it’s as if you didn’t battle hard enough. When really, you’re at the mercy of medical science and, to some extent, luck. 😰
Somebody has to loose the battle, all too often cancer wins :(

Sick of seeing? The growth of cancel culture for one, people who believe fake facts and can't be asked to fact check before repeating the nonsense themselves as though their words were written stone and social media character assassination of individuals, families and groups who don't fit some agenda or other...there are more but thats a start.
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