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When a mum posts a pic of herself and her teenage daughter having lunch, someone is bound to comment "Sisters!"

Yeah, sisters where one looks 30 years older than the other 🙄
Lol, my parents' friends do that and I'm 25, my mom's 56. Just slap me in the face instead of saying "Twins." 😂
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Clicky women on social media that put patronising comments on each other’s posts that others read as nice but some see for what they really are
It’s very popular with the older generation against the younger, I don’t know if it’s because there insecure or arseholes or both
I’ve not noted men doing it just women
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I completely agree I notice the fella who took the photo is appearing in all the papers now, he could of just bought him a pint without plastering him all over social media.
The old guy's face seems to be blanked out in a lot of the news media posts too, so are we to assume he didn't give his permission for his photo to be taken and plastered all over the place?

How ironic but also very unsurprising that it's now the virtue signaller's face that we are seeing everywhere.
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The obsession with the moon?
Might just be who I follow but they're all obsessed with the bleedin moon!
Their Twitter display names/bios go something like:
"Moon sis"
"Moon enthusiast"
It's pretty but I'm not going to make it one of my personality traits????
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People who think having type 1 diabetes is a personality trait and has it on their Instagram/Twitter bio
I'm aware its not some mildly irritating medical condition, but a friends son has it. Almost every status has something to do with his condition. They even "celebrated " the anniversary he was diagnosed.

When you post something and give out the relevant information and get things like f, (following) people tagging their friends or one i had a few weeks ago, someone asking me where I lived / my gp surgery. (I was whinging about how crap they are) As if I'm going to give that information out! I know location is sometimes relevant and I will mention it.
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And I bet they post the same shit on mumsnet AS WELL!
I think a certain number of posts on Mumsnet about children are perverts, looking for wank fodder. Threads along the lines of toddlers masturbating, pre-teen girls behaving in a sexual manner, my son/daughter has a lump on their genitals, child had an explosive poo in the supermarket etc etc.
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People reposting Pinterest photos on their stories... hundreds daily, starting to feel like tumblr :cautious:
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Yeah, I'd be thinking there is no boyfriend if the boxes are blacked out. I'm a Sceptical Sally, but it does delight me when people go all Walter Mitty on SM. It must be exhausting to hide the truth!
I'm inclined to think the same. If you were going to post about a boyfriend, surely you'd either show their face or just not post at all if privacy was more important?
I'm baffled by why so many people I know post detailed information about their family's lives. Troublesome teenagers, school trips, marital disputes, romantic dinners (also what they had for tea on Thursday - wtf is that?) Their beautiful kids' pics everywhere, disputes with employers - the names of their employers ffs. People have Facebook cover photos showing them and their three kids outside the school gates. It's like they don't realise every creep with a FB account can see that pic and often can also see the comments underneath it which often give out waaaay too much information.

I don't recall my Mam running down the High St with photos of us saying "Look at my kids aren't they adorable? Btw do you want to know what school they go to?" to random blokes in mucky trench coats. But what these people do is absolutely the equivalent of that.
Exactly that. Just so much easier not to post anything at all. It's almost like people have to post something just so they have something to post.
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👩‍💼 I ain’t yo momma! 🎶

👹 Yes, I do the laundry 🎵

I recoil in horror at people who have tiktok Instagram accounts. Leave that shit over there! F*cking platform bastardisers.
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Couples/familes who live together but post messages to each other on a public level

Tomorrow we'll have been together for tens years, here's looking forward to many more happy wonderful years spent with you ❤


Thank you for making me the proudest Dad in the world. I'm grateful to be starting my parenting journey with you
#I'm such a twat because she's sitting right beside me and I could have just told her to her face

Just tell the person, the world doesn't need to know.
Yes plus family members too. Cam you not call or text each other why use social media? Ah yeah so all can see! 🙄
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People calling there parents mummy and daddy on social media when is real life their parents are in there 80s and the daughter calling them mummy and daddy her 60s
Who when with them in real life calls them neither of these names 🙄 mainly screams and shouts
Also twats that’s use gotta instead of got to
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Ruby’s mum

VIP Member
Couples/familes who live together but post messages to each other on a public level

Tomorrow we'll have been together for tens years, here's looking forward to many more happy wonderful years spent with you ❤


Thank you for making me the proudest Dad in the world. I'm grateful to be starting my parenting journey with you
#I'm such a twat because she's sitting right beside me and I could have just told her to her face

Just tell the person, the world doesn't need to know.
I have a follower on instagram like this. He seems a really nice guy from the stuff he posts but everything with his wife in is nauseating, referring to her as his 'gorgeous beloved wifey' 🤢 And saying how he is looking forward to the most mundane stuff with her - this evening's walk/cooking dinner/ watching a film #wifeyforlifey #soulmates. They must be in their 40's but sound like 14 year olds
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Chatty Member
So then they write a long, rabbiting paragraph “why was my post deleted. Admin are getting like little hitlers”
Same as tattle, someone derails a whole thread about something not even related to an influencer thus spoiling it for everyone then throws a strop that their junk was deleted :rolleyes: plus often chucks in a big old lie.
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Ohhhhhhhhh I see! Thank you, I was so confused 🤣 There was a guy in my home town who posted a picture of him taking money out of an ATM that had been left there, then said he was giving it to charity?!? Why would you A: take a wad of money out of an ATM machine and give it to charity, you’d surely take it to the bank?!? B: post it online as a ‘good deed’?! Twat.
I am 95% sure that cash gets sucked back into the machine after a certain amount of time so if just stand guard for s while it will go back. That's a good deed!
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Chatty Member
Middle-aged mums on Facebook! When I was a teenager they drove me to quit! I couldn’t take the cringe!
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The word “hack” and the people who think they are genuinely revolutionary because they suggest you should get a bin for your car so it doesn’t get messy, or some other equally obvious “top tip” that most people have been doing forever.

See also “haul”. It reminds me of when I was a kid and would go clothes shopping, then come home and make my family watch a ‘fashion show’ of me putting the outfits on. They weren’t really interested then, and I’m not interested now in seeing grown adults show off what they can afford to buy!
Wait, what? A bin in a car? Revolutionary! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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