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The woman from Terrorhawks (clue in the title really!) and the monkeys from the wizard of oz.. I still can't wait that film to this day and I'm 38.
Zelda? She terrified me too. 😔

Tripods. Completely freaky program about aliens that used to put some kind of implant in the back of humans' necks.
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I was horrified when she got bit, was totally fooled into thinking all fairies were good 😂! Thanks so much for writing this. Recently I spent ages trying to remember what it was called & I was scrolling through lists. It was definitely on Citv. The other episode came into my head & I think the concept of it is more scary as an adult than it was back then.
No problem at all. I'm just glad that other people remember it too! I hope someone out there recorded it at the time and uploads it to YouTube.

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Rockin' Robin

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I was a MASSIVE scaredy cat as a kid, I finally grew out of it in my early twenties 😂 Here are some of mine:

- I don't care if anyone tells me they're meant to be funny but I completely blame The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes for a lot of my fears. Some of them are shit scary!! The zombie one, the one with the gremlin on the side of the bus carrying Flanders severed head, the one where the Pierce Brosnan house takes over, the one where they're eating the school kids in the cafeteria, the one where the gas turns them inside out, the one where Groundskeeper Willy kills them in their sleep.... I could go on and on.

- The Witches film. For some reason, they put it on as an end-of-term "treat", and I cried so hard the teacher had to take me out of the room and I remember months later I saw The Witches book in a National Trust gift shop and had a breakdown again lol.

- Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids, especially the story where the boy that never went to bed when his parents told him got his eyelids stitched open permanently as punishment. Watching this as a kid who consistently had trouble sleeping was awful, I thought some grim reaper was going to come to me in the night to stitch my eyes open.

- Watership Down and Animal Farm and Fox and the Hound were traumatising for me. Especially that beastly rabbit covered in blood.

- What was the sequel to Life on Mars called with the David Bowie clown running towards the camera in it? Life on Mars itself was pretty scary too with the little girl and the clown technical difficulties sign.... 😨
Ashes to Ashes.
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Rockin' Robin

VIP Member
When I was a kid, I used to walk through this small park that had rows of trees. In the winter time, when the trees had lost their leaves, the trunks were knobbly and the branches were spindlely, to me they resembled witches and evil spirits. I used to be terrified walking through that park, even if I was acompanied by someone.
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Oh and the jeepers creepers man. Still to this day I hate driving at night just incase he ends up on top of the car 🙈
Oh god how could I forget Jeepers Creepers. Even the music. Jesus that was horrific. I am never letting my children watch horrors 🙈
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Ouija Boards...
When I was 13, I stayed overnight at my friends house, her parents were out, and her older sister was supposed to be looking after us. We were all watching tv, when the older sister’s friend arrived with a “board game” for us to play.
I had never heard of a Ouija Board, so didn’t know what to expect.
The really weird thing was, after each spirit has answered the questions, you are supposed to say goodbye, but there was this one spirit that came through and I remember feeling really scared. And when we said goodbye to it, this mirror on the wall smashed, (it was one of those old coca-cola mirrors with a women’s face on it)....And when the mirror smashed- the only bit that was left intact, were the woman’s eyes..
I have never played a Ouija since...😱😱😱
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There was thus episode of Goosebumps where the character wakes up with worms under their pillow. Was terrified of worms til like last year and I started gardening... I am 28. Lol
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This thread has made me remember so much weird shit that was SO BLOODY SCARY to me as a child. Honestly though why was everything in the 90s so fucked up 😂
This advert honestly terrified me. What is even happening! How is this an advert for a car:

Also vaguely remember some sort of late night music video that had a skeleton in a shower/bath/toilet? I turned it off as soon as it came on. Thought it was smack my bitch up at the time but its not that song. It was a dance song though from what I can remember.

Also the extended video for rock DJ freaked me out so much I remember seeing it one morning before school and it took me by surprise.
I remember kids in school talking about the Rock DJ video and how gruesome it was!! I'd only seen the cut version during the day but remember staying up late watching the music channels one night and saw the full version!!
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The advert when a boy climbs a pylon to get his football and gets electrocuted. I was terrified of pylons for years as a child!
I am still terrified of pylons and will never ever forget when we had to watch that advert at school..awful but I suppose it did the trick!!
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Chatty Member
Being tickled
Ugh! My siblings and i used to dread going to see our 3 cousins as our uncle would tickle us! Looking back, I find it really odd. I guess times have changed, but I wouldnt even think to do that to my nieces and nephews. We were also pretty shy kids which made it more weird that he thought it was a good idea.
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Abe used to freak me out so much!

I also have a strong dislike for wind turbines... so creepy
Wind turbines...... there’s a row of about 10 not far from where I live, they really freak me out, luckily I don’t have to drive past them but when I do I’m scared stiff! Even thinking about them gives me the heeby jeebies 😩
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