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Active member
Haha! I’ve literally come on to say the exact the actual fck do you not know your child is starting nursery?!! Does she own a calendar? These things are organised in advance and surely when your child turns 3, you maybe find out what date they’re due to start!


Chatty Member
One of the mums from the original chat think they all fell out then she started talking about them and saying they were talking badly about Aimee etc but after last night don’t know if I believe that anymore. She’s shown a text from self cares best friend apparently talking shit about selfcare but then the best friend posted the entire conversation and it showed that this Stephanie girl has took it out of context to make it look bad. So makes me doubt anything shes said now, whole thing is pure childish
She said she had proof that they had been talking about other people’s kids and would share it but hasn’t. This is why you should avoid these mummy engagement groups. They are all nuts


VIP Member
What ever happened to the page/events she started with the social Mama's club Instagram page? And the lot of her 'friends' constantly banging on about bloggers who brunch?
It all stopped as quickly as it started as far as I can remember.


Well-known member
Couldn't agree more. She is very boring on Instagram and I think she knows that and that's why she's feeling overwhelmed. She feels pressure to be online almost 24/7 because that's the way she made her page and wants to be a successful influencer, yet she knows she doesn't really do anything worth while all day. Nothing of any real content anyway. She puts this pressure on herself and at times I almost feel sorry for her. I think she's addicted to her phone and any/all engagement she gets through replies and mentions etc so won't just have a few days of no Instagram. When she does "go quiet" she's straight back on the next day saying sorry (as if anyone actually cares) and then goes into detail about what her day consisted of anyway and how she just needed a break. It's a cycle and she repeats it often.
She has no time to do anything because her time is filled with her doing nothing. She's very very lucky to not have to work while also living in a nice house with her husband and 3 children and getting things #gifted regularly. I know not everything is as it seems in instagram, but loads of people would love that opportunity. She comes across as lonely and I guess spending all that time in your stories could make you feel less alone if you were in that mind frame.
I think she would definitely feel a bit better if she had some structure to her day, get up, get the kids ready for school and nursery and then set aside an hour or two throughout the day for her filming for instagram. Instwas she films everything, noone needs that many clips of you lying in bed saying you're overwhelmed.
I don’t actually think she is lonely, she seems close to her Mum and sisters, she has quite a lot of friends including ones with children the same age as hers, she seems quite close to her husbands sister and mother too.

Which makes it all more baffling that none of these people intervene.


New member
Said it before but so shocking how little supervision her children have. Agree with the comment above, no idea why she got another dog... I didn’t think she bothered much with the first one.

Always says she only shows her house when it’s messy to show others it’s ok to be like that but most of the time it’s clean. She shows it on her stories morning noon and night and it’s always the same.

Her husband seems to work really hard while she’s lying in her bed not even parenting her children. She also favours the little girl, you never see her playing with her boys.
What does her husband do for a living ?

I feel sorry for the oldest wee boy, he gets left to feed the two others and every time I see him standing on a chair to reach the fridge it makes my heart sink and she just laughs :( He was trying to open a big block of cheese the other day to feed the three of them, she walked in before he got the chance to start wiring into it with a knife - she should be reported to social services!!
I’ve had to unfollow . That’s scandalous that wee boy is doing that .

A while ago I thought her idea for a social club for mums was really nice . Her content, views and behaviours are very different from mine but I got sucked in to going to one of the events. She was a total mean girl with a group of horrible women who are total attention seekers who pull the mental health card to get sympathy when in fact they are truly awful human beings . Social mama was pretentious, full of herself and her friend at the event Daly dose of Genevieve was downright awful. She was so attention seeking and saying unkind things about women she knew from a town near Glasgow ( apparently she used to live there ) . I would never attend a social mama event again . EVER!!!
I am not surprised about Daly dose of Genevieve , Angelina or the little mermaid as she used to call herself . Strange person !!!!!

Tbf I’ve heard she has always spoke like that and her parents are quite posh too, probably hasn’t ever eaten a scotch pie, too council for her 😂

She was a kid on bam, the type who were privileged but pretended to be scheme. She lives in Barrhead now.

She made a long story about being bullied a couple of weeks ago. My friend went to school with her, the school she moved from due to bullying, and she couldn’t recall anything like that happening at all. Not to say she wasn’t but she was surprised when she saw the videos. I went to a different school in the area so I don’t know.

I went to school with her and can confirm she was not bullied. Jeeeeez
Who is the ex boyfriend?
His name is Dean. Very good looking man. I follow his girlfriend on Instagram and he is lovely .

Has anyone seen the new youtube video? Boring as fuck and totally cringe! At 1.45pm kids still had no lunch, but instead snacked all day, showing off the messy house, even the husband looks so bored with a face like 'can you just stop trying to become a celeb😂🙈' if she grows an audience, trolls will eat her for breakfast 🙈
What’s the YouTube ?
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Well-known member
was she not on holiday with her now husband when she claims to have snagged Ollie. She probably thinks she is funny but she is so embarrassing x

Tricia Doll

VIP Member
I know!!!! Wellness coach - where does that come from, but now she's doing an eyelash course WTF I just do not get this woman, there is nothing interesting about her, she is just a joke.
'need to buy a wee beauty bed it would seem' haha, wtf were you going to do lashes on your couch you moron?? 😂😂


VIP Member
So a McDonalds for lunch then off out for dinner tonight as well??
On the rare occasion I have a McD’s that’s me for rest of day!! If I had that feast they had at lunchtime I wouldn’t eat for a week.


Chatty Member
10 hours that you tube video has been up and she has 595 views and 37 likes. You would think with all those followers it would be more x


VIP Member
Exactly, it's really sad that she actually said that, it shows that she really does have a problem and social media isn't maybe the best place for her in her current mental state. I actually felt really sorry for her when I watched that, it seems wrong to talk about her when she obviously needs help and not that silly bint who claims to be her life coach giving her "love punches". She needs a good pal to be grounded with her, not these people who seem to be taking advantage of a girl who needs help. I really feel for her now, she's giving strangers details about her life that obviously trigger her issues.
I was expecting her to announce a pregnancy or a new job.


Active member
Probably on the mocktails cause she was driving? Doubt she's pregnant but stranger things could happen I guess!
Yeah or that 😂 I think because I always associate mocktails with kids or on a night out and you’re pregnant...normally I’d just have a soft drink if out for dinner and driving but yours is probably the real reason!
Those videos of her pretending to have poo on her hands and wiping it on the children is just so cruel in my opinion. The little girl is too young too understand. Absolutely disgusting. What nurturing mother does that!?!? Not funny. Disgraceful!
Havent seen this luckily, its disgraceful indeed.
I have reported it too, but i dont see instagram doing anything with it, i reported far worst things in the past too and nothing!


I can't really work out the layout, it seems quite strange downstairs and the bedrooms are very small even for a new build - wee girls room looks tiny.


VIP Member
Exactly! Strangers off the internet seem to be giving her more constructive criticism than her own friends and family. Saying that she seems the type that wouldn’t listen anyway, she wants to be insta famous. I’m waiting on the MLM bomb dropping, planting the seed with the live tonight from the “life coach” who does lots of lives with the Ketone sell outs.

Does anyone know how much followers cost to buy? And she wonders why no one watches her YouTube videos! 😮🤥
I honestly feel for her. She reminds me of a girl I know through a friend, easily influenced and too trusting of peoples bullsh*t. I know a few of her friends and can safely say they are so up their own arse they probably couldn’t care less about her mental well-being.